Kamiyogasetagayadori Clinic - Setagaya City

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kamiyogasetagayadori Clinic

住所 :

チェリー ヒルズ No.2 2F 6 Chome-31-15 Kamiyoga, Setagaya City, Tokyo 158-0098, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 158-0098
Webサイト : http://www.setakuri.com/

チェリー ヒルズ No.2 2F 6 Chome-31-15 Kamiyoga, Setagaya City, Tokyo 158-0098, Japan
ららあらら on Google

土日も診てもらえるので大変有難いです。目の前に薬局もあるし、世田谷通り沿いでバス停も近いし便利です。今まで通ったどの病院よりも処方が慎重で信頼できる気がします。 特に皮膚の女医先生がとても親身です。 スタッフの方々も多く丁寧に接して貰えるので大変満足です。しばらくお世話になります。
I am very grateful that you can see me on Saturdays and Sundays. There is a pharmacy in front of you, and the bus stop is close to Setagaya Dori, which is convenient. I feel that the prescription is more careful and reliable than any hospital I have ever visited. Especially the female doctor of skin is very kind. I am very satisfied with the many staff members who treat me politely. Thank you for your support for a while.
美和 on Google

He had a sudden fever and was diagnosed yesterday with suspected flu. I was told to come today negative. He was also negative, but was suspected of influenza and was prescribed Zofluza. No stethoscope, no X-rays, only Caronal 500. The worst hospital. Still 39 ° C, head and body hurts and it is difficult to walk. After all, the fever did not decrease and I was hospitalized on 40 ° C Sunday
nori oui on Google

日曜診療を行なっているすばらしいCLです。風邪で初めて受診しました。若いボブの受付の人は感じは良くなかったです(同じく風邪の新患の男性には愛想が良かったですが)HPに3分診療なんたら〜と文言があったので少し期待していたのですがD rは結局3分診療でした。新患用紙みて喉をみて薬(ロキソニン、メジコン、リンコデ散)だして終わりです(他の医者も昨今似たり寄ったりですので可もなく不可もない感じです)咳喘息になっているところに新たに喉の腫れと痛みが出てきたので受診したのですがD rの方は病識は充分あるようでした(時々咳喘息治療全くしてくれない医師もいるので)ただ百日ぜき等変な感染症にかかってないか心配だったのですがその点までは見てくれたのか不明です。最後のお会計をしてくれた事務さんは近くの薬局を紹介してくれて親切な感じがしました。
It is a wonderful CL that provides medical care on Sundays. I had a cold for the first time. The young Bob's receptionist didn't feel good (although he was also friendly to a man with a new cold), and I was expecting a little because there was a statement on the HP about 3 minutes of medical treatment. However, Dr was treated for 3 minutes after all. Look at the new patient's paper, look at your throat, and start taking medicine (Loxonin, Medicon, Rinkodesan) (other doctors are similar these days, so it feels like it's not good or bad) New to the place where you have cough asthma I had a swelling and pain in my throat, so I went to see him, but Dr seemed to have enough illness (some doctors don't treat cough asthma at all), but he had a strange infection such as a pertussis. I was worried if I had any illness, but I'm not sure if he saw that point. The clerk who made the final checkout introduced me to a nearby pharmacy, and I felt kind.
Kojia Ogawa on Google

6ヶ月ぶり3回目のワクティンはここでゲット、 バス停から近くて便利でした。
Get the third Wactin here for the first time in 6 months, It was convenient because it was close to the bus stop.
MA O on Google

(2019年11月)39度以上の高熱で、平日午後イチの誰もいない時間帯に行きましたが、受付(2人のうち1人)も医師も感じ悪かったです。愛想がないのは接客業ではないので仕方ないにしても、受付で①高熱フラフラなのでどこかで横になれないか、②現在飲んでいる薬 を伝えたが(再度言いますが平日のガラガラの状態にも関わらず)医師には何も伝わっていませんでした。医師の態度も面倒臭そうで、処方されたのは解熱剤のみ。高熱で具合悪い中来たことを後悔しました。
(November 2019) With a high fever of 39 degrees or more, I went to a weekday afternoon when there was nobody, but the receptionist (one of the two) and the doctor felt uncomfortable. It's not the hospitality business that I don't like, so I can't help it, but at the reception desk I told him (1) I couldn't lie down because I had a high fever, and (2) I told him what medicine I was currently taking (again, it's rattling on weekdays. Nothing was told to the doctor (despite the condition). The doctor's attitude seems to be troublesome, and only antipyretics were prescribed. I regret having come in the middle of a high fever and illness.
小澤光則 on Google

唯一のメリットは土日やっている事。 その他は全てNGかな。 診療翌日に症状が治まらないので総合病院に行ったら即入院! コレステロールの薬を変更されたら副作用で肝機能が急激に低下! 高血圧とコレステロールの検査で定期的に診療代が一万円位。 他の病院も同じですか?
The only merit is doing it on Saturdays and Sundays. Everything else is NG. The symptoms do not go away the day after the medical examination, so if you go to a general hospital, you will be hospitalized immediately! If you change your cholesterol medication, your liver function will drop sharply due to side effects! Regular medical fees are around 10,000 yen for high blood pressure and cholesterol tests. Are other hospitals the same?
花はな on Google

日曜にやっているのは有難いが整形外科の先生はスタッフに怖がられている様な感じでした。 以前整形外科で働いておりましたが、レントゲンに案内してくださったスタッフさんはあまりにも知識がないなという印象でした。 また1度目は照射ミスがあったと言われて撮り直しも。レントゲンは放射線技師かお医者様しかシャッターのボタンを押せないはずでは…… その後の診察も膝が痛いのに徒手検査もなし、どうしたら痛いとかどんな時に痛みが出るとかそういう問診もなくとりあえず骨折の確認屋さんって感じでした。 レベルはかなり低いと思います。骨折の有無やただ痛み止め、貼り薬が欲しい時に行くのには便利かと思いますがそれまでだと思いました。
Thank you for doing it on Sunday, but the orthopedic surgeon felt scared by the staff. I used to work in orthopedics, but I had the impression that the staff who guided me to Roentgen didn't have much knowledge. Also, the first time I was told that there was an irradiation error and I took a picture again. Roentgen should only be able to press the shutter button by a radiologist or a doctor ... After that, I had a pain in my knee, but I didn't have a manual examination, and I didn't have any questions about how it hurts or when it hurts. I think the level is quite low. I think it's convenient to go when you have a broken bone or just want a pain reliever or a patch, but I thought it was up to that point.
Mayuge 13 on Google

受付の方も検査技師さんも女医さんもとても感じが良いのですが(一人はイマイチと言うか高飛車)・・・ 理事長の都外川ってオジサンが本当に最悪。 エラそう、必要な事すら説明しない、高飛車、聞いても、そんな事もわかんないのか的な態度の返事が帰ってくる。 近いから使っているが、その日の診療がこの人だと外れだなと、とても残念な気持ちになる。 ダメな医師の典型例な人。
The receptionist, the inspection engineer, and the female doctor feel very good (one is not good or a high-flying car) ... The chairman, Togaikawa, is really the worst. Ella Yes, I don't even explain what I need to do, I'm a high-flying car, and even if I ask, I get a reply with an attitude that I don't understand. I've been using it since it's close, but I'm very disappointed that the medical treatment for that day is out of the question for this person. A typical example of a bad doctor.

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