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Contact 鰻の一松

住所 :

Shinden, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, 〒983-0038 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Webサイト : http://www.ichi-matsu.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Miyagi

Shinden, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, 〒983-0038 Miyagi,Japan
庄司直人 on Google

It takes time to burn slowly, but you can have a very polite, fragrant fluffy eel. Access can not be said to be convenient, but the eel you want to recommend in all means. It is a waste to keep it a hole. I think the price is very reasonable compared to other shops.
koichi watanabe on Google

今日のランチ?宮城野区新田 ?初訪問?鰻の一松? 【特上うな重】 ※きも吸い&お新香付き 日頃お世話になってるお客様と 贅沢ランチ? 丁寧に備長炭で焼き上げた鰻 外はカリっと身はフワフワ? タレも私好みの美味い仕上り 評判通りの美味さに感激?? ?次回は自分ご褒美で来よ?
Today's lunch ? Shinden, Miyagino-ku ? First visit ? Eel Ichimatsu ? [Special Unaju] * Kimosui & new incense included With customers who are indebted to us on a daily basis Luxury lunch ? Eel carefully baked with Bincho charcoal The outside is crispy and the body is fluffy ? The sauce is also my favorite delicious finish Impressed by the deliciousness according to the reputation ?? ? Next time come with your own reward ?
akhr frkw on Google

A valuable shop where you can eat delicacies that are relatively cheap. Unaju ranges from 2,000 yen to 4,000 yen. The photo is about 2800 yen.
Emi Emi on Google

うな重 上と白焼きを食べました 香ばしく焼かれた鰻、美味しいタレもたっぷり めちゃうまサイコーヽ(´▽`)ノ 白焼きは、一人前を半分ずつ分けて提供してくださいました(^人^) 白焼きもうまい!とろっと蕩けますた♪ 肝吸いは到着した時点でお出汁のいい香り♪ たっぷりの漬物も美味しかったです 店内はこぢんまりで、いかにも穴場の名店という雰囲気 お値段もリーズナブルなので また食べにいきたいお店です
I ate Unaju and Shiroyaki Savory roasted eel and plenty of delicious sauce Mechauma Saiko ヽ (´ ▽ `) ノ Shiroyaki was provided in half for each person (^ people ^) Shiroyaki is good! I was able to scream ♪ Kimosui has a nice scent of soup stock when it arrives ♪ Plenty of pickles were also delicious The inside of the store is small, and the atmosphere is like a well-known store. Because the price is reasonable I want to go to eat again
薔薇 on Google

無性に鰻が食べたくなり以前より気になっていた此方のお店へオープンと同時でランチタイムにお邪魔しました。 店内はお座敷テーブルが2卓、カウンターが6席、全てアクリル板で区切られており、入口には消毒薬、空気清浄機と入口の扉を開けているため換気も良く安心です(寒いですが) お店は女性2人で切り盛りしており、雰囲気の良い接客です。 鰻重は特上の4,450円(+ご飯大盛り)を注文。 画像の通りのボリュームで、厚みもたっぷりあり国内養殖産のため脂乗りもかなり有ります。 ただ残念ながら「鰻らしい風味」は殆ど有りません。 泥臭いとかそういうことでは無く(勿論泥臭いようなことは無かったです)、鰻そのものの味わいが無いのです。 タレは甘めで塩っ辛くないものですが鰻の脂の方が優ってしまい、ちょっと勿体無かったです。 山椒も有りますが香りが立ちませんので、逆に掛けない方が美味しく頂けます。 ご飯はぬるめで店内も風通しも良いので、焼き立てでも鰻が直ぐに冷めてしまい、はふはふと頬張る感じでは無かったです。 お吸物は熱々でしたが…。 ☆3を付けましたが正確には3.8で、個人的には南光台の竹亭より美味しく頂けました。 あちらはタレが塩っ辛く、鰻はペラペラなんですよね。 美味しい鰻店探しはまだまだ続きそうです。
I wanted to eat eel asexually, so I went to this shop, which I had been worried about more than before, and at the same time I visited this shop at lunch time. There are 2 tatami mat tables and 6 counters in the store, all separated by acrylic boards, and the entrance is separated by disinfectants, air purifiers and entrance doors, so ventilation is good and safe (although it is cold). The shop is run by two women and has a nice atmosphere. Unadon ordered a special 4,450 yen (plus a large serving of rice). The volume is as shown in the image, and it is thick and has a lot of fat riding because it is a domestic aquaculture product. Unfortunately, there is almost no "eel-like flavor". It's not muddy or something like that (of course there was no muddy smell), and there is no taste of the eel itself. The sauce is sweet and not salty, but the eel fat is superior, so it was a little wasteful. There is also Japanese pepper, but it doesn't smell, so it's better not to hang it. The rice was lukewarm and well-ventilated, so the eels quickly cooled down even when freshly baked, and I didn't feel like I was chewy. The soup was hot, but ... I added 3 but it was 3.8 to be exact, and I personally enjoyed it more than Taketei in Nankodai. The sauce is salty over there, and the eel is fluffy. The search for a delicious eel restaurant is likely to continue.
ROM man on Google

うな重 松 2880円 見た目、量が少な目かなと思いましたが、味が濃厚で満足いたしました。 タレが多めです。 ほんのりと焦げてカリッとした皮、柔らかい身のバランスがいいです。 パラパラな御飯は割り箸だと、掴みにくかったです。 店員さんはコロナ対策で距離感はありますが、とても明るく対応いただきました。
Unaju pine 2880 yen I thought the appearance and quantity were small, but I was satisfied with the rich taste. There is a lot of sauce. It has a nice balance of slightly burnt and crispy skin and soft body. It was difficult to grab the fluffy rice with disposable chopsticks. The clerk has a sense of distance due to corona measures, but he responded very brightly.
S. Chama on Google

感染対策の為か、店内(客席)の換気扇全開、ファンヒーターは後から付けてくれましたが、寒い中での食事で正直おもてなしを感じられませんでした。 あの狭い店内で過剰な仕切りはかえって空気の流れを妨げ、危険なのではないでしょうか? 世の中の風潮がそうなので多少の同情はしますが、科学的根拠のない過度な感染対策は美味しい食事もまずくさせます。 特に高級食材を扱うお店には、もっと雰囲気を大事にして欲しい。張り紙ベタベタの店内には正直ゲンナリしました。 うなぎは捌いてあるものをちょっと焼いて提供している感じで(提供までの時間が早すぎる)、残念でした。 仙台で美味しいうなぎは食べれないのかなぁ…お店探しは続きます。
Perhaps because of infection control, the ventilation fan in the store (audience seat) was fully opened and the fan heater was attached later, but honestly I could not feel the hospitality when eating in the cold. Isn't it dangerous because the excessive partitioning in that small store rather obstructs the air flow? I have some sympathy because of the trend of the world, but excessive infection control without scientific basis makes delicious food bad. I want the atmosphere to be more important, especially for shops that handle high-end ingredients. Honestly, I was sick in the sticky store. It was a pity that the eels were served by baking the eels that had been separated (the time to serve them was too early). I wonder if I can eat delicious eels in Sendai ... I will continue to search for shops.
Mark Penner on Google

Fresh,, tender, tasty eel. Friendly small family owned restaurant. Experience everything that's good about Japan right here!! We are definitely coming back.

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