Spa Shin'yokohama

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Spa Shin'yokohama

住所 :

Shinyokohama, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, 〒222-0033 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
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街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Shinyokohama, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, 〒222-0033 Kanagawa,Japan
Jimmy KMGOK on Google

Spa of Shin-Yokohama Fuji View Hotel. Go down steep stairs in the basement with a feeling of ending. It consists of two baths, a sauna and a sauna. There is no relaxing rest area and there are only two chaise lounges and a table set in the reception area. The hot water contains metasilicic acid and the like and is light brown with a slimy feel, and the texture is not bad. That said, no matter how much it is in front of Shin-Yokohama Station, I don't think the balance between facilities and rates is right. 1500 yen, with towel.
ぴぃぱん on Google

The bath is usually good, but I can't enjoy the drink after the bath because there is no vending machine. There was no smoking area and it was a minimum.
菅原裕貴 on Google

料金1500円で高い! とは思いましたが、行く価値があります!! 利用者がほとんどいない為、貸切で広いお風呂に入る事が出来ます!貸切風呂に行くと思えば超絶お得です!! お風呂から上がると肌がスベスベになっちゃいます。 お風呂お湯は40度前後で丁度いい、水風呂は20度前後で初めての人でも気持ちよく入れます。 タイルは少し滑るので気を付けてください! B1Fにあるのでエレベーターで行くことをオススメ致します!(階段は急、危ないのでやめたほうがいい。) 温泉→水風呂→休憩→温泉…………と続ける事で身体がいい感じに整います。
It costs as high as 1500 yen! I thought, but it's worth going! !! Because there are few users, you can take a private bath and take a large bath! If you think of going to a private bath, it's a great deal! ! When I get out of the bath, my skin becomes slippery. The bath water is good at around 40 degrees, and the bath water is around 20 degrees so that even a first person can comfortably enter. Be careful as the tiles slide a bit! Since it is on the B1F, we recommend taking the elevator! (The stairs are sudden and dangerous so you should stop it.) Hot springs → water baths → breaks → hot springs ………… and continue to improve your body.
たま on Google

月末金曜夜、男湯を一般利用。空いていて貸し切り状態。 何をするでもなく警備員が浴場をフラフラしていて目障り。なんで浴場を監視してるのだ。怒鳴り付けてやろうかと思った。 意味が分からない。二度と行かない。 1500円も高い。 JAFカード提示なら1000円だってさ。
General use of men's bath on Friday night at the end of the month. It is vacant and reserved. The guards were fluttering around the bathhouse without doing anything, which was annoying. Why are you watching the bathhouse? I thought I'd yell at you. I don't understand the meaning. I will never go again. 1500 yen is also expensive. If you show your JAF card, it's 1000 yen.
yas menehune on Google

幾らいい泉質の温泉といっても、施設の設えに余り清潔感を感じなかったり、いつ行っても混んでいる、という経験や思いを抱く人は少なからずいるでしょう。 〈新横浜温泉〉はこんなあなたの悩みを解決してくれるかもしれません。新横浜フジビューホテル スパ&レジデンスに併設されるこの施設は、特にオープン直後はさほど混雑しないため、羽を伸ばせます。脱衣所は清潔に保たれ、温泉の質はまずまずです。ジャグジーのセンサーが壊れていて作動しないとか、水風呂の温度が高くて循環に難ありだとは思いますが、混雑とは無縁なのが一番。利用したことはありませんが、サウナもあります。休憩所は最小限で、自販機の類もありませんが、これらを補い余りある美点、それは「空いている」です。 商売としては大変だとは思いますが。 宿泊客のための朝風呂提供も行っていないので、オープンを正午とかに早めてくれるとさらに嬉しいのですが。 ここまでが10か月前の投稿。 2021年9月上旬の日曜日夕方に再訪するとさすがに結構混んでましたね。それと浴槽のジャグジーは最近再開したそうで3箇所から噴き出ていました。 水風呂も常時加水されておりオーヴァーフローしていて快適でした。 それと地下1階にあるこの施設、キャリアに依るでしょうが、SBは圏外となる場合があります。SB側の問題ですが。 コロナ対策として、ゲストが退出した後に使用した脱衣所ロッカーの清掃が行われるようになりました。好印象ですね。
No matter how good the quality of the hot springs is, there are many people who have the experience and feeling that the facilities are not very clean and that they are always crowded. may solve your problems. This facility, which is attached to the Shin-Yokohama Fuji View Hotel Spa & Residence, is not so crowded, especially immediately after opening, so you can stretch your wings. The dressing room is kept clean and the quality of the hot springs is fair. I think that the sensor of the jacuzzi is broken and does not work, or the temperature of the water bath is high and it is difficult to circulate, but it is best not to be crowded. I have never used it, but there is also a sauna. The rest area is minimal and there are no vending machines, but the beauty that more than makes up for these is that they are "vacant." I think it's difficult as a business. We don't provide a morning bath for guests, so I'd be even more happy if you could open it earlier at noon. This is the post 10 months ago. When I visited again on Sunday evening in early September 2021, it was quite crowded. Also, the jacuzzi in the bathtub seems to have restarted recently, and it was spouting from three places. The water bath was always hydrated and it was overflowing and comfortable. Depending on the facility and carrier on the first basement floor, SB may be out of service. This is a problem on the SB side. As a measure against corona, the dressing room lockers used after guests have left are now cleaned. It's a good impression.
Kenny S on Google

