Shiroyama Hachimangu - Nagoya

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shiroyama Hachimangu

住所 :

2 Chome-88 Shiroyamacho, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 464-0045, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
Postal code : 464-0045
Webサイト :

2 Chome-88 Shiroyamacho, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 464-0045, Japan
smile on Google

ちょっと小高い場所にある末森城跡。冬場は朝日が綺麗に見えますよ 恋の三社めぐりという企画があって、裏手にある連理木。一見の価値あり、ぜひ見つけてみてね
The ruins of Suemori Castle in a slightly elevated place. The morning sun looks beautiful in winter There is a plan to visit the three companies of love, and the Renri tree behind it. It's worth a look, so be sure to find it.
2666 10993 on Google

This place is the place where Nobunaga's father, Nobuhide Oda, built Suemori Castle in 1547 (Tenbun 16) and moved from Koto Castle. Originally, Shiroyama Hachimangu was enshrined at the northeastern foot of Suemori Castle, but due to the merger of Hachiman Shrine, Asama Shrine, Yama Shrine, Ichino Gozen Shrine, and Hakusan Shrine in the village during the Meiji era, it became a very wide parishioner. It will have an area, and in 1945, it was relocated to the site of Suemori Castle, which had been in the precincts of the land since the old days, due to the donation of money by a worshiper of the parishioners. I can't believe there is such a quiet place in the middle of the big city. Since it was left as a shrine, it can be said that the ruins of the castle remained perfectly. The main deities are Betsumei Tanada, Hibiki Ojin, and Hiko Obi Nakatsu. There is a parking lot exclusively for worshipers.
羽田裕 on Google

ここは、織田信長の父・信秀が築城し、その後を信長の弟・信行が引き継いだ末盛城の後に建てられたものだそうです。 わずか10年で、兄の信長によって廃城となった末盛城。境内に残る空堀が、この名残を残しています。 ここは「恋の三社めぐり」のひとつだそうで、高牟神社、山田天満宮の三社をめぐり恋愛運アップを祈願する人も多いとか。 今日、御朱印を待つ間にも、若い女性のグループが数組お参りしてました。
Guy Konan on Google

Great summer festival!
Alexandro Humphreys on Google

One of my favorite temples to visit in Nagoya. Also if you are collecting Goshuin, in this one you can get as well.
jason lee on Google

Is a mountain view temple. Not so big temple but it have a great view on top, covered up with great memorable.
zara k-tai on Google

Nice big shrine with three torii gates and bridge. Climb up to see the town view.!
Chamal Perera on Google

It's a nice temple in Chikusa Ward. I visited here on a rainy day. The place is spacious. Not much crowded.

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