Shoichiiinaridaimyojin - Ageo

4.5/5 に基づく 2 レビュー

Contact Shoichiiinaridaimyojin

住所 :

2 Chome Nakazuma, Ageo, Saitama 362-0072, Japan

Postal code : 362-0072

2 Chome Nakazuma, Ageo, Saitama 362-0072, Japan
Alex 。 on Google

Tôi đang đi dạo và thấy nó thật đẹp
I was walking and it was beautiful
ギッシュ on Google

近くに来た時に見付けたので、参拝しました。 住宅地の中に在る小さな神社で、周りに溶け込む様に存在しています。気にしなければ、気付かずに通り過ぎてしまいそうです。 手水舎や賽銭箱は無いですが、荒れ果てた様子もなく、定期的に手入れはされている様でした。 地域に根差した小さな神社ですね。 また近くに来たら参拝したいです。
I found it when I came nearby, so I worshiped. It's a small shrine in a residential area, and it blends in with the surroundings. If you don't care, you're likely to pass by unnoticed. There is no chozuya or money box, but it didn't look desolate and seemed to be regularly maintained. It's a small shrine rooted in the area. I would like to worship when I come near again.

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