Kamaburo-onsen - Kawasaki

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kamaburo-onsen

住所 :

4 Chome-7-3 Fujisaki, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0804, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 210-0804
Webサイト : http://kamaburoyu.com/

4 Chome-7-3 Fujisaki, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0804, Japan
たか on Google

建物は古いが中はしっかり清潔に管理されてます。 まず入口で靴を下駄箱へ入れ、券売機で券を購入して受付に渡すとロッカーの鍵を渡されます。 サウナ込み(+220円)の場合、タオルセットも付いてきますので、手ぶらで利用できます。 普通の銭湯料金ですが、天然温泉はあるし、浴槽の壁に埋め込まれた水槽で熱帯魚が泳いでるし、シャンプーコンディショナーボディーソープは備え付けだし、文句なし。 日曜昼過ぎの来訪でしたが、ご近所の常連さんと思しきご高齢の方々が多かったですが、お子様連れもいらっしゃいました。 休憩所は広くない(そもそも普通の銭湯なので)ですが、飲料やアイス、アルコールの自販機とマッサージチェアもあります。 店舗裏手に6台?くらい停められる駐車場もあります。
The building is old but the inside is well maintained and clean. First, put your shoes in the shoe box at the entrance, buy the ticket at the ticket vending machine and hand it to the receptionist, and you will be given the locker key. If the sauna is included (+220 yen), a towel set is also included, so you can use it empty-handed. Although it is a normal public bath fee, there is a natural hot spring, tropical fish are swimming in the aquarium embedded in the wall of the bathtub, shampoo conditioner body soap is provided, and there is no complaint. Although I visited after noon on Sunday, there were many elderly people who seemed to be regulars in the neighborhood, but there were also children. The rest area is not large (because it is a normal public bath in the first place), but there are vending machines for drinks, ice cream and alcohol, and massage chairs. 6 units behind the store? There is also a parking lot that can be parked.
浮浪雲ー on Google

入浴料も安く、アカスリやタイ古式マッサージ等が揃っているので、チョッとのんびりするには丁度良いですね。 お風呂やアカスリ等は、其々別の経営なので個別にお支払いが必要です。 また、タイ古式マッサージだけの利用なら、入浴料を支払わずに入れます。
The bathing fee is cheap, and there are Akasuri and Thai traditional massage, so it's just right to relax. Baths and Akasuri are managed separately, so you need to pay individually. Also, if you only use Thai traditional massage, you can enter without paying the bathing fee.
YUKI YUKI on Google

全身を伸ばしてお風呂に入りたいときに行きます。休日の朝風呂はとてめ気持ちが良いです。駐車場がありますが、台数に限りがあるので、停められないこともあります。 別料金でサウナ、マッサージ、垢擦りもあります。
I go when I want to stretch my whole body and take a bath. The morning bath on holidays feels very good. There is a parking lot, but due to the limited number of cars, it may not be possible to park. There is also a sauna, massage and rubbing for an additional fee.
S F on Google

○大きいサウナストーブでどの席も熱さが感じられる高温サウナ(92度) ○バイブラの水風呂(20度) ○温泉や水槽で泳ぐ魚を見ながらお湯に浸かれる浴槽 中二階にあるサウナ室はレンガと木の壁からなる独特な造りで、サウナヒーターの前には大きな岩塩が積まれているのが特徴的で、間接照明の暗さも相まってとても良い雰囲気です。中央にある大きい遠赤外線のサウナヒーターがどこに座ってもアツアツに熱してくれます。サウナマットが綺麗に敷かれている他、一人一枚のサウナマットが貸与されるのま良かったです。 水風呂はサウナ室を出てすぐ右側にあり、バイブラで冷たさの体感は表示以上、2人が足を伸ばして入れる広さです。 水風呂の前に休憩イスが一脚置かれています。 一階の浴室には浴槽が複数あり、温泉もあるのが嬉しいです。 少しアクセスは悪いですが、6台止められる駐車場も裏手側にあります。
○ High temperature sauna (92 degrees) where you can feel the heat in every seat in the large sauna stove ○ Vibra water bath (20 degrees) ○ A bathtub where you can soak in hot water while watching the fish swimming in the hot springs and aquarium The sauna room on the mezzanine floor has a unique structure consisting of brick and wooden walls, and it is characterized by a large rock salt piled up in front of the sauna heater, and the darkness of indirect lighting makes it a very nice atmosphere. The large far-infrared sauna heater in the center heats you up no matter where you sit. In addition to the beautifully laid sauna mats, it was good that each person was rented a sauna mat. The water bath is on the right side just outside the sauna room, and the feeling of coldness with the vibra is more than indicated, and it is large enough for two people to stretch their legs. A break chair is placed in front of the water bath. The bathroom on the first floor has multiple bathtubs, and I'm glad that there is also a hot spring. Access is a little bad, but there is a parking lot on the back side where 6 cars can be parked.
to Ka on Google

490円で浴槽広く簡素なシャンプーリンスボディソープ有り。コップが共用だが飲用お水もある。ドライヤーも4台程無料で設置され親切。 茶色塩味な温泉の浴槽が狭く、4名でぎゅうぎゅうサイズなので、1グループ入ってると赤の他人は入れない雰囲気になる。
There is a simple shampoo conditioner body soap with a wide bathtub for 490 yen. The cup is shared, but there is also drinking water. About 4 dryers are installed free of charge and are kind. The brown salty hot spring tub is small and is crammed for 4 people, so if you have one group, you will have an atmosphere that no one else in red can enter.
ゆに on Google

It is wide in the public bath. If you add about 200 yen to the basic charge, you can use bath towels and saunas. If you have an Akasuri clerk and ask for a course of about 4000 yen for the whole body, the sauna and towels will be served. You can ask only for your back, in which case the price is reasonable. Take-out of alkaline ionized water is also a service. I think it is the busiest public bath in Kawasaki Ward.
Y O on Google

really nice local oasis
Jean Souza on Google


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