Ishitakuminosato Park - Takamatsu

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ishitakuminosato Park

住所 :

1810 Murecho Mure, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-0121, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887888
Postal code : 761-0121

1810 Murecho Mure, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-0121, Japan
秀明島本 on Google

There are few playsets, is it good for small children?
Kagwa of Kid on Google

石の民俗資料館の上にある公園です! 「香川新五十景」に選ばれた美しい場所です! 牟礼町の石切場と男木島や他の美しい島がある瀬戸内海、源平古戦場跡や屋島国立公園を一望できます
It is a park on top of the stone folk museum! It is a beautiful place chosen for "Kagawa Shin Fifty Scene"! You can overlook the Seto Inland Sea with the stonewalls of Oguremachi and Ogijima Island and other beautiful islands, the Genpei Battlefield and the Yajima National Park
理恵太田 on Google

芝生の所に何ヵ所か穴とスプリンクラーのところが少し凹んでいます気をつけてください。 昔の遊びの貸し出しあり。凧上げ、羽子板、コマなどあります。 ソリの貸し出しもありました。次回、チャレンジします。 遊具もあります。
Please note that there are some holes and sprinklers on the lawn that are slightly dented. There is a rental of old play. There are kite-raising, battledore, tops, etc. There was also a sled loan. Next time, I will challenge. There are also playset.
山本秀年 on Google

八栗登山口の近くにある公園で高松市街地が望めるとてもいい場所です❕ そり遊びは芝が剥げてあまり滑らなかったのが残念でした。ぬ
It is a very nice place where you can see the city of Takamatsu in the park near the Yakuri Tozanguchi ❕ It was a pity that the grass was peeled off and it didn't slip much during sledding. Nu
秀明橋本 on Google

色々な催し物がありますが、おすすめは展望台からの眺望です。屋島の東側が素晴らしく眺めは最高です! 夕日が屋島に沈むときは屋島が際立ってとても綺麗です。
There are various events, but the view from the observatory is recommended. The east side of Yajima is wonderful and the view is amazing! When the setting sun sets on Yajima, Yajima stands out and is very beautiful.
Yoshiyuki Kitao on Google

小高い山の上にある公園です。 小さな遊具がいくつかあり、傾斜を利用したそり滑りが楽しいです。そり滑りは芝生のコンディション次第で禁止になる時期もあるのが要注意です。 高いところにあるので、見晴らしがとても良いです。石の博物館が併設されています。
It is a park on a small mountain. There are several small playground equipments, and it is fun to sled using the slope. It is important to note that there are times when sledding is prohibited depending on the condition of the lawn. The view is very good as it is located at a high place. A stone museum is attached.
鵜尾元太 on Google

動物を散歩させている人が多いですが、糞が落ちていたりはほとんどなく、比較的きれいな印象。 天気が良い日は子どもがたくさん遊んでいます。
Many people take their animals for a walk, but there is almost no dropping of feces, which gives a relatively clean impression. Many children are playing when the weather is nice.
合田英則 on Google

I visited with my 1 year old grandson and my dog, the grass was beautiful

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