Soshin Farm - Kameoka

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Soshin Farm

住所 :

Ineguchi-14-2 Miyazakicho Miyagawa, Kameoka, Kyoto 621-0243, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 621-0243
Webサイト :

Ineguchi-14-2 Miyazakicho Miyagawa, Kameoka, Kyoto 621-0243, Japan
嵯峨均 on Google

ききょうの里(亀岡)の帰りにランチで訪れ ました。中華バイキングで、唐揚げ・春巻 き・酢豚など10品程度の日替わりで、税 込800円のコスパと雰囲気は最高です。
Visited at lunch on the way back from Kinno Village (Kameoka) Yes. Chinese buffet with fried chicken and spring rolls It is tax every day of about 10 dishes including chicken and sweet and sour pork Cospa of 800 yen and atmosphere are the best.
日野滋人 on Google

設備が整った良い施設。スタッフみなさんもまた、同じく良し。 「そうしん」の意味が気になっていました。尋ねてみて、ああ、そうなんだと納得。皆さんも、ご利用したときに尋ねてみて下さい。
Good facilities with all the facilities. All the staff are also good. I was worried about the meaning of "Soshin". I asked, and I was convinced that it was. Everyone, please ask when you use it.
Tatsuya Umeo on Google

It's clean and well equipped, and there are no complaints. I want to come again ~
いーな on Google

母やその友人タチのオススメで、施設もすごく綺麗でBBQの料理を運んでくれたスタッフの方々はすごく良い方々ばかりでした。 また来たいなーと思いましたが、、 翌朝子供が鼻血が出てしまい、枕に付着してまいました。 もちろんクリーニング代は出すつもりでしたが、そのスタッフと中にいる責任者の言い方や態度がすごく嫌な気持ちになりました。 帰る準備で荷物を出していたら、またそのスタッフにクリーニングの事を言われ、後日請求のクリーニング代だけで¥5000ぐらいと言われ、、 2回も言わなくても、こちらの責任なのでちゃんとお金は払います。 初日のスタッフの方々は本当に良かったのに、、
My mother and his friend Tachi recommended it, and the facilities were very clean, and the staff who carried BBQ food were all very good. I wanted to come again, but The next morning, my child had a nosebleed that stuck to the pillow. Of course, I was planning to pay for the cleaning fee, but I was very disappointed with the words and attitudes of the staff and the person in charge. If I was leaving my luggage in preparation for returning, the staff told me again about cleaning, and at a later date it was said that it was about 5000 yen just for the cleaning fee charged, Even if I don't say it twice, I'm responsible, so I'll pay the money properly. The staff on the first day were really good,
ヤンウェンリー on Google

かなりいい、部屋も綺麗、浴室暖房and乾燥付き大きめ冷蔵庫、冷凍庫 バーベキューも美味しかったし歩ける距離にコンビニあるし朝ごはんも美味しかった部屋数は少ないので早めに予約
Pretty nice, clean rooms, bathroom heating and large refrigerator with freezer and freezer Barbecue was delicious and there was a convenience store within walking distance and breakfast was also delicious.
Yo Io on Google

両親含め三家族で利用させていただきました。 宿泊所内にじゃぶじゃぶ池や小川スペースがあり、1〜3歳の子どもでも安心して遊ばせられると思います。BBQも家のテラスでできるので、何かと便利です。 電波が届きにくいので、 フリーWi-Fiがあると嬉しいなと思います。
I used it by three families including my parents. There are jabu-jabu ponds and creek spaces in the accommodation, so even children 1 to 3 years old can play with peace of mind. BBQ can be done on the terrace of the house, so it is convenient. Because it is difficult to receive radio waves, I think it would be nice to have free Wi-Fi.
M. Ino (MGN) on Google

亀岡は湯の花温泉方面、光秀寺とも呼ばれる谷性寺の辺りにありますキレイな宿泊施設です。一戸建て(二世帯住宅みたいに2戸隣り合わせ)のコテージメインで、普通の客室もあります。設備はとても清潔にされており、ゆったりするのにはとても良いです。ロフト付き2階建てなのて、屋根裏部屋に憧れるこどもがいれば大興奮でしょう。 お食事はコテージごとに別にあるバーベキュースペースでの焼き肉の夕食と朝は部屋ごとにお弁当(ご飯も温かくお味噌汁も手作りで美味しかったです)と、今のご時世を踏まえて対応されており、安心して旅が楽しめる良いお宿でした。
Kameoka is a beautiful accommodation located in the direction of Yunohana Onsen, near Kiyotaki Temple, also known as Mitsuhide Temple. It is a single-family house (two houses next to each other like a two-family house), and there are also ordinary rooms. The facilities are very clean and very good to relax. It's a two-story building with a loft, so if you have a child who longs for an attic, you'll be very excited. Meals are cheap, with a grilled meat dinner in the barbecue space that is separate for each cottage, and a lunch box in each room in the morning (rice was warm and miso soup was handmade and delicious), based on the current times. It was a good inn where you can enjoy your trip with all your heart.
Milos Debnar on Google

nice, clean, new facilities. nice for a weekend with family/friends in rural area especially if you want to do a bbq

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