Spiny - Osaka

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

SPINY OYSTER BAR(スパイニーオイスターバー) - SPINY OYSTER BAR (スパイニーオイスターバー) - Pugetsound480.jimdofree.com

◇世界各地より季節に応じた牡蠣と鎌倉野菜、厳選ワインをカジュアルなスタイルでお楽しみ頂ける、福島区福島初!オイスターバー(牡蠣レストラン)です。 有名オイスターバーで修業したオーナーシェフが、牡蠣の魅力を存分にお伝え致します。 他では味わえない牡蠣料理の数々を是非ご堪能ください!!

SPINY OYSTER BAR(スパイニーオイスターバー) - SPINY OYSTER BAR (スパイニーオイスターバー) - Pugetsound480.jimdofree.com



G 850 D 3,500 B 4,500

ドメーヌデュタリケクラシック 白

G¥700 D¥2,700  B¥3,800

ハーハピノグリ 白

G¥850 D¥3,500 B¥4,500

 カンフーガールリースリング 白

  B 5,800



G700 D2,700 B3,800


  G700 2,700 B3,800





ファウンドストーンブリュット    3,900                        

バルディビエソ/エクストラブリュット 4,500  

ルイピカメロヴァンムスー       4,500



 ディーノレゼルバ5年    900



レチョート・デイ・ソアーヴェ 650

 グラッパ            850

Contact Spiny

住所 :

3 Chome-7-24 Fukushima, Fukushima Ward, Osaka, 553-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 553-0003
Webサイト : http://pugetsound480.jimdo.com/

3 Chome-7-24 Fukushima, Fukushima Ward, Osaka, 553-0003, Japan
アンディ on Google

焼き牡蠣がぷりぷりで大きくておいしかった! お酒の種類も豊富なので、食べ過ぎ飲みすぎに注意です!笑
Grilled oysters were large and tasty! Because there are abundant kinds of liquor too, be careful of overdrinking too much drinking! Lol
粟野美穂 on Google

I got a lot of really delicious!
cob take on Google

You can eat and compare seasonal brand raw oysters from around the country and around the world at a reasonable price while being a polite job. Great. There are several types of baked oysters, and there are plenty of menus other than oysters. Unfortunately, you can't use a star if you don't have one star. .
S I on Google

We got baked oyster platter, smoked, paella, iced of dessert and so on. Both of them are delicious, the beer is delicious and I also want to use the atmosphere of the store well. I want to drink by all means when we go abroad with multiplayer and variety of bottle wine. Recommended because calm shops were delicious, too
アッキーラ on Google

駅から徒歩10分ほどの距離にあり、 お洒落な佇まいの生牡蠣専門店、 オイスターバーです。 牡蠣料理が中心で、 シーフード料理もあり ワインや日本酒、カクテルにまで牡蠣中心 に取り揃えており、牡蠣愛が感じられます。 衝撃的だったのが、牡蠣餃子、 牡蠣と相性の良いのジンです。 ものすごく美味しかったです。 遠方から来た甲斐がありました。 オーナーさんやアルバイトの方の 丁寧な説明もあり、 満足いく食事ができました。 ありがとうございました。 また機会があれば、 訪問したいと思います。
It is about a 10 minute walk from the station, A store specializing in raw oysters, Oyster bar. Mainly oyster dishes There are also seafood dishes Oyster centered on wine, sake and cocktails You can feel the love of oysters. What was shocking was oyster dumplings, A gin that goes well with oysters. It was really delicious. There was an armor from far away. For owners and part-time workers There is also a polite explanation, I was satisfied with the meal. Thank you very much. if the opportunity shows itself, I would like to visit.
まさお on Google

生牡蠣がどうしても食べたくなって訪問。 生牡蠣は4種類を食べ比べ。 時計回りに味が濃くなるように並べてあって、ホントにどれも味が違う! わたしは大分の大入島の牡蠣が好きでした。 その他、ガーデンサラダもお野菜が新鮮で味が濃くて美味しかったです。 そこらの居酒屋のサラダとは全然違う! お野菜にもこだわっているみたいです。 ただ、ドレッシングは自由にかける式にしてもらえたら嬉しいです。 味が濃いのが苦手なので… おひとりさまでしたが、落ち着いた雰囲気のため安心して食事が楽しめました。 大人の落ち着いたグループ、カップル、おひとりさまでも満喫できると思います。
Raw oysters really want to eat and visit. Raw oysters eat four types and compare. They are arranged so that the taste is concentrated clockwise, and every taste is different! I liked oysters on Oishima Island in Oita. In addition, the garden salad also had fresh vegetables and it was delicious. It is completely different from the salad of the pub there! It seems that you are stuck with vegetables. However, I'm glad if you have a dressing that you can use freely. I am not good at having a strong taste ... Although I was alone, I enjoyed the meal with peace of mind because of the calm atmosphere. I think that it can be enjoyed even by a calm group of adults, a couple, and a single person.
ユメタマ on Google

仲良し女子会グループ4人でお邪魔させて頂きました!平日の夜にも関わらず梅田は何処も満席で予約が取れなかったので少し離れたスパイニーさんで予約(^^) 入った時私達4人しか居なかったので結構不安だったのですが全然余計な心配でした(^^)v 牡蠣も美味しかったですがその他のお料理も美味しくて大満足! マスターのあまり出しゃばり過ぎず控えめで誠実な対応にも交換持てました! 又今度新年会でお世話になろうと思います(^^)
I was in the process of disturbing you with 4 good friends groups! Umeda was not fully booked even though it was a weekday night, so it was not possible to make a reservation. When we entered, there were only four of us, so I was quite anxious, but I was anxious at all (^^) v The oysters were delicious, but the other dishes were delicious and great satisfaction! I was able to exchange for a modest and sincere response without being too talked about by the master! I will also take care of you at the New Year's party (^^)
Mark Rensiew on Google

Terrible! We went for raw oysters and wanted to eat a lot! We had booked a table! We were told that there was a limit to what we could order as other people were coming later!? so after a few so so nama gaki we were told NO MORE ALLOWED! A waste of time going there! I hope they close down soon!

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