Shintanabe Station - Kyotanabe

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shintanabe Station

住所 :

Kawarashokuden, Kyotanabe, Kyoto 610-0361, Japan

Postal code : 610-0361

Kawarashokuden, Kyotanabe, Kyoto 610-0361, Japan
北谷晶司郎 on Google

This is Kintetsu. The express stops. There are elevators and escalators. There are two convenience stores immediately after exiting the ticket gate. The east exit and west exit are immediately from the ticket gate.
Roto on Google

改札を出たところにパン屋、ATM三種、ドラッグストア、本屋があり、一階部分には唐揚げ屋、コンビニ、100均があります。バスターミナルは八幡、楠葉、松井山手方面へのアクセスに便利です。 駅前には席数が多くランチもいけるカフェ、なか卯、ローソンがあり、居酒屋、餃子の王将、文具屋、パチンコ屋が並んでいて一通りは揃います。すごく賑わっている、ということはないのですが、何もなくて不便ということもありません。 JR京田辺駅も徒歩圏内、銀行の支店、アルプラザ(ショッピングモール)もあって、近鉄は急行停車駅ですから一人暮らしの選択肢になるのではないでしょうか。
Where I left the ticket gate, there are a bakery, three ATMs, a drug store, a bookstore, and there is a deep fried shop, convenience store, 100 hundred on the first floor part. Bus terminal is convenient for access to Yawata, Kusaba, Matsuiyama direction. There are many cafés that can have lots of seats at the front of the station, Naka Uyu, Lawson, the Izakaya, the grandmother of dumplings, stationery shops and pachinko parlors are lined up and the streets are aligned. There is no such thing as being very crowded, but there is nothing inconvenient if there is nothing. There is also JR Kyotanabe Station within walking distance, a branch office of a bank, Alpraza (shopping mall), and because Kintetsu is an express stop, it will be an option for living alone.
鴨川嵐雪 on Google

The image of Ikkyu Sojun's childhood watches over us ordinary husbands warmly. It has been an express stop for 30 years, but the station front of the east exit was quiet. It prospered.
岡田直樹 on Google

急行が止まるのでいいですね。 新田辺駅横の踏切は渋滞になることがあるので、緩和対策してほしいですね。 例えば、地下鉄は踏切を越えたところでUターンするので、踏切が30分あたり2回も多く閉まってしまいます。逆方向でUターンしてくれたら、閉まりにくくなります!ご検討ください!
It's good because the express stops. The railroad crossing next to Shintanabe Station may be congested, so I would like you to take mitigation measures. For example, the subway makes a U-turn after crossing a railroad crossing, so the railroad crossing closes twice every 30 minutes. If you make a U-turn in the opposite direction, it will be difficult to close! Please consider!
フミ on Google

毎朝、貴重な2箇所の磁器改札のうち片方が事実上止まっていてICが集中すると磁気定期券使用者は駅の中に封印されます。 なかには磁気とわかるや走ってくるIC使用の学生もいます。 IC使用者が1極集中しないような対策をおねがいします。
Every morning, when one of the two precious porcelain ticket gates is virtually stopped and the ICs are concentrated, the magnetic commuter pass user is sealed inside the station. Some students use ICs that run as soon as they know that they are magnetic. Please take measures to prevent IC users from concentrating.
M Y on Google

急行停車駅で、京都方面の一部各駅停車(おおむね地下鉄烏丸線相互乗り入れ車両)の始発駅でもある。座って京都方面に行きやすい。 少し離れているがJR学研都市線、京田辺駅との乗換駅にもなっている。 またバスとの乗り換え需要も多いです。 そのため利用者はそこそこ多く。朝はホームから人が溢れそうな事もあります。
It is an express stop and is also the starting station for some local stations in the direction of Kyoto (generally subway Karasuma Line mutual trains). Easy to sit down and go to Kyoto. Although it is a little far away, it is also a transfer station to Kyotanabe Station on the JR Gakken Toshi Line. There is also a lot of demand for transfers to buses. Therefore, there are so many users. In the morning, people may overflow from the home.
kazuchi on Google

JRと乗り換えが出来る駅です。 西口へ降ります。 しかしながらJRの京田辺駅は少し距離があります。
It is a station where you can transfer to JR. Get off at the west exit. However, JR Kyotanabe station is a little far away.
Mohammed Hajjaj on Google

There is a local train arrives from Kyoto to this station at 10:34, and if you want to go to the next station which is Kodo station, you will arrive at 10:44. Why? I don't know! However, from Shintanabe to Kodo, it takes 15 min by walk! It is recommended!!

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