Shunrai - Chichibu District

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shunrai

住所 :

814-1 Ogano, Chichibu District, Saitama 368-0105, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
Postal code : 368-0105
Webサイト :

814-1 Ogano, Chichibu District, Saitama 368-0105, Japan
やれやれこたろー on Google

小鹿野でチャーハン食べるならここです。 トツゲキラーメンは食べる価値あり。 なに食べても絶対に美味しいと思います。 チャーハンの出来栄えから間違いないです。
This is the place to eat fried rice in Ogano. Totsugeki ramen is worth eating. I think it's absolutely delicious no matter what you eat. There is no doubt from the quality of the fried rice.

1人ぶらりとツーリングの途中に寄り トツゲキラーメンを頂きました 皆さんが食レポいっぱい書いてあるので 私は 良いかなぁ?(笑) いやぁ〜 めちゃくちゃ旨いです 病みつきになる味 バイクのお客さんには 食後に 珈琲のサービス有りました 折り紙に包まれた 飴ちゃんのサービスも また 足を運びたくなるお店です
Stop by alone in the middle of touring I got Totsuge Killer Men Because everyone has written a lot of food reports Am I okay? (smile) No, it ’s really delicious. Addictive taste For motorcycle customers There was a coffee service after the meal Ame-chan's service wrapped in origami It's a shop that makes you want to visit again
箕輪明 on Google

I received the popular Totsuge Kiramen. The gyoza ingredients are bound with eggs. The ingredients and soup are in harmony at a high level even though it is light. Especially when adding chili oil and vinegar is the best. I just finished eating the soup. Thank you for the meal
土方歳三 on Google

初入店 鶏塩ラーメンはあっさり系でした。鶏油か、ゴマ油を浮かせれば良いかなと思いました。 春雷メンは具だくさんの餡掛け醤油味で美味しかったです ネギチャーシューはお勧めです ホールスタッフの方が注文を理解してくれていないのが残念でした。
First entry The chicken salt ramen was light. I thought it would be good to float chicken oil or sesame oil. Shunrai Men was delicious with a lot of ingredients and soy sauce flavor Leek char siu is recommended It was a pity that the hall staff did not understand the order.
makoto on Google

最初は『トツゲキ・ラーメン』にビビりましたが、食べてる内に慣れました。麺が玉子麺で伸びない❗( ,,-` 。´-) 焼肉屋の玉子スープに玉子麺を入れた塩ラーメンに誤ってニンニクがスゴック入った餃子を落とし気づかずに掻き回して、食べたちゃった感じの『トツゲキラーメン』恐るべし❗!!ヽ(゚д゚ヽ)(ノ゚д゚)ノ!!
At first I was scared of "Totsugeki Ramen", but I got used to it while eating. Noodles do not grow with egg noodles ❗ (,,-`.´-) I accidentally dropped dumplings with garlic in salt ramen with egg drop soup at a yakiniku restaurant and stirred it without noticing it.ヽ) (No ゚ д ゚) No !!
中島智也 on Google

わらじラーメン あっさりとしたラーメンとミニわらじカツ丼 秩父から群馬方面に向かうなら、この辺でお腹を満たしておくと間違いないです! しゃくし菜餃子もおすすめです~
Waraji Ramen Light ramen and mini-waraji katsudon If you're heading from Chichibu to Gunma, it's definitely a good idea to fill your stomach around here! Shakushi green dumplings are also recommended ~
Hyasu Emma on Google

なんて美味いんだ! あっさりさっぱりしてて本当に美味しいです! 近かったら毎日行きたい位。 お人柄も最高です!
How delicious! It's refreshing and really delicious! I want to go every day if it's close. The personality is also the best!
友野努 on Google

I had Sichuan Dandan noodles (800 yen), and the sesame flavor was rich and very delicious. The store has a look that is reminiscent of Showa retro, but it is very clean and tidy, and I like it very much. If you look at the place where large fresh flowers are also displayed, the landlady may be disappointed. The table seats were almost full due to the temporary entry on Sunday afternoon, and there were only customers with local families. Is it a Chinese restaurant loved by the locals?

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