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Contact 信受山長恩寺

住所 :

Shiozawa, Minamiuonuma, 〒949-6408 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
街 : Niigata

Shiozawa, Minamiuonuma, 〒949-6408 Niigata,Japan
稲岡慶郎 on Google

A temple in the Jodo sect on Makino Street in Shiozawa. There is a grave of Makino Suzuki, right in front of the birthplace of Makiko Suzuki who is the author of Hokuetsu Snow Music and is from Shiozawa.
はるのゆいたろう on Google

「長恩寺」は雁木の街並みが続く牧之通りの北端から少し通りを入った先にある寺院です。(通りの端になる住吉神社の境内の更に奥に位置しています) 鐘楼門前から石地蔵群越しに見る越後の山々がとても素朴な風景を醸し出しています。ちなみに鐘楼門は仁王像がデンと鎮座する立派な朱塗りの山門でとても迫力があります。 本堂も朱塗りですが、脇には新潟県の天然記念物に指定されている「オハツキイチョウ」がコチラもデンと聳えています。 オハツキイチョウは葉に身をつける貴重な品種との事ですが、訪問時は晩秋だったので、身をつけたイチョウの黄色が見事で朱色の鐘楼門とのコントラストがとても良かったです。
"Choonji" is a temple located a short distance from the northern end of Makino-dori, where the streets of the snowroof continue. (Located further back in the precincts of Sumiyoshi Shrine at the end of the street) The mountains of Echigo seen from the front of the bell tower gate through the stone Jizo group create a very simple landscape. By the way, the bell tower gate is a magnificent vermilion-painted mountain gate where the statue of Nio sits with Den and is very powerful. The main hall is also painted in vermilion, but on the side is the "Ohatsuki Ginkgo", which is designated as a natural monument in Niigata Prefecture. Ohatsuki Ginkgo is a valuable variety to wear on the leaves, but since it was late autumn when I visited, the yellow color of the ginkgo I wore was wonderful and the contrast with the vermilion bell tower gate was very good.
マツコ on Google

牧之通りの端にありました。天然記念物の『オハツキイチョウ』の大木は圧巻でした✨ 今日は3月半ばで葉は無かったのですが、秋になったら凄いんだろうな~✨✨
It was at the end of Makino Street. The big tree of the natural monument “Ohatsuki ginkgo” was a masterpiece. Today there were no leaves in mid-March, but it would be amazing if it was autumn.
debuキング on Google

A temple at the end of Makino Street. The main hall of the vermilion bell tower and the main hall was quietly standing. There is a natural monument Ginkgo Tree with fruit on the leaves. It may be beautiful when new rice can be taken.
null Insel on Google

鈴木牧之の墓がある。 境内にある推定樹齢約400年、高さ約40メートルのイチョウは、「長恩寺のお葉つきイチョウ」として新潟県指定天然記念物。
There is a grave of Makino Suzuki. The ginkgo with an estimated age of about 400 years and a height of about 40 meters in the grounds is a natural monument designated by Niigata Prefecture as “Ginkgo with leaves from Choonji Temple”.
Maurice Belmondo on Google

光明房が開いたと伝えられる浄土宗の古刹。鈴木牧之の菩提寺でお墓があるとこのとですが、日が暮れて真っ暗でどこかわからず。 樹齢400年とも言われる、お葉つきイチョウが良いものでした。 赤い立派な門には赤い仁王像が鎮座しておりますた。
An ancient temple of the Jodo sect that is said to have opened Komeibo. It is said that there is a grave at Bokushi Suzuki's Bodaiji Temple, but it is pitch black as the sun goes down and I do not know where it is. The ginkgo tree with leaves, which is said to be 400 years old, was a good one. A red statue of Nio was enshrined in the magnificent red gate.
小出武幸 on Google

It's a temple that I've been accustomed to since I was a child, and it's a place where I feel relieved with the same appearance as before. I miss the natural monument Daiginko and the dozo that used to be the exhibition hall of Bokushi Suzuki. It is a temple of the Jodo sect and has ancestral tombs.
Wara Hayu Prihaningtyas on Google

it's a beautifull shrine, i love that colour?

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