Shinshuotaniha Nichiyasan Shotoku Temple - Shinagawa City

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shinshuotaniha Nichiyasan Shotoku Temple

住所 :

2 Chome-9-26 Kitashinagawa, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 140-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8798
Postal code : 140-0001
Webサイト :

2 Chome-9-26 Kitashinagawa, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 140-0001, Japan
katsue on Google

昭和の雰囲気が懐かしさを感じさせてくれる お寺です。お線香を頂く際の大黒さま、その ご家族の あたたかな対応は いつもホッと一息つける瞬間です。
It is a temple where the atmosphere of Showa makes you feel nostalgic. When you get incense, Mr. Daikoku, your family's warm response is always a moment of relief.
MM KK on Google

It is a temple along the shopping street in Shinbaba. At first glance it seemed to be small, but there was an atmosphere of dignity when entering. It was a wonderful temple.
Aya Tachiki on Google

It is a temple that has been used for location near the station.
塩田克太郎 on Google

I missed visiting on November 3, 2017. Somehow Ichigen's refusal atmosphere was popping. Still, I received very thankful words. It looks like this, but next time I'd like to visit with courage. Kill!
tad215 on Google

It is a temple of Shinshu Otani school. It was cleaned neatly. The mountain gate is excellent.
義則松本 on Google

京急沿線新馬場駅から4~5分の旧東海道商店街の中程にあり歴史ある寺。商店街は真ん中に対面可能車道があり 両サイドが雰囲気ある小さい飲食店があり散策しても楽しい。
A historic temple located in the middle of the old Tokaido shopping street, 4-5 minutes from Shimbamba Station along the Keikyu Line. The shopping street has a face-to-face driveway in the middle There are small restaurants with atmosphere on both sides, so it's fun to take a walk.
Kou K on Google

旧東海道品川宿北品川で品川神社の参道的な新馬場通りに面する寺院。 真宗大谷派日夜山正徳寺。 1298(永仁6)年、善永坊春應により八ツ山に開祖。 創建時は真言宗寺院で大日山香華院善永寺と号す。 1571(元亀2)年、現在の場所に遷座、1675(延宝3)浄土真宗本願寺派に改宗し当号に。 さらに1712(正徳2)真言宗大谷派に。 本尊は阿弥陀如来立像。 周囲塀に赤煉瓦積みは東京毛織のもの。
A temple facing Shin-Baba-dori, which is the approach to Shinagawa Shrine in the old Tokaido Shinagawa-juku Kitashinagawa. Shinshu Otani school day and night Shoshoji Temple. Founded in Yatsuyama by Haruno Zeneibo in 1298. At the time of foundation, it was a Shingon Buddhist temple and was named Zeninji Temple at Dainichizan Kokain. In 1571 (Motogame 2), he moved to his current location and converted to the 1675 (Enpo 3) Jodo Shinshu Honganji Temple School for this issue. Furthermore, to the 1712 (Masatoku 2) Shingon sect Otani school. The main deity is the statue of Amida Nyorai. The red bricks on the surrounding walls are made of Tokyo wool.
tomo h- on Google

新馬場駅から近く商店街の中にあり参拝、お参りに行きやすいお寺さんです。 旧屋根瓦がとても立派で思わず写真を撮らせて頂きました。 ご住職様もとても良い方で安心出来ます。
It is located in the shopping district near Shin-Baba station and is a temple that is easy to visit and visit. The old roof tiles are very nice and I took a picture unintentionally. You can rest assured that the priest is also very good.

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