
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東京共同法律事務所

住所 :

Shinjuku, Shinjuku City, 〒160-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.tokyokyodo-law.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM
街 : Tokyo

Shinjuku, Shinjuku City, 〒160-0022 Tokyo,Japan
あんどうともき on Google

Was kind
Lone Star Stratcastor on Google

There is a teacher who really does it well.
新鮮野菜れいわ on Google

There are a lot of teachers who are friendly, (^-^)
Chiaki (かんな) on Google

先生がたそれぞれが、あらゆる問題に取り組んでおいでです。 休日返上で、多数の会合へ助言をしにご参加くださったり、講演に出かけたり。とてもエネルギッシュで頼もしく、温かい法律家の皆様が揃っておいでです! 知識をご自分のためだけに使わず分け与えてくださるって、人として素晴らしい!
Each teacher has tackled all kinds of problems. On holiday return, I participated in giving advice to many meetings, and went to lectures. Very energetic, reliable and warm lawyers are here! It is wonderful as a person to share knowledge without using it only for yourself!
つんようこ on Google

多数の弁護士が所属しています。 以前他所でお願いした弁護士と合わず、知人に紹介していただいたこちらの弁護士に頼むことになりました。親身になって話を聞いてくださり、寄り添ってくださる姿勢がうかがえたので安心して任せることができそうです。
Many lawyers belong to it. I decided to ask this lawyer who was introduced by an acquaintance because it did not match the lawyer I had requested elsewhere. It seems that you can leave it to us with confidence because you can see the attitude of being kind and listening to the story and being close to you.
岩間豊 on Google

People who work on a wide variety of problems, listen to new tastes, and guide them.
i anna on Google

事務所に電話し用件を伝えると、担当の先生に繋がれ、簡単な相談にのってくださいました。 こちらの口コミやホームページ上で過去の実績をみて是非お願いしたかったので有料相談に伺いました。 女性の先生は丁寧に話しを聞いてくださり相談にのってくれたのですが、相手から獲得できる金額が少ない、裁判所が都心でなかった事、軽めの事案だった事等を考慮して結果的に、他の弁護士さんに依頼するか 自分で調停に対処するか、と提案をされました。 弁護士さんの中には最大利益を大切にして、あの手この手を尽くしてくれるところもあれば、一般的な経済的利益、弁護士さんの時間や労力を考えて取り扱うのに消極的な所もありますが、こちらはお忙しいせいか、後者でした。 男女関係で悩んでる方の中でも ・東京家裁 本庁 での調停、訴訟 ・相手の年収が高い、又は財産分与の額が多くなりそうな方 又は ・相手が有責配偶者の方 にはオススメです。 着手金、成功報酬は各44万(税込) 経済的利益が少ない人は少し考慮してくださるそうです。 この口コミは事務所を非難するものではなく、自分にあう男女問題の弁護士さんを探している方に少しでも助けになればと思い書いています。
When I called the office and told them what I needed to do, I was connected to the teacher in charge and gave me a brief consultation. I asked for a paid consultation because I wanted to ask by all means after seeing this review and past achievements on the homepage. The female teacher listened carefully and consulted with me, but considering that the amount of money I could get from the other party was small, the court was not in the city center, and it was a light case. As a result, I was offered a suggestion to ask another lawyer or to deal with the mediation myself. Some lawyers value their maximum profits and do their best, while others are reluctant to deal with them in consideration of their general financial interests and their time and effort. This was the latter, probably because I was busy. Even among those who are worried about gender relationships ・ Mediation and proceedings at the Tokyo Family Court HQ ・ Those who have a high annual income or are likely to have a large amount of property distribution ・ If the other party is a responsible spouse It is recommended for. Start fee and success fee are 440,000 each (tax included) People with little financial benefit will consider it a little. This review does not blame the office, but I hope it will help anyone looking for a lawyer for gender issues that suits them.
Sean Payne on Google

I had a landlord threatening to cancel my contract. During my initial phone call, Kinoshita-San was friendly and his english was so perfect, I thought he grew up in America. I went in for a consultation and both Kinoshita-San and Hamamoto-San were professional and quickly resolved my issue. I highly recommend them.

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