
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 幸めん

住所 :

Shinzan, Sagae, 〒991-0047 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878798
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Yamagata

Shinzan, Sagae, 〒991-0047 Yamagata,Japan
山形太郎 on Google

リニューアル後初めて行きました。お店に入ると干した魚独特の匂いが強めにするのでかなりスープに特徴があるのかなと思い警戒しましたが優しい味の美味しいラーメンでした。麺も細麺と太麺を選べるので多くの人が気に入ると思います。値段も高くない上にチャーシューも大ぶりのものが2枚でお得な感じがします。 これで駐車場に車が停めにくくなければ足繁く通うんですけどね。
I went there for the first time after the renewal. When I entered the shop, the smell peculiar to dried fish became stronger, so I was wary that the soup was quite characteristic, but it was a delicious ramen with a gentle taste. You can choose between thin and thick noodles, so many people will like it. The price is not high, and the two large char siu pork is a great deal. If it's not difficult to park the car in the parking lot, I'll be busy.
ピエールガスリー on Google

I was disturbed for the first time. I ordered thin noodles with boiled and dried soy sauce Chinese and thin noodles with beef bone soy sauce Chinese. I ate dried sphyraenidae and it was delicious. I was worried about Egumi in the word of mouth, but I think that is different for each person. The inside of the store was beautiful, and the lid of the seasoning was not sticky, so I liked it. The customer service is perfect.
夕焼け on Google

土曜日の13時半くらいにお邪魔しました。カマス煮干しラーメンのしょうゆを太麺で注文。太麺と細麺選べるのはうれしいです。10分くらいで提供。こういうものなのか、たまたまなのか、焦げた香りのスープでした。チャーシューは大判でしっかりとした味と食感があります。具材はメンマ、ネギ、卵、のりが載っていて満足です。味は美味しかったですけど。最後まで魚の焦げたような香りが気になりました。 もう一回食べて確かめたいと思います。
I visited around 13:30 on Saturday. I ordered the salty soy sauce of dried sphyraenidae ramen with thick noodles. It's nice to be able to choose between thick and thin noodles. Served in about 10 minutes. It was a soup with a burnt scent, whether it was something like this or by chance. The char siu is large and has a solid taste and texture. I am satisfied with the ingredients such as menma, green onions, eggs, and glue. The taste was delicious though. I was worried about the burnt scent of fish until the end. I would like to eat it again and check it.
Odazumocco Funkylemonade on Google

It was a very delicious ramen with soup stock. There is also a tatami room, so it is also recommended for families with children.
ああ on Google

I ate vegetable spicy miso ramen, but it's spicy! It's too spicy! It hurts rather than spicy! Is it something wrong? I don't think it's the pain that people generally receive. I tried my best and managed to eat it. The volume is amazing.
oyabun on Google

ふらっと山形県。 気になるラーメン屋を見つけたので訪問しました。 お店の名前は幸めん。 寒河江市にあって専用駐車場がありました。 店内はカウンターとテーブル席で14、5席くらいかな。 メニューは味噌、塩、しょうゆとそろっていて、 この時は夏季で冷やしも提供されているようでした。 今回は天然カマス煮干し中華醤油をチョイス。 このカマス煮干しが食べてみたくて気になってたんです。 提供されたのを見るとなかなか具沢山でいい感じのビジュアルです。 ふわっと香るのがカマス煮干しですな。 スープを一口飲んでみるとしっかりと煮干しが効いた味わい。 このスープかなり好き。 麺はちぢれの太麺でもっちりとした食感が好印象です。 チャーシューは薄いタイプだけど 赤身も多くてこれまた美味しいですな。 瞬殺で食べ終わりました。 具材もたっぷりでスープも美味しいラーメンでした。 他の一品も食べてみたいと思わせるお店でした。
Flat Yamagata prefecture. I found a ramen shop that I was interested in, so I visited it. The name of the shop is fortunate. There was a private parking lot in Sagae City. There are about 14 or 5 seats at the counter and table seats in the store. The menu includes miso, salt, and soy sauce. At this time, it seemed that chilling was also offered in the summer. This time, I chose natural'boke's dried Chinese soy sauce. I was curious to try this dried sphyraenidae. It's a nice visual with lots of ingredients when you see it provided. The fluffy scent is dried sphyraenidae. When you take a sip of the soup, it tastes like sardines. I really like this soup. The noodles are small and thick, and the texture is very nice. The char siu is a thin type There is a lot of lean meat and this is also delicious. I finished eating with an instant kill. The ramen had plenty of ingredients and the soup was delicious. It was a shop that made me want to try other dishes.
ジョルノジョバァーナ on Google

天然カマス煮干し中華を目当てに来店。 醤油・味噌・塩の3種類があり、太麺と細麺が選べます。 何度かお邪魔してますが、今回も醤油の細麺を注文しました。 ふんわりと優しい煮干しのスープです。 細麺を選びましたが、個人的にはもう少し細い方が好みです。 チャーシューは2枚入ってますが、とても大きい! 脂の甘味がすごくおいしくてびっくりでした。 途中で胡椒を入れて味変を楽しみながら、スープまで全部いただきました。 スタッフの方は女性でテキパキとされてました。 カウンターの上もしっかり拭いてて、調味料の下の皿までちゃんとキレイになってました。 床も掃除が行き届いており、空気清浄機もありますので、気持ちよく食べる事ができました。
I came to the store for the purpose of boiled and dried Chinese food. There are three types of soy sauce, miso, and salt, and you can choose thick noodles or thin noodles. I've been bothering you several times, but this time I ordered thin soy sauce noodles. A soft and gentle sardine soup. I chose thin noodles, but personally I prefer thinner noodles. There are two char siu, but it's very big! I was surprised that the sweetness of the fat was very delicious. I added pepper on the way and enjoyed the taste change while having all the soup. The staff was female and was considered to be responsive. I wiped the top of the counter well, and even the plate under the seasoning was clean. The floor was well cleaned and there was an air purifier, so I was able to eat comfortably.
齊藤. on Google

ここは煮干しにこだわりがあって、カマス煮干しを使っています。 自分の推しは、カマス煮干しそばの醤油味です。麺の太さも,選べます。煮干しには太麺が合うと思います。 中華そばは、牛スープだそうで少しあっさり目!こちらには細麺ですかね❗️ 味も安定したして、いつも美味しいラーメンが食べられます‼️
I am particular about dried sardines here, and I use dried sphyraenidae. My recommendation is the soy sauce flavor of dried sphyraenidae. You can also choose the thickness of the noodles. I think thick noodles go well with boiling. Chinese soup seems to be beef soup, so it's a little light! Is this thin noodles? ❗️ The taste is stable and you can always eat delicious ramen! ️

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