新横浜界隈で天然温泉に静かに入りたい人にオススメ。 温泉に何を求めるか?の期待値調整が自分で出来る人には良い場所。 2020年後半に二回利用しました。 加水なし、循環あり、加温あり 源泉三十三度 夕方までの時間はだいたい空いてます。 ほぼ貸し切り。 泉質は良いです。 湯上がり後も暖かさが持続しますし、ありがちな塩素臭さもありません。 アクセスも良いです。 1500円なので周辺の銭湯と比べると安くはありませんが、静かに温泉にはいりたい人にとってはむしろ割安だと思います。 改善要望としては、、 他の方のレビューにもありましたが、泉質管理の方が頻繁に来るのは気になったかも。来るにしてももう少し浴室内でくつろいでいる方々への配慮感は出して欲しい。 あとは換気システム。 屋外排気のファンがしっかり動いているっぽいので空気循環はかなりしっかりしていると思うのですが、 気休めでもいいのでその旨の記載などがあると心象的に嬉しい。 浴室が地下なのでどうしても気になります。 この辺りの期待も含めて☆5です。
Recommended for those who want to quietly enter a natural hot spring in the Shin-Yokohama area. What do you look for in a hot spring? A good place for those who can adjust their expected value. I used it twice in the latter half of 2020. No water, with circulation, with heating Source 33 degrees The time until the evening is almost free. Almost reserved. The quality of the spring is good. The warmth lasts even after the bath is finished, and there is no chlorine odor that is common. Access is also good. It's 1500 yen, so it's not cheap compared to the surrounding public baths, but I think it's rather cheap for those who want to quietly enter the hot springs. As an improvement request, Although it was also in the reviews of other people, it may have been anxious that spring quality management comes more frequently. Even if you come, I would like you to give consideration to those who are relaxing in the bathroom. The rest is the ventilation system. It seems that the outdoor exhaust fan is working well, so I think the air circulation is quite solid, but It's okay to take a break, so I'd be happy if there was a statement to that effect. The bathroom is underground, so I'm really worried. It is ☆ 5, including expectations around here.
Akane on Google

JAF会員証提示で1000円なら私は全然アリです。肌がすべすべになって体もあったまりました。温泉は至ってシンプルですが温泉につかりたいだけなら十分です。塩素臭くもなくて非常に良いです。タオルもホテルの施設だからかふかふかでした。 あと女湯のドライヤーがこういうところに置くドライヤーにしてはそこそこ良いものだったので地味にポイント高いです。ただ2つしかないので混んでたら待つかもしれないです。。。 星を一つ減らしたのは駐車場のスタッフさんの手際が悪く入庫も出庫もすごく時間がかかったからです。温泉利用で数時間駐車料金無料はありがたいのですが。改善いただけると幸いです。
If you show your JAF membership card for 1000 yen, I'm totally ant. My skin became smooth and my body became warm. The hot springs are very simple, but if you just want to soak in the hot springs, it's enough. It doesn't smell like chlorine and is very good. Towels were also fluffy because it was a hotel facility. Also, the hair dryer for women's baths was reasonably good for a hair dryer placed in such a place, so it's a simple point. There are only two, so I might wait if it gets crowded. .. .. The reason why I reduced the number of stars by one is that the parking lot staff was not very good at it and it took a long time to get in and out. I'm grateful for the free parking for several hours using the hot springs. I would appreciate it if you could improve it.
たけし on Google

温泉に入りたかったのですが、コロナ禍なので悩んでいました。たまたま空いている書き込みを見たことと新横浜駅に用事があったので利用しました。 14時ちょうどに伺いました。 JAF会員証提示で1000円。フェイスタオルとバスタオルもセットです。シャンプー、リンス、ボディーソープ、フェイスソープ、使い捨て髭剃り、ドライヤーまで揃っています。 15:30まで利用、男湯は計7人だけでした。 入口が分かりづらかった。車なら駐車場からエレベーターですぐ行けるようなのですが、歩きだと別館からの連絡通路を歩いて地下1階まで向かいます。 温泉は微妙に温度が違う湯船が2つ。片側はジェットバスが作動しています。温度は熱すぎず、という感じ。あとはサウナ室と水風呂が1つです。 湯上り休憩スペースがあまり無いので1日過ごすという向きの人には向かないです。 制限時間は言われませんでしたが120分と何処かに書いてあったような。 仕事帰りにちょっとスッキリしたいとか向いていますね。
I wanted to take a hot spring, but I was worried because it was a corona. I happened to see a vacant post and had a business at Shin-Yokohama station, so I used it. I visited just at 14:00. Show your JAF membership card for 1000 yen. Face towel and bath towel are also included. We have shampoo, conditioner, body soap, face soap, disposable shave, and hair dryer. It was used until 15:30, and there were only 7 men's baths in total. The entrance was hard to understand. It seems that you can get there by elevator from the parking lot by car, but if you walk, you will walk to the first basement floor by walking along the connecting passage from the annex. There are two hot springs with slightly different temperatures. A jet bath is operating on one side. The temperature is not too hot. There is also a sauna room and a cold bath. There is not much space for resting after bathing, so it is not suitable for people who want to spend the day. The time limit was not said, but it seems that it was written somewhere as 120 minutes. It is suitable for those who want to feel a little refreshed on their way home from work.

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