Soil Setoda Living

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Soil Setoda Living

住所 :

Setodacho Setoda, Onomichi, 〒722-2411 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
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街 : Hiroshima

Setodacho Setoda, Onomichi, 〒722-2411 Hiroshima,Japan
Rick on Google

個室で泊まりましたが、海がとても近く、下のレストランも8時からやってるのでゆっくりできました。 近くにお洒落な銭湯や商店街もあるので、観光するには持ってこいな場所です。 スタッフの皆さんもとても親切に対応してくださりました。 また伺いたいです!
I stayed in a private room, but the sea was very close and the restaurant below was open from 8 o'clock so I was able to relax. There are fashionable public baths and shopping streets nearby, so it's a great place to go sightseeing. The staff were also very kind. I want to visit again!
Alice Honda on Google

The price, facilities and location are all good, but the drawback is that they are a little small. Night fishing is also interesting because you can do it at Setoda Port in front of you. It's a good idea to stay with your spouse or lover. Easy to go anywhere. Bicycles and electric kickboards can be rented. There is a charge.
Takaaki ISHIZAKA on Google

A cafe attached to the accommodation facing the sea. The open design and interior design that makes you feel the warmth of the wood will relieve the people who come and go on the Shimanami Kaido.
Tomo Kitami on Google

まだ新しく綺麗な建物で海は目の前でいいロケーションです。いくつか部屋のタイプはあるようで今回はホステルによくある居室内2段の個室のベッドが四つあり横には長いテーブルもあり広めですが、リビング的なスペースはありません。ホステルの部屋と考えれば充分かと思いますが。 3階の屋上にも上がることができます。 1階で食べる朝食も開け放しにした広いスペースから外を眺めながら気持ちよく食べました。
It is still a new and beautiful building and the sea is in a good location right in front of you. There seem to be several types of rooms, and this time there are four beds in a private room with two bunks, which is common in hostels, and there is a long table next to it, but it is spacious, but there is no living space. I think it's enough to think of it as a hostel room. You can also go up to the rooftop on the 3rd floor. I ate breakfast on the first floor comfortably while looking out from the large open space.
にん1 MTB on Google

初めてのドミトリールームを経験してみました。 昔 終電を逃して利用したカプセルホテルのイメージです。 サイクリングで疲れていたので寝られましたが 通常ですと?? 神経質な方は無理な選択。 部屋・外部扉は全て暗証ですから スマホにメモして置くと良いです。 ロードバイクなので保管場所が心配でしたが スタフの方がレンタル自転車置き場を利用させて頂いたので助かりました。 朝 走り出してブレーキをかけると異音がよく見ると後輪スポークとホイルに釣り餌のイソメが付着?なぜ!!砂では無いので助かった。 自転車保管場所が外部露天なので注意下さい。
I experienced my first dormitory room. It is an image of a capsule hotel that I used to miss the last train a long time ago. I was tired from cycling so I slept, but is it normal? ?? If you are nervous, you cannot make a choice. All rooms and external doors are secrets It's a good idea to write it down on your smartphone. Since it is a road bike, I was worried about the storage location, but I was saved because the staff used the rental bicycle storage area. When you start running in the morning and apply the brakes, you will hear a strange noise. Is the fishing bait isometric on the rear wheel spokes and wheels? why! !! It was saved because it was not sand. Please note that the bicycle storage location is open-air.
おかえり on Google

瀬戸田港に着いて、真っ先に目に入ってくるのがSOIL。大きな窓ガラスを開け放つ解放感たっぷりのカフェとダイニング。 オープンキッチンでは、常にスタッフが忙しそうにお料理している姿が。 穏やかで美しい瀬戸内の海を眺めたり、人の往来や、サイクリスト達が通り過ぎて行く様を見ながら食事を楽しんだり、会話したり、独り仕事をしたり思い思いの過ごし方ができる、まるでみんなのリビングのような場所です。朝昼夜メニューに変化があり、工夫された丁寧なお料理でした。 コーヒーもとても美味しい優しい味のコーヒーでした。
When you arrive at Setoda Port, the first thing you see is SOIL. A cafe and dining room with a feeling of liberation that opens the large window glass. In the open kitchen, you can see the staff always busy cooking. You can enjoy a meal, talk, work alone, and spend your time watching the calm and beautiful sea of ​​Setouchi, watching people come and go, and cyclists passing by, just like in everyone's living room. It's a place like that. There was a change in the morning, day and night menu, and it was a polite dish that was devised. The coffee was also very delicious and had a gentle taste.
K.C K.C on Google

目の前が海で非常に景色がいい所! 店員も親切で、2階にある宿泊施設も見せてもらえた。 こじんまりした部屋で2人でちょうどいい。 トイレなどは共同らしいが、海の見える部屋に泊まりたいと思える場所だった。 ドライブしてコーヒーが飲めるゆったりした場所でした。
The sea is right in front of you and the scenery is very nice! The clerk was also kind and showed me the accommodation on the 2nd floor. It's just right for two people in a small room. It seems that the toilets are shared, but it was a place where I wanted to stay in a room with a view of the sea. It was a relaxing place to drive and drink coffee.
yu iwa on Google

ドミトリーに宿泊しました。 ゲストハウスによくある雑談部屋みたいのはないです。また、ドミトリーの部屋は、一つの部屋にカプセルホテルみたいな感じで寝床が4つ入ってました。この狭さが良いですよね?ドミトリーの部屋は休憩、寝るだけの部屋なんで景色は店の前の通りが見えるだけ。全然OK。 ロケーションは海が目の前にあり控えめに言って最高。 島と島に挟まれた海峡?なので、潮が動く時間帯は川さながら。見ていて飽きない。 良い。すごく良い? 夜と朝は、1階がオシャレなレストランになっているので、そこで別払いで食事が頂ける。 値段は張りますが、確かに美味しい! 折角瀬戸内海に来たから、魚介類が食べたいなーって思ってたら、さすが、抑えてらっしゃる。刺し身、魚生ハム、瀬戸内海アヒージョ。 美味い! 朝は洋風なのかなーと思いきや、洋食セットと和食セットがあり、和食セットでおにぎり、潮汁、漬物の和食の三種の神器が揃ってらっしゃる。潮汁がまた滋味深い・・・。良い出汁でてる! うーん、美味い! 定員さんの接客も丁寧で、掃除も行き届いていて綺麗!言うことないっす。 お陰様で良い旅の思い出できました。また行きたいなー。
I stayed in a dormitory. There is no such thing as a chat room that is common in guest houses. Also, the dormitory room had four beds in one room, like a capsule hotel. This narrowness is good ? The dormitory room is a room where you can take a break and sleep, so you can only see the street in front of the store. OK at all. The location is great to say the least, with the sea in front of you. A strait between islands? So, the time when the tide moves is just like a river. I never get tired of watching it. good. Very good ? At night and in the morning, the first floor is a fashionable restaurant, where you can eat separately. It's expensive, but it's definitely delicious! Since I came to the Seto Inland Sea, I thought that I wanted to eat seafood, but as expected, he suppressed it. Sashimi, fish ham, Seto Inland Sea Ahijo. delicious! I wondered if it was Western style in the morning, but there are Western food set and Japanese food set, and there are three kinds of sacred treasures of Japanese food such as rice balls, salt soup, and pickles in the Japanese food set. The tide juice is also delicious ... Good soup! Well, it's delicious! The customer service of the capacity is also polite, and the cleaning is perfect and beautiful! I have nothing to say. Thanks to you, I was able to remember a good trip. I want to go again.

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