けいちゃん からあげ 香月

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact けいちゃん からあげ 香月

住所 :

Shitsuno, Seki, 〒501-3205 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Webサイト : https://keityan-karaage-kagetu.jimdofree.com/
街 : Gifu

Shitsuno, Seki, 〒501-3205 Gifu,Japan
紀州の釣り人 on Google

噂の本場のけいちゃん焼きを食べてきました! ボリューム満点でお腹パンパン。 初めて食べたけど作り方が分からずあたふた? 手間取っていると手伝ってくれました^_^
I ate the rumored authentic Keichan-yaki! It's full of volume and I'm hungry. I ate it for the first time but I don't know how to make it He helped me when it took time ^ _ ^

平日の昼に訪問。 待たずに入れました。 人気No.1のからあげ定食を注文。 竜田揚げのような衣でさっくさく。 中から鶏肉の肉汁が出てきてジューシー。 唐揚げひつまやけいちゃんも美味しそう♫ またリピしたい店です。
Visited at noon on weekdays. I put it in without waiting. I ordered the most popular karaage set meal. Quickly dressed like tatsutaage. The chicken gravy comes out from inside and is juicy. Fried chicken Hitsumaya Keichan looks delicious too ♫ It is a store that I want to repeat again.
いなちゃん on Google

古い店にありがちな、和式トイレではなく、綺麗な洋式トイレ。 ペアセット頼んだか、唐揚げはオリジナル、ちょっと辛かった→言ったら変えてくれるとのこと。 鶏ちゃんは暇なときは作ってくれるとのことだが、からあげが好きなタイプのやつなので今後は唐揚げ一択かもしれない。 1ヶ月で4回リピート。関市付近に来る際にはお邪魔してます。
A beautiful Western-style toilet, not the Japanese-style toilet that is often found in old stores. I asked for a pair set, the fried chicken was original, it was a bit spicy → I heard that he would change it. It is said that chicken will make it in his spare time, but since he is the type of person who likes karaage, he may choose fried chicken in the future. Repeat 4 times in a month. I will bother you when you come near Seki City.
M “Makoto” H on Google

平日、オープンすぐに来店したのでスムーズに入ることが出来ました けいちゃんと唐揚げのセットを注文 お腹いっぱいになるボリュームで唐揚げは食べきれなければ持ち帰りできます 店長さんはじめ、スタッフさんもとても親切で楽しく食事できました
I came to the store immediately after opening on weekdays, so I was able to enter smoothly. I ordered a set of fried chicken with Kei-chan If you can't eat the fried chicken, you can take it home with a full volume. The store manager and staff were very kind and enjoyable to eat.
波クイーン on Google

4月に伺いました。 券売機でチケットを買うのですが店員さんが横で教えてくれるので心配ご無用です。 横のテーブルには欲しい人だけ1つもらえるレモン果汁と 服の形に折られた折り紙?の中に爪楊枝が入った可愛いものがご自由にお持ちくださいと置いてあります。 予約してあったのですぐに通されオーダーも予約時に聞かれていたので 案内されたテーブルでたくさんあるサインなどを見ながら待っていました。 噂通りかなりのボリュームの唐揚げが登場! けいちゃんもボリューム満点! けいちゃんの作り方を教えていただきワクワクしながら出来上がりを待ちますw 柔らかくてとても美味しいけいちゃんでした。 締めにチャーハンが出来ることも教えていただき ある程度食べた後に店員さんを呼んで作ってもらいました。 店員さんはおしゃべり好きのようで 同じくおしゃべり好きな我が家は盛り上がっていろんなお話をしていただき お勧めされたそのお店が作っているけいちゃんのタレも購入。 後日鶏肉を買ってきてそのタレで食べましたが とても美味しかったのでオススメです! 味付けした鶏肉をジップロックにいれて冷凍しておくと次回焼くだけで楽です。
I visited in April. I buy a ticket at a ticket vending machine, but don't worry, the clerk will tell you next to you. At the table next to it, you can get one lemon juice only for those who want it. Origami folded in the shape of clothes? It says that you are free to bring a cute item with a toothpick inside. Since I had made a reservation, it was passed immediately and the order was asked at the time of reservation I was waiting while looking at many signs at the guided table. As rumored, a considerable amount of fried chicken has appeared! Keichan is also full of volume! I'm excited to learn how to make Keichan and wait for it to be completed. It was a soft and very delicious Keichan. Please tell me that you can make fried rice at the end After eating to some extent, I called a clerk to make it. The clerk seems to like talking My family, who also likes to talk, is excited and talks about various things. I also bought Keichan's sauce made by the recommended shop. I bought chicken at a later date and ate it with that sauce It was very delicious so I recommend it! If you put the seasoned chicken in a zip lock and freeze it, it will be easier just to bake it next time.
dck0021 on Google

