Soba Noodle Harie - Takashima

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Soba Noodle Harie

住所 :

5-314 Shinasahicho Harie, Takashima, Shiga 520-1502, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 520-1502
Webサイト :

5-314 Shinasahicho Harie, Takashima, Shiga 520-1502, Japan
ハッシーユッキー(スノーマン) on Google

I felt that it was a family-run, homely shop. It seemed to be difficult during the day because I was serving customers by myself. Do you want to help other customers without seeing it? I was saying. It may be better to use a method such as semi-self and have people come to pick up soba when they can make soba.
shin chan on Google

お店の雰囲気はアットホームで落ち着く感じでした。 蕎麦の事はあまりわからないけどめちゃくちゃ美味かった!おかみさんに聞いたところ1:9そばらしいです 噛んでる蕎麦の無くなりかけの時に香る香りがたまりません そば湯も全て頂きました また必ず行きます!
The atmosphere of the shop was cozy and calm. I don't know much about soba, but it was really delicious! When I asked my mom, it seems to be 1: 9 soba The scent is irresistible when the soba you are chewing on is about to run out I also got all the soba hot water I will definitely go again!
onizuka mineyuki on Google

喉越し良いコシのある蕎麦でおいしかったです。中でも「冷たい蕎麦に温かい出汁」のというオーダーが出来るのはとてもユニークで、冬場にはピッタリです。 店内は雰囲気の良いロッジで、山小屋にいる気分です。
It was delicious with soba noodles that had a nice chewy texture. Above all, it is very unique to be able to order "cold soba and warm soup stock", which is perfect for winter. The inside of the store is a lodge with a nice atmosphere, and it feels like you are in a mountain lodge.
hIro- on Google

滋賀県高島町針江にポツンとログ風の一見お蕎麦?とは思わない、ナビに入れないと分かりにくいです、 午後4時迄なので、麺はやや細麺で私好みで、出汁も聞いてます、お昼の定食のたまごかけご飯、自家製のお醤油で、バツグン、1品も最高 奥様手作りのチリメン山椒ご飯もお勧め、悩んで下さい。
Seemingly soba noodles in the style of a log in Harie, Takashima Town, Shiga Prefecture? I do not think, it is difficult to understand unless you put it in the navigation system, It's until 4 pm, so the noodles are a little thin noodles and I like the soup stock. We also recommend your wife's handmade chirimen sansho rice, so don't worry.
ここわみるく on Google

とっても良い雰囲気のお店でした。 蕎麦もレベルが高く、美味しかったです。 なによりも、テラス席ならペット同伴可能なので大変助かります。 土曜日の13時前でしたが、混んでないのが、不思議なくらいです。 近くに行ったら、また行きます。こんどは、温かいつけ汁を試してみます。
It was a shop with a very nice atmosphere. The soba was also of a high level and was delicious. Above all, pets are allowed on the terrace seats, which is very helpful. It was before 13:00 on Saturday, but it's strange that it's not crowded. If I go nearby, I will go again. Now, let's try warm soup.
Philip Coetzee on Google

Beautiful spot and delicious food! Owned by a very friendly couple!
Suzanne Sim on Google

Was walking through the beautiful rice fields from Shin Asahi station when the summer sun made me hot & tired. Was happy to find this restaurant. The husband & wife team were super friendly and when they heard i was going onwards to the Sake Brewery on foot, the owner kindly drove me a short distance in his car. Food was delicious. I am not normall a fan of soba but i had the best meal ever!! Thank you for your kindness & good food.
Sophie Louisa on Google

Delicious authentic nutritious soba noodles served by a lovely husband & wife. The restaurant is nice, and the food was well priced. We will be back

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