
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 皇閣

住所 :

Kukichuo, Kuki, 〒346-0003 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
街 : Saitama

Kukichuo, Kuki, 〒346-0003 Saitama,Japan
久喜芋太郎 on Google

It may be the best in Chinese cuisine of Kuki if it says only by the hot pot meat, fried rice, Chinese bowl, lunch of lunch, reba fried, taste.
mallorca on Google

一品料理とご飯にスープがこの店でのベストな注文方法です。 踏切際にあった頃からのファンです。
One dish and rice soup is the best way to order at this store. I have been a fan since I was at the railroad crossing.
西木茂 on Google

お世辞にもお洒落で小綺麗な店とは言えない。寂れたロケーションにあるのも事実だ。 しかし、味は一流である。町中華とは次元が違う。久喜ではとか、埼玉としては、と言った注釈も一切不要。どこに出しても恥ずかしくない「美味しい中華料理店」である。全メニューが美味いと断言できる。 炒めずに、炊いて作ったのではないかと思うほどさっぱりした炒飯は、古き良き時代の横浜中華街を思い出させる味だ。
It can not be said that it is a stylish and small beautiful shop even for compliments. It is also a fact that it is in a disappointing location. But the taste is top notch. The dimension is different from town Chinese. In Kuki, or, as Saitama, there is no need for any comment. It is a "delicious Chinese restaurant" that is not ashamed to go anywhere. It can be asserted that the whole menu is delicious. It's a taste that reminds me of Yokohama Chinatown, a good old age, that is so refreshing that I think it would be cooked without making it.
小板橋卓也 on Google

I went there many times, but I finally visited the store for the first time because I had a lot of holidays, and I heard that Mapo tofu was good, so I got Mapo tofu lunch 900 yen (excluding tax) and dumplings 420 yen (excluding tax). Mapo tofu was modestly spicy, and the scent of Japanese pepper spread in the mouth, and then the flavor of soy sauce spread and the rice was seasoned. The dumplings had a chewy skin and the ingredients were a lot of leeks. It was a Chinese food that was one rank higher than the town Chinese food. As expected, what I'm doing right now in a very bad location was a convincing taste. I want to eat other menus and see it, so I decided to repeat it. There are about two parking lots in front, but if it doesn't work, there is a nearby coin parking lot.
前島秀明 on Google

久喜市「皇閣」ランチに行って「レバー炒め」ランチがあると高確率で注文してしまいます レバーに臭みがないし何より柔らかい 美味! 食後にジャスミン茶が提供されるのもまた善し
If you go to the Kuki "Hakokaku" lunch and have a "liver stir fry" lunch, you will order with a high probability The lever has no smell and is softer than anything. Jasmine tea served after meals is also good
A M on Google

通りからも離れていて目立たない場所にある街の中華料理屋さん。 初めての訪れるお店では、八宝菜か五目中華丼で味を確かめています。今回は五目中華丼を注文しました。 味はバランスが取れていて、久喜でこの味が食べられるならばリピートは確定です。 スープが思った以上にしっかりとした味付だったので、今度はラーメンなどの麺類を試してみたいですね。
A Chinese restaurant in a town that is far from the street and in an inconspicuous location. At the first shop I visit, I check the taste with Happo greens or Gome Chukadon. This time I ordered Gome Chukadon. The taste is balanced and if you can eat this taste in Kuki, the repeat is confirmed. The soup tasted more solid than I thought, so I would like to try ramen and other noodles.
株式会社クラブマネジメント on Google

2019年提灯祭の出店の人の多さと暑さで、目についた皇閣という中華屋さん(カラオケマックのある一画の昔風のバラック小屋のような店が並ぶ2階)に。 冷え冷えのビールで一息ついて、エビチリ・炒飯・五目やきそば・餃子を注文。 しばらくして、同じように、暑さに負けて入店する人たちで満席になりました。 お味は、同じ久喜駅西口にある目立った中華料理屋さんより、数倍美味しかったです。 古河のチャイナキッチン大昌が閉店後、好みの中華味のお店が見当たらず残念でしたが、自分の好みに近い中華屋さんを発見できてよかったです。 ランチも好評のようなので、ランチにも挑戦したいと思います。
Due to the heat and heat of the 2019 lantern festival, we found a Chinese restaurant called the Imperial Palace (the second floor lined with shops like a traditional barracks hut with a Karaoke Mac. Take a break with a cold beer and order shrimp chilli, fried rice, gomoku yakisoba and dumplings. After a while, in the same way, it was full with people who entered the store in the heat. The taste was several times better than the outstanding Chinese restaurant at the same Kuki Station west exit. After the closing of Furukawa's China Kitchen Dachang, I was disappointed that I couldn't find a Chinese restaurant of my choice, but I was glad that I found a Chinese restaurant that was close to my taste. Lunch seems to be popular, so I would like to try lunch.
トレーニングバカ on Google

平日ランチ訪問 こちらの店 道路に面していない さらに建物2階に点在 何かしらの事前情報がないと まずわからない ところが店内には続々とサラリーマンや家族連れ、一人の方次々に入店 さて、お昼のお買い得セットは4種類ある どれも税込み990円 内容はメイン1品、ご飯(おかわり自由)、スープ、漬物、杏仁豆腐 私は南瓜と豚肉の炒めもの選択 他メニュー エビチリ、 麻婆豆腐、 春雨と牛肉だったかなぁ。。 定番品しっかりある 種類も多い嬉しい 味濃い目 量普通 ご飯おいしい 駐車場が狭いことが残念かな。。 ごちそうさまでした♪
Weekday lunch visit This store Not facing the road Furthermore, it is scattered on the second floor of the building Without some prior information I don't know However, the store is filled with office workers, families, and one person one after another. By the way, there are four types of bargain sets for lunch All are 990 yen including tax The contents are one main course, rice (free refills), soup, pickles, almond tofu I choose pumpkin and pork stir fry Other menu Shrimp chili, Mabo tofu, I wonder if it was vermicelli and beef. .. There is a standard product firmly I am happy that there are many types Tasteful eyes Amount normal Rice is delicious It's a pity that the parking lot is small. .. Thank you for your feast ♪

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