
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中島整形外科医院

住所 :

Shiraitodai, Fuchu, 〒183-0011 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://nakajima-seikei.com/
街 : Tokyo

Shiraitodai, Fuchu, 〒183-0011 Tokyo,Japan
chaser liberty on Google

I am a big teacher (Director) and a young teacher (son). I have very good teachers and rehabilitation teachers. I have been taking care of you for many years. Director, Young teacher, please be careful and do your best
菊池有治 on Google

いつも混んでいますが、今日は待合室もパンパンです。 相変わらず、地域の人気整形外科です。
It's always crowded, but today the waiting room is also full of bread. As usual, it is a popular orthopedic surgery in the area.
maco on Google

The facility is new and sports orthopedic surgery is good, but there are many outpatients, so it is almost impossible to wait half a day for the first consultation. When consulting, be sure to allow plenty of time.
Ken K on Google

良い病院だと聞いて行ってまみしたが、2時間以上待って診断3分程度の問診だけで患部を触る事さえしませんでした。 関節なので、動かしてどちらにどの程度動かすと傷むのかとかそういったことを調べるのかと思いましたが、全く触りもしません。 「PCのモニタを見てタイプしていた時間」と「問診時間」は半々程度だった様に思います。 そんな感じで、状態を詳しく調べもせずに、継続する痛みでも無いのに不要と思われる痛み止めの飲み薬と塗り薬を処方されて、私には全く合わない病院でした。
I heard that it was a good hospital, but I waited for more than 2 hours and did not even touch the affected area just by asking about 3 minutes for diagnosis. Since it is a joint, I thought whether to move it and to what extent to move it would damage it, but I did not touch it at all. I think that "the time I was typing while looking at the PC monitor" and the "interview time" were about half and half. With that kind of feeling, I didn't check the condition in detail, and I was prescribed a painkiller and topical medicine that seemed unnecessary even though I had no continuing pain, so it was a hospital that didn't suit me at all.
うーしー on Google

先生は老先生と若先生がおられます 昔から通ってる方は老先生を希望されるようですね。 私は若先生に診察してもらいますが、いつも丁寧にレントゲン写真や骨格標本を使ってどの部位がどのような症状なのか的確に説明してもらえます とても親切なので好感を得ています ちなみにこちらで処置出来ない病状については整形に強い国領の慈恵医大第三病院に紹介状出してくれますからまずはこちらで診断頂くのがよいかと思います ★朝はかなり混みあってますので、私は7時半に並んで(大体5人位は既に並んでいる) 8時に開いて診察券をホルダーに入れて箱に投入すると順番に処置されるシステムです 初診の場合は保険証をホルダーに入れて箱に入れると、後ほど呼ばれて問診になります ★駐車場は病院前には6台くらいですが、線路の先に更に5台位の駐車場が別にあります とにかく朝早く行って一旦診察開始前まで暇潰したりした方がいいかなと思います
There are old and young teachers It seems that those who have been attending for a long time want an old teacher. I have a young doctor examine me, but I always use polite radiography and skeletal specimens to explain exactly what part is showing what symptoms. I am very kind and I like it By the way, for medical conditions that cannot be treated here, a referral letter will be sent to the Jikei University Third Hospital in the national territory, which is strong in plastic surgery, so I think it is better to have a diagnosis here first. ★It's pretty crowded in the morning, so I lined up at 7:30 (about 5 people already lined up) It is a system that opens at 8 o'clock, puts the examination ticket in the holder, puts it in the box, and is treated in order For the first visit, put the insurance card in the holder and put it in the box, and you will be called later to have an interview. ★There are about 6 parking lots in front of the hospital, but there are 5 parking lots at the end of the railroad track. Anyway, I think it's better to go early in the morning and kill time before the start of medical examination.
なー on Google