日曜日の13時過ぎに到着。待ちが数組。店内にある用紙に名前、人数、車内で待つ場合は車のナンバー、そして注文予定のメニューを記入するスタイルでした。メニューは記入用紙の近くにあるので見ながら選んで記入できます。 今回は運動後に来たのでお腹空いてたから唐揚げの丼ぶりに決定して用紙に記入。 タイミング悪かったのか45分くらい待ちました。店内に呼ばれて券売機にて購入。PayPay等も対応してます。一応食券買いますが、先程用紙に書いた注文予定を見られて既に準備中のようで、着座して比較すぐに着丼しました。 先ず何よりも量がすごい。唐揚げは乗り切らないので最後の一個はご自身で積んでくださいとの事。これが中々難しい。何とか乗った!と思っても気を付けないと直ぐ転がり落ちちゃいます。 あと唐揚げとキャベツの下にあるご飯の量も相当なもの。腹減ってたけどかなり満腹になる量。女性だとシェアしても多いと思います…大食いの方には宜しいかと(^^) 唐揚げそのものは完売メニューという事もありジューシーだし味付けも良いし一個が大きいしいう事無し! 店員さんも色々お気遣いがありながらもとても気さくな感じで親しみ易いです。偶然だと思いますが、食べ終わって店出た後に店員さんが出てきて深々とお辞儀された事にはビックリ‼️笑 二枚看板の鶏ちゃん焼きとか唐揚げの違う味を頼んでみたいなと思いました!
Arrived after 13:00 on Sunday. There are several sets of waiting. It was a style to fill in the name, number of people, car number if waiting in the car, and the menu to be ordered on the form in the store. The menu is near the entry form, so you can select and fill in while looking at it. This time I came after exercising, so I was hungry, so I decided to make a bowl of fried chicken and filled out the form. I waited for about 45 minutes because the timing was wrong. Called inside the store and purchased at a ticket vending machine. PayPay etc. are also supported. I will buy a meal ticket for the time being, but it seems that I am already preparing because I saw the order schedule I wrote on the paper earlier, so I sat down and compared it immediately. First and foremost, the amount is amazing. You can't survive the fried chicken, so please load the last one by yourself. This is difficult. I managed to get on! Even if you think about it, if you are not careful, it will roll off immediately. Also, the amount of fried chicken and the rice under the cabbage is considerable. I was hungry, but I was quite full. I think it's a lot to share with women ... I wonder if it's good for gluttony (^^) The fried chicken itself is sold out, so it's juicy, the seasoning is good, and one is big! The clerk is also very friendly and friendly, even though he has a lot of concern. I think it's a coincidence, but I was surprised that the clerk came out and bowed deeply after I finished eating and went out of the store! ️Laughter I wanted to order a different taste of chicken-chan-yaki or fried chicken with two signboards!
たんぼ on Google

昼12時30分来店 席が一杯だったため10分程待ちました 唐揚げ定食を注文 唐揚げは今まで食べてきた中で間違いなく1番美味しく 衣はもちろん揚げたてで硬くなく 絶妙なさっくり感、食べた瞬間に中から鶏肉旨味が凝縮された肉汁が溢れでてきてなおかつ揚げたてなのに 口の中が火傷しない絶妙な熱さ 中の鶏肉もしっとりして美味しかったです! 従業員の方、店長の方が凄くいい人で気さくで人見知り自分でもついつい話しこんでしまいました ただコロナの影響あまりお店の状況はよくないとのこと もし、この唐揚げが食べられなくなるなんて考えると... 今回はもう一つの看板メニュー 鶏ちゃんを絶対に近々食べにいくと決意しました! そしてもっとこのお店の良さを沢山の方に知ってほしいと願います!
Visited at 12:30 noon I waited for about 10 minutes because the seats were full Order fried set meal Fried fried food is arguably the most delicious I've ever eaten The batter is of course freshly fried and not hard Exquisite refreshing feeling, the moment you eat it, the meat juice with condensed chicken taste overflows and it is freshly fried Exquisite heat that does not burn your mouth The chicken inside was also moist and delicious! The employees and the store manager are very nice people, and they are friendly and acquainted with me. However, the situation of the shop is not so good due to the influence of Corona. If you think that you can't eat this fried food ... This time another sign menu I decided to go eat chicken soon! And I hope many people will know more about the goodness of this shop!
植埜克弘 on Google

2021/12/12ペアセット予約でランチ初訪問 鶏唐揚3種6個、白ご飯2、生卵2、けいちゃん一人前ですが、けっこうボリュームあります。 10時、千保稲荷の玉屋で串カツ食べた後なので白ご飯1お返ししました。 唐揚マヨかけは特に美味しかったです。 けいちゃんの後の出汁に白ご飯入れて卵かけて混ぜるからか味付が薄い様に感じました。
2021/12/12 First visit to lunch with pair set reservation 3 kinds of fried chicken, 6 pieces, 2 white rice, 2 raw eggs, Keichan for one person, but there is quite a lot of volume. At 10 o'clock, after eating kushikatsu at the Tamaya in Chiho Inari, I returned 1 white rice. The fried mayonnaise was especially delicious. I felt that the seasoning was light because I put white rice in the soup stock after Keichan and mixed it with eggs.

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