Shoji Orthopedic Surgical Clinic - Sendai

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shoji Orthopedic Surgical Clinic

住所 :

庄子整形外科医院 1 Chome-19-26 Saiwaicho, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 983-0836, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 983-0836
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM

庄子整形外科医院 1 Chome-19-26 Saiwaicho, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 983-0836, Japan
M N on Google

息子の膝痛で初めて伺いました。 丁寧に話を聞いてくださり、触診とレントゲンも撮り、診察。病名についても、しっかり説明してくださいました。 初めてでも、安心して受診できるお医者さまです。
I had my first pain with my son's knee pain. Listen carefully to the story, take a palpation and X-ray, and consult. He explained the name of the disease well. Even for the first time, it is a doctor who can consult with confidence.
yummy “yummy” on Google

先生はとても丁寧に診察してくれます。説明や今後の対応などもしっかりと教えてもらいました。それ故に病院の回転は少し遅いような気がします。 しかし、不安を払拭してくれるのには変えられません。駐車場も多くはありません。
The teacher consults me very carefully. We had you tell me the explanation and future correspondence well. Therefore, the hospital rotation seems a bit slow. However, it can not be changed to eliminate anxiety. There are not many parking lots.
まぁゆっちん on Google

It is a clean hospital. Because the teacher is a gentle and polite person, I was able to receive treatment without discomfort. I listened to the story and thoughtfully worried about it, and he treated me. Nurse and others Everyone was gentle.
島岡夕子 on Google

先生は、とても丁寧に診察してくれます。今回、血液検査をしてくれ、内科の主治医宛てに手紙も書いてくれたので更に検査したところ、身体のある部分に異常がある事が分かり、内科の主治医も驚いていました。とても感謝しています。 以前に伺ったときには幼い息子2人を連れた母親が診察室に入る際、子供1人が寝てしまい、息子1人を連れて診察室に入り、1人を長椅子に寝かせていたのを見つけた看護師さんは、その息子さんにタオルケットをかけてあげていました。看護師さんも優しいです。
The teacher will give you a very careful examination. This time, he took a blood test and wrote a letter to the doctor in charge of internal medicine, so when we examined it further, we found that there was an abnormality in a certain part of the body, and the doctor in charge of internal medicine was surprised. I appreciate it very much. When I visited before, when a mother with two young sons entered the examination room, she found that one child fell asleep, took one son into the examination room, and put one in the chaise longue. The nurse gave her son a towel. The nurse is also kind.
なか on Google

スポーツによる、首の痛み左指の麻痺と痛みの診察は得意じゃないかもです。 MRIも撮りに行ってその画像を見て貰いましたが、原因は分からず、経過観察しかないとの診断でした。 ただ、丁寧に話は聞いてくれます。 先生の得意分野の治療でしたら良い診察をしてくれるかと思います。
Neck pain caused by sports You may not be good at diagnosing paralysis and pain in your left finger. I also went to take an MRI and had him look at the image, but the cause was unknown and it was diagnosed that there was only follow-up. However, he listens politely. I think that if it is a treatment in the field that the teacher is good at, he will give a good medical examination.
Fumiya Ahoki on Google

木曜日の午後診に初診で伺いました。 14時開院で13:45に到着。それでも2番手。5台分しかない駐車場は14:20の時点でいっぱいでしたので、車で行かれる方はかなり早めに行ったほうがいいと思います。 診察室での最初の問診は、先生が出すお題(質問)に端的に答える「一問一答」形式。 「今日はどうしました?」という、ざっくりな質問から始まらない問診に面食らいながらも、先生が次々に繰り出してくる質問に答えるだけの作業は、簡単で快適でした。 お陰で、スムーズに問診→触診→レントゲン→画像診断と進み、通院の疲労感も少なく、元気に帰宅できました。 クチコミの良さは間違いなし。 信頼に足る整形です。
I visited Thursday afternoon at the first consultation. Arrival at 13:45 with 14:00 opening. Still second. The parking lot with only 5 cars was full at 14:20, so if you are going by car, you should go quite early. The first consultation in the consultation room is a "one-by-one" format that answers the questions (questions) given by the teacher. It was easy and comfortable for me to answer the questions that came up one after another, even though I was nervous about the questions that didn't start with a rough question, “What did you do today?” Thanks to this, we proceeded smoothly with interviews, palpation, X-rays, and diagnostic imaging. There is no doubt that the reviews are good. Reliable shaping.
みゆ on Google

初めて利用しましたが先生が、しっかりと何度も痛みがある場所を確認してくれました。 病院が苦手で緊張気味でしたが、看護師さんが、親近感あり、緊張も和らぎました。 以前他の病院に行った時は、目視して、レントゲンだけで飲み薬処方。本当に大丈夫なの?と不信感がありましたが薬とかも、塗り薬がいいか、貼り薬がいいかなど意見を聞いてくださりありがたかったです 次何かあればまたお願いしようかとおもいます
We used for the first time, but teacher checked place where there was pain well many times. I was not good at the hospital and I was nervous, but the nurses felt close and relaxed. When I went to another hospital in the past, I visibly prescribed the medicine with only X-rays. I was distrusted that it was really okay, but I was grateful to hear your opinions on the medicine, whether it is a topical medicine, or a pasting medicine. I'll ask you if I have something next
jimin heart on Google

クチコミを拝見してココなら・・・と思い受診しました。評判通り、医師を初めとして受付の方、そして看護婦さん本当に皆さん優しくて笑顔が素敵でした。医師はとても優しく痛い場所の話を聞いてくれて薬を処方してくれました。 他の病院で辛い経験をされた方、こちらの病院を強くお勧めいたします! 安心して任せられる病院です!!
After seeing the word-of-mouth communication, I thought that it would be here ... According to the reputation, the doctors, receptionists, and nurses were really kind and smiled. The doctor was very kind and listened to the painful place and prescribed the medicine. If you have had a hard time at another hospital, we highly recommend this hospital! It is a hospital that you can trust with confidence !!

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