
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 陣太鼓

住所 :

Showacho, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0033 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
街 : Shizuoka

Showacho, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0033 Shizuoka,Japan
shinya KANEKO on Google

It was crowded at a famous store even late, but it is delicious.
茶々&ちい on Google

締めお寿司でお伺いしました☆ オススメの白身や最後の穴子も絶品!! また必ず行きます♪
I visited you with sushi ☆ The recommended white meat and the last conger eel are also excellent! !! I will definitely go again ♪
ささやきシロー on Google

紹介できました。 ただただ美味かった!
I was able to introduce you. It was just delicious!
勇気長尾 on Google

いつも使ってる陣太鼓さん♪ いつも満席で賑わってます! 何を食べても美味しい!!!
Jindaiko who is always using ♪ It's always full and crowded! No matter what you eat, it's delicious! !! !!
d matsu (ng810) on Google

〆寿司で利用しましたが、一軒目でつまみながら飲むのもいいですね。 静岡の地酒「開運」がほぼ全種類飲めます。 近所にあったら通ってるなぁ。
We used for sushi, but it is also good to have it while taking a pick at the first spot. We can drink almost all kinds of local sake "good luck" of Shizuoka. I'm going if I'm in the neighborhood.
黒柳秀之 on Google

粋な板さん!程好い中トロ? 御財布に優しい❗暖簾越しに見る店内は、多くの方に愛されている優良店です。御賞味あれ!
A stylish board! Moderately good medium Toro ? Gentle on your wallet ❗ The inside of the store, which you can see through the curtain, is an excellent store that is loved by many people. Enjoy it!
生麦酒人 on Google

2021年03月30日(火):再訪 遅い時間でも、お客さん一杯です。味良し、雰囲気良し、値段良し(安い)。いつもお世話になっております。 2020年11月06日(金):再訪 夜遅くまでやっている、人気のお寿司屋さん。遅い時間までやっているのに、お客さんが多い。その理由は、大将の腕と新鮮なネタですな。 2020年10月07日(水):再訪 何を食べても旨い。大将の人柄もサイコー。 いつ行っても、お客さんで一杯です。 遅い時間までやっているので、助かります。
March 30, 2021 (Tuesday): Revisited Even late hours are full of customers. Good taste, good atmosphere, good price (cheap). Always I am indebted. Friday, November 06, 2020: Revisited A popular sushi restaurant that runs until late at night. Even though I'm doing it until late, there are many customers. The reason is the general's arm and fresh material. Wednesday, October 07, 2020: Revisited It's delicious no matter what you eat. The personality of the general is also great. Whenever I go, it's full of customers. I'm doing it until late, so it's helpful.
Noriyuki Matsuda on Google

Sushi restaurant. I like its small size rice ball. I will definitely repeat again.

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