中華ダイニング 秀

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中華ダイニング 秀

住所 :

Nakazuma, Ageo, 〒362-0072 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Opening hours :
Saturday 6PM–2AM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 6PM–2AM
Wednesday 6PM–2AM
Thursday 6PM–2AM
Friday 6PM–2AM
街 : Saitama

Nakazuma, Ageo, 〒362-0072 Saitama,Japan
ジュマ on Google

青椒肉絲、チャーハン、チャーシュー盛り合わせなどをいただきました。 どれもおいしかったです。また行きます。
We had blue crab meat bowl, fried rice, fried rice platter and so on. All were delicious. I will go there again.
亜神 on Google

It's a shop full of master's thoughts.
ビビンバ星人_ on Google

店主さんに酷い態度をとられました! 料理は美味しいのにあれだと台無しですね。 非常にもったいないです...。
The shopkeeper took a terrible attitude! The food is delicious, but it's ruined. It's very wasteful ...
虹村億泰(ザ・ハンド) on Google

意外と美味しい。値段もお手ごろ。 野菜たっぷりタンメンはあっさりしていて美味。
Surprisingly delicious. The price is reasonable. Vegetable tanmen are light and delicious.
お金がなくても、人生楽しめる! on Google

常連客なのか、仲間内で 集まっていて その人達が、我が物顔で、 大声で、しゃべっていて、 新規の人は行きずらいし、入りずらいと思います 飲み屋だから 騒いでいて、うるさいのは仕方ないと思うのだけど、 色々な居酒屋に行ってきたけど、 こんなに、居酒屋で 頭が、痛くなったことは初めてでした それだけでなく カウンターに向かって客と マスターが料理しながら目の前で しゃべってて 食材に飛沫が飛びまくってて、 コロナ関係なかったとしても 不衛生で二度と行きたくありません。。 いつコロナ感染者が、出ても不思議ではない店でした 味も、非常にしょっぱいです涙
Are you a regular customer, Gathered Those people are my faces, Loud, talking, New people are hard to reach and hard to enter Because it's a bar It's noisy and I can't help but be noisy, I went to various taverns, So much in a tavern It was my first time to have a headache not only that With customers towards the counter In front of the master while cooking Talking Splashes were splashing on the ingredients, Even if it’s not related to corona I don't want to go again because of poor hygiene. .. It was a strange shop when a person with corona infection came out The taste is also very salty
marmot0921 on Google

There are few Chinese restaurants near Kita-Ageo. Mapo tofu was delicious.
夢取亜城木 on Google

I visited the store twice. Mapo tofu is Sichuan-style and slightly exceeds the average of Chinese restaurants in Ageo. Fried rice and dumplings are also quite delicious. But regulars? Anyway, the person who seems to be noisy. A so-called country yankee, who has no shards of education, talks to the shopkeeper in a loud voice like at home. As another guest, I want you to be quiet. The taste is pretty good, but ironically, it's a pity to think that the manners of some regular customers have lowered the reputation of this restaurant. If it's open for lunch, there will be no people, but since it's a dinner business, I think it's worth going if you want to eat delicious food even if you have people. We recommend the mapo tofu half rice set.
にんじんそば太郎 on Google

北上尾では中々ない個人店でも夜遅く(深夜3時)までやってるお店。 週末夜は、基本混んでいるが平日でも混んでいる。 都内の中華料理店で修業したマスターが3年前に開業し、2人or1人体制で切り盛りしている。 混み具合に寄って提供スピードはまちまちだが味は絶品。 基本なにを食べてもハズレはない。 個人的には黒胡麻坦々麺がオススメ。 麺類以外ならお持ち帰りもOK。 そのへんにあるような中華料理店とは違い、オシャレでスタイリッシュな店内なので女性も入りやすい。 予約すれば個室も利用できるので打ち上げ、女子会等も利用しやすい。 今後、北上尾に欠かせないお店として注目の一店。
In Kitakamio, there is a shop that is open until late at 3 am. Weekend night is basically busy but it is also busy on weekdays. A master who studied at a Chinese restaurant in Tokyo opened three years ago, and has two or one people. Depending on the crowdedness, the delivery speed may vary but the taste is excellent. There is no loss even if you eat basically anything. I personally recommend black sesame noodles. Other than noodles, takeaway is also OK. Unlike a Chinese restaurant like that, it's fashionable and stylish and easy for women to enter. Private rooms can also be used if reserved, so it is easy to launch, use women's meetings, etc. From now on, it is one shop that attracts attention as a shop indispensable to Kitaageo.

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