Hikawa Shrine - Ageo

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hikawa Shrine

住所 :

866 Futatsumiya, Ageo, Saitama 362-0017, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88777
Postal code : 362-0017
Webサイト : http://www3.plala.or.jp/hikawa/jinja/top.html

866 Futatsumiya, Ageo, Saitama 362-0017, Japan
Yoshi Watarase on Google

現在修復工事のためブルーシートで囲まれています。 宮司さん不在で御朱印いただけませんでした。
It is currently surrounded by blue sheets for restoration work. I could not have a red seal with Ms. Miyashi in the absence.
i Zanguse on Google

There is a precious precinct, a magnificent main shrine.
kokuramon on Google

上尾村・上尾下村・上尾宿3村の総鎮守で、氷川男体社・氷川女体社の2社から成り立っていたため、「二ツ宮の氷川神社」とも呼ばれている。 本殿は安政2年(1855年)建立で、一間社流造(側面二間)唐破風向拝付。側壁には中国の故事に因む見事な彫刻が施されている。 彫工=伝・上尾村吉田住 内山善太郎
It is the total guardian of Ageo Village, Ageo Shimomura and Ageojuku Village, and it was made up of two companies, Hikawa Mantaisha and Hikawa Women's Body, so it is also called “Futatsumiya Hikawa Shrine”. The main shrine was built in 1855 (Ansei 2), and has a shrine-style shrine (between two sides) with a garage. The side walls are sculpted brilliantly due to Chinese events. Sculptor = Den / Ageda village Yoshida residence Zentaro Uchiyama
naoyuki gunji on Google

Although the precincts are not large, the wooden main hall is surrounded by camphor trees and other large trees, giving it a distinctive atmosphere. It's a pity that you can't approach, but I think the sculptures on the four sides of the main shrine are also worth a visit.
shunasora on Google

The Kamakura Highway used to be in front of the precincts. In the "New Edition Musashi-Fudoki", it is said that there is a female body shrine across the road. In the Meiji era, the female body shrine was enshrined at Hoe Ojingu Shrine in Ageo and became Hikawa Hoe Shrine. The main hall of Nyotaisha was also moved to the main hall of Atago Shrine in Ageojuku. The main shrine is believed to have been made in the late Edo period, and is decorated with stunning carvings.
Satsumaimo TamanegiTo on Google

旧上尾村(上尾市二ツ宮)鎮守で村社格だった 社殿、参道は南向きで鳥居が面する路地が 旧鎌倉街道になる 幼稚園を併設、駐車場は社殿裏手にある 由緒によると二ツ宮はここ(男体)と鎌倉街道を 挟んだ東側にあった女体の二つの宮を指す 参道入口には石鳥居、門柱、社号石柱 鳥居を過ぎるとコンクリート舗装の参道で 右手に手水舎、他は左右とも幼稚園の施設 境内は敷石の参道に御神灯、狛犬が並び 権現造りの拝殿、横に由緒看板、神様の 説明看板んが立っている 拝殿奥は屋根付きの木塀の玉垣に囲われた 本殿が建ち彫刻は市の文化財になっている 末社は社殿周辺に多数あるが主な社には 説明看板が設置されている 奥は林になっていて竹垣の小道を進むと裏手の 駐車場に出る
Former Ageo Village (Futatsumiya, Ageo City) was a village shrine guardian The shrine and approach are facing south, and the alley facing the torii is Become the old Kamakura Highway A kindergarten is attached, and the parking lot is behind the shrine. According to history, Futatsumiya is here (male body) and Kamakura Kaido Refers to the two shrines of the female body on the east side of the sandwich Stone torii gate, gate pillar, company name stone pillar at the entrance of the approach After passing the torii, on the approach to the concrete pavement Chozuya on the right, and other kindergarten facilities on the left and right In the precincts, the sacred lanterns and guardian dogs line up along the approach to the paving stones. Gongen-style hall of worship, a historical signboard next to it, God's Explanation signboard is standing The back of the hall of worship was surrounded by a wooden fence with a roof The main shrine is built and the sculpture is a cultural property of the city There are many end shrines around the shrine, but the main shrines An explanation signboard is installed There is a forest in the back, and if you follow the bamboo fence path, you will find yourself behind the scenes. Go out to the parking lot
K M on Google

上尾市史跡ガイド 21P 氷川神社 鎌倉街道の道筋に鎮座している。 本殿の四面に施された彫刻は見応えがあります。
Ageo City Historic Site Guide 21P Hikawa Shrine It sits on the path of the Kamakura Kaido. The sculptures on the four sides of the main shrine are spectacular.
Yoshio F on Google

A shrine with wonderful sculptures. The decoration of the door outside the shrine is splendid. To see the sculptures on the main shrine, you need to go behind the path of the frame. As for the sculpture photos, other people have posted wonderful photos, so I will upload other photos.

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