おすすめはしません。 近所に住んでいますが少なくとも私の知り合いの方で良く言っている方は居ません。 ただ、いつ行っても混んでいるのは事実です。 それだけ信頼して通ってる方達が多いと言う事だと思います。 私の実体験では、母が首筋にしこりができ痛みが有ったので受診しましたが診察では触りも検査もせず湿布と痛み止めを処方されました。 しばらく経っても良くならず、しこりは大きくなり食事がしずらいと私に言ってきました。 私はこの時点で母の異変に気付き、ネットで調べて耳鼻咽喉科に連れて行きました。 その病院ですぐに総合病院へ行く様に言われ紹介状を書いて頂きその足ですぐ向かいました。 結果は甲状腺の腫瘍でその日に入院しました。 私たちは自分の体であっても病気に関しては素人です。 母は首筋の痛みから整形外科だと思い受診しましたが実際には甲状腺のガンでした。 末期ガンでしたので発見が遅れて命がどうのこうのとは言いません! ただ、最初の痛みの時点でしっかり検査してくれていれば痛みの原因は分かったはずです。 中島整形外科を信じて無駄に痛みに耐えていた母が不憫でなりません。
I do not recommend it. I live in the neighborhood, but at least none of my acquaintances say it well. However, it is a fact that it is always crowded. I think that there are many people who trust that much. In my actual experience, my mother had a lump in her neck and had pain, so I went to see her, but at the time of the examination, I was prescribed a compress and painkiller without touching or testing. He told me that it didn't get better after a while and the lumps got bigger and it was hard to eat. At this point, I noticed my mother's anomaly and searched online and took her to an otolaryngologist. I was told to go to the general hospital immediately at that hospital, wrote a letter of introduction, and headed immediately with my feet. The result was a thyroid tumor and he was hospitalized that day. We are amateurs when it comes to illness, even in our own bodies. My mother had a pain in her neck and thought she had an orthopedic surgery, but she actually had thyroid cancer. Since I had terminal cancer, I wouldn't say how my life would be because the discovery was delayed! However, if you had a thorough examination at the time of the first pain, you should have understood the cause of the pain. Nakajima My mother, who believed in orthopedics and endured pain in vain, cannot be pitied.
michi I on Google

いつもかなり混んでいます。1時間~2時間ぐらい待つことも普通です。 お父さん先生、若先生のお2人です。 親身に見てくれている感じはするのですが、なにぶんにも混みすぎているので、話す時間もそれほど取れないというのが現実な気がします。
It's always quite crowded. It is normal to wait for 1 to 2 hours. They are a father teacher and a young teacher. I feel like they are looking at me kindly, but I feel that the reality is that I don't have much time to talk because it's so crowded.
masaki on Google

ずっと若先生にお世話になっておりますが、こんなに患者さん思いの先生はなかなかおりません。 他院で誤診に合い、こちらの若先生の診察で大怪我が判明した時も、落ち着いて丁寧に、そして力強く励ましてくれました。 そして、たまの小さなケガでも、きちんと診察、検査をしてくださり、丁寧に教えてくださいます。そして、もちろんちゃんと治ります。 リハビリの先生方も親切丁寧で笑顔で優しいスタッフばかりです。 受付の方もいつも笑顔であたたかく出迎えてくれます。 故に、やはり、混んでいます。 激混みです。激激混みです。 待ち時間120分は当たり前です。 座れない時もあります。 それでも、こんなに素晴らしい整形外科は近くに見当たらないので、みなさん分かって、来ていらっしゃると思います。 お時間にかなりの余裕を持っておかかりください。 テレビはありますが、音声は無く字幕です。 FMラジオも流れています。 院内の空気もとても綺麗です。
I have been taking care of Dr. Young, but there are not so many teachers who are patient. When he was misdiagnosed at another hospital, and when he saw a serious injury from his visit, he was calm, polite and strong. And, even for occasional small injuries, we will examine and test properly and tell us carefully. And of course healed properly. The rehabilitation teachers are also kind, polite, smiling and friendly. The receptionist always welcomes you with a smile. Therefore, it is still crowded. It is very crowded. It is very crowded. The waiting time of 120 minutes is natural. Sometimes I can't sit down. Still, there is no such wonderful orthopedic surgery nearby, so I think everyone knows and is coming. Please take plenty of time. There is a TV, but there is no audio and subtitles. FM radio is also playing. The air inside the hospital is also very beautiful.

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