Shirobana Park - Takamatsu

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shirobana Park

住所 :

Ajicho, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-0130, Japan

Postal code : 761-0130
Webサイト :

Ajicho, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-0130, Japan
桐生一馬 on Google

It's near the location of a movie that screams for love in the center of the world! It's a good place.
さゆりん on Google

庵治の海沿いを走ってたら発見。 島に渡る船の乗り場の横に有った公園。 名物の庵治の石で出来た遊具とかで子供達が遊んでました。 景色が最高です。 ハートのベンチ可愛いです。
I found it when I ran along the seaside of Aji. A park next to the boat landing across the island. Children were playing with play equipment made of the famous hermitage stone. The scenery is the best. The heart bench is cute.
小岩美子 on Google

We visited Aji, a location that screams for love in the center of the world. Surrounded by the sea, this park has outdoor playsets using fishing boats. There were some stone statues made of stone. The wind blowing from the sea was strong on this day. It was a wonderful place to think about what it means to live naturally.
seizin on Google

It is a beautiful park with a toilet. You can also fish in the sea.
N A on Google

There are many children and families on holidays. There is a ship and the scenery is beautiful and comfortable. There is also a parking lot.
朋P on Google

屋島を眺めながらの夕陽がキレイ✨な公園です。満月の夜に訪れると周りに高い建物が無くとってもキレイにお月見ができます? ただ海の側なので風が強く、とーっても寒いです?
It is a park where the sunset is beautiful while looking at Yajima. If you visit on a full moon night, you can see the moon very beautifully without any tall buildings around it ? It's just on the side of the sea, so the wind is strong and it's very cold ?
小林慶太 on Google

「高松市:城岬公園(しろばなこうえん)」 2022年3月に撮影したものです。海の青と樹木の緑が美しいロケーション抜群の臨海公園。特に夕日の美しさはすばらしく、多くのカップルや家族連れでにぎわいます。 2004年に大ヒットした純愛映画「世界の中心で、愛をさけぶ」のロケ地に近く、現在でもデートスポットの定番。公園内には、映画のフィルムに見立てて愛のメッセージを刻んだ地元特産の石が並ぶ「純愛ロード」もあり、カップルに人気のスポットとなっています。 庵治町の臨海地区に地場産業である石材を活かし、完成されました。眼前には源平合戦史跡の屋島をはじめ、男木島・大島・豊島を望み、魚のまち庵治らしく、漁船も設置されているユニークな公園です。源氏丸にはロッキング遊具(ロープ登り)とローラー滑り台も設置し子供たちに大人気です。
"Takamatsu City: Shirobana Park" It was taken in March 2022. A seaside park with a beautiful location where the blue of the sea and the green of trees are beautiful. Especially the beauty of the sunset is wonderful and it is crowded with many couples and families. Close to the location of the 2004 hit pure love movie "Crying Out Love in the Center of the World," it is still a staple of date spots. In the park, there is also a "Junai Road" where local stones with a message of love engraved on it like a movie film are lined up, making it a popular spot for couples. It was completed in the seaside area of ​​Aji-cho, making the best use of stone, which is a local industry. In front of you, you can see Yashima, the historic site of the Genpei War, Ogijima, Oshima, and Teshima. The Genji Maru is also equipped with rocking playset (rope climbing) and a roller slide, which is very popular with children.
Marek Ososinski on Google

lovely breeze and plenty of space to relax, very kids friendly

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