Softbank Aeon Mall Makuhari Shintoshin [ Wye Mobile Handling Shop ] - Chiba

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Softbank Aeon Mall Makuhari Shintoshin [ Wye Mobile Handling Shop ]

住所 :

1-1 Toyosuna, Mihama Ward, Chiba, 261-8535, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 261-8535
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM

1-1 Toyosuna, Mihama Ward, Chiba, 261-8535, Japan
J on Google

本当に待たせる、態度が悪い、手続き後も不備ばかり!うまいこと言われ買い替えしましたが!結局高く付いた! これからは新習志野に行きま〜す!!
Really wait, bad attitude, deficiencies even after the procedure! I was told that it was good and I bought a new one! It was expensive after all! I'm going to Shin-Narashino from now on! !!
神川勝代 on Google

Thank you very much for your kindness. I wanted to use it again.
M Y on Google

あまり低評価したくないですが、参考にしてほしいのでハッキリと言います。スタッフがそもそもいない。行って待ってても何も声をかけてくれない、以前声かけた時に凄い嫌な顔をされたのであえて声をかけずに待っていたました。誰も声をかけず そのまま。ほんとうに行かないほうが良いと思います。多分対応も悪いと思います。違う店舗おすすめします。
I don't want to give it a low rating, but I want you to refer to it, so I say it clearly. There is no staff in the first place. Even if I went and waited, he wouldn't say anything. When I called him before, he had a very disgusting face, so I dared to wait without calling. No one calls out, just as it is. I think you shouldn't really go. I think the correspondence is also bad. I recommend a different store.
m osad on Google

とんでもなくひどい店 来た瞬間ぶっきらぼうな態度で入店、その後の接客も全然テキトーで、非常に不愉快な思いをしました。この店だけでなく二度とソフトバンクは利用しません。
A terrible store The moment I came, I entered the store with a blunt attitude, and the customer service after that was completely techie, which made me feel very unpleasant. Not only this store but also Softbank will never be used.
米口希 on Google

今までで1番酷い対応でした。 オプションの強要やフィルムケースの強要、再来店しないと安くならない等の意味不明な対応ばかりでした。本当に行かない方がいいです。
It was the worst response so far. There were only unclear responses such as forced options, forced film cases, and the fact that it wouldn't be cheaper unless I returned to the store. You really shouldn't go.
SüSu2 on Google

The clerk is kind.
N on Google

他からの乗り換えで利用しました。「このプランならこれをおつけできるので〜」と言った言い方で充電器と画面保護シールを渡されましたが、契約書を見ると月々約300円×48回払いで追加されていました。これ何ですか?と聞いた際も「今までよりは月額料金がかなり安くなるので、性能もいいしつけておいた方がいい」と言われました。私の分は契約時に気がついて断りましたが、数日前に契約した旦那にはもう付けられていたので無理矢理買わされた感じです。 いくら月数百円で以前より安くなるとはいえ2人合わせたら数万円ですよね……?ドン引きです。一緒に乗り換えした契約したwifiも結局違約金以外にもかなりお金が掛かったので本当に詐欺にあった気分です。 スタッフの方の感じが良かっただけに残念です。二度と利用しません。
I used it when transferring from another place. I was given a charger and a screen protector with the phrase "I can put this on with this plan", but when I looked at the contract, it was added for about 300 yen x 48 times a month. What is this? When I heard that, he said, "The monthly fee will be much cheaper than before, so it's better to have good performance." I noticed it at the time of the contract and declined it, but it seems that I was forced to buy it because it was already attached to my husband who contracted a few days ago. No matter how much it costs a few hundred yen a month, it will be cheaper than before, but if you put them together, it will be tens of thousands of yen ...? It is a don pull. I felt like I was really fraudulent because the contracted wifi that I switched with also cost a lot of money besides the penalty. It's a shame because the staff felt good. I will never use it again.
Howard Barr on Google

Very helpful staff. For the first time ever it was a good experience.

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