焼きたてパン工房 ゆたか

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼きたてパン工房 ゆたか

住所 :

Shimoyoshidacho, Zentsuji, 〒765-0021 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88778
Webサイト : https://yutaka-pan.com/
街 : Kagawa

Shimoyoshidacho, Zentsuji, 〒765-0021 Kagawa,Japan
haha on Google

焼きたてピザがすごくモチモチで乗ってる具材もおいしい。小ぶりですがちょうどいいサイズ感でランチにもピッタリ。外のテラスで気持ちよく頂けました。 小さい子供と行きましたが、店員さんがピザや子供椅子を運んでくださり親切でした。ありがとうございました。 パンやサンドイッチの種類も沢山あります。 パニーニが個人的にイチオシ。 コアラさんの乗っているパンやにこパンは、子どもでも食べやすいサイズでお値段もお手ごろなので嬉しい。 自家栽培されているバジル、パンにもピザにもトッピングされていますがお気に入りです。 最近営業時間が長くなり、以前のように混み混みの中行かなくても大丈夫になったので、行きやすくなりました。
The ingredients on which the freshly baked pizza is very chewy are also delicious. It's small, but it's just the right size and perfect for lunch. It was comfortable on the outside terrace. I went with a small child, but the clerk was kind enough to bring me a pizza and a children's chair. Thank you very much. There are many types of bread and sandwiches. Panini is personally recommended. Koala-san's bread and smiley bread are easy to eat even for children and are reasonably priced, so I'm happy. I like basil, which is grown in-house, and is topped with bread and pizza. Recently, the business hours have become longer, and it's no longer necessary to go through the crowds as before, so it's easier to go.
内冨和久 on Google

料金リーズナブルでお買い得なパンですねd(⌒ー⌒)! 自分県外からこちらに来てるんですがもう少しパンの種類が増えたらいいなぁーって思います! 因みにじふんの地元のパン屋さんでフランスパンの中に練乳が入ってるのが有るんですがそれが大好物なんですよ! そんなパン出来ないかなd(⌒ー⌒)!
Reasonable and affordable bread d (⌒ ー ⌒)! I'm coming here from outside my prefecture, but I wish I could have more types of bread! By the way, at a local bakery in Jifun, there is condensed milk in French bread, which is my favorite! I wonder if I can make such bread d (⌒ ー ⌒)!
Kagwa of Kid on Google

Nowadays Kagawa Prefecture is calm, but among the bakeries I went to recently, the corona measures were the best. There is a store clerk who is exclusively for admission. I felt honesty. Even on weekdays, guards are also placed in the parking lot. And all the bread is delicious and cheap on average. I understand why it is so popular. If I had enough time, I also wanted to try the Kamaishi pizza that was baked in the place visible inside the store. It's nice to have an eat-in space!
amore imazu on Google

I bought margherita, summer vegetable curry and seafood pizza. The doughs were all chewy and delicious, but the summer vegetable curry was especially delicious. While I was waiting for the pizza to bake, I had free coffee and tomorrow's breakfast I bought croquette burger, mentaiko furansu, fried curry bread, croissant, croissant chocolat and crispy panini. All were cheap. The store is fashionable and the employee cafeteria is open on Saturdays where you can eat in.
マルオカユウイチ on Google

I went there for the first time in a long time today. I have been visiting several times a year for a couple of years. I'm looking for a pizza in the store. Takeout is also OK. Eat and terrace seats in the store are also OK. Today, two groups were seated on the terrace and ordered pizza ?. My turn was after that, so I waited for about 15 minutes. Free drinks and free coffee. You can choose Hot & Cool. There are several pizza menus, and seasonal sales are also available. Today is Margherita and German potatoes. It is cut into 4 equal parts with a diameter of about 20 cm. Today I took out with a GoTO Eat ticket, went home and had a blissful time with Beer ?. Two pieces of pelori. Other freshly baked bread ? is also popular. Recommended for those who love bread, please visit if you haven't been there yet. It used to close at 14:00, but the sign I saw today was 17:00. Please check the opening hours and business hours. Unfortunately, it was closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. The price was reasonable, and it was 630 yen including tax for 2 items. That's five stars.
KENTOS 777 on Google

自力で見つけるのは難しい店ですがおいしいパン屋です。いつもカレーパンを2個買います。食べた後でピリピリ感がくるけど、パン生地のサクもっちりと相まって牛スジの旨味も感じます。同じカレーパンを目玉にしている某丸亀のパ○ベルなんかは自分の苦手なニンジンがゴロゴロ入って詐欺のようなカレーパンですがこちらのは本当のカレーパンとしておすすめです。ニンジン大好きな人にはパ○ベルのカレーパンはオススメです! 店内は狭くて通路も狭く、人気店の為お客さんが多く、ぶつかりそうになることが多いのとパンを載せるトレーがツルツルしているのでしょっちゅうパンが滑って落としそうになることが難点かな。 焼きたてパンが少しずつ補充されるので長い時間売場にあるパンは少ないです。 買ってすぐ食べるスペースや庭もあるので便利だし、家に持って帰って食べる前にトースターで温めて食べても美味しいです。個人的にはカレーパン食べたくなったらここに行きます。後、関係無いかもですが多くの若くて綺麗な女性スタッフがキビキビと仕事されているのも好感が持てます。どのパンも美味しいよ。
It's hard to find on your own, but it's a delicious bakery. I always buy two curry breads. After eating, you will feel a tingling sensation, but you can also feel the umami of beef tendon with the crispness of the bread dough. A certain round turtle's pa * bell, which has the same curry bread as its centerpiece, is a curry bread that is fraudulent with carrots that I am not good at, but this is recommended as a real curry bread. For those who love carrots, Pa * bell's curry bread is recommended! The inside of the store is narrow and the passage is narrow, and because it is a popular store, there are many customers, and it is likely that they will collide with each other, and the tray on which the bread is placed is slippery, so the difficulty is that the bread is likely to slip and drop. Freshly baked bread is replenished little by little, so there are few breads in the sales floor for a long time. It is convenient because there is a space and a garden where you can eat immediately after you buy it, and it is also delicious to warm it up with a toaster before you take it home and eat it. Personally, I go here if I want to eat curry bread. After that, it may not be related, but I also like the fact that many young and beautiful female staff are working hard. Every bread is delicious.
9944 fdm on Google

(R4 1/19)善通寺でのご馳走が忘れられず、またまた来てしまいました。アップルパイ美味しかったです。ここまでコーヒーを我慢していて正解でした。また、きます。 (R3 12/8)最初、パン屋さんを調べて歩いて辿り着きましたが、本当はオリジナルタオルなどの製造、販売のお店でした。お店の方々の対応は大変素晴らしく、気持ちが温かくなりました。ついでにフリーのコーヒーまで頂き、本当に温かくなりました。また、ぜひお邪魔したいです。 パンも大変美味しいですが、ピザも美味しいですよ。
(R4 1/19) I couldn't forget the treat at Zentsuji, and I came back again. The apple pie was delicious. I had to put up with coffee so far and it was the correct answer. I will come again. (R3 12/8) At first, I searched for a bakery and arrived at it, but it was actually a shop that manufactures and sells original towels. The correspondence of the shop staff was very good and it made me feel warm. I also had free coffee and it became really warm. Also, I definitely want to bother you. Bread is very delicious, but pizza is also delicious.
出水由美子 on Google

イベントしてて会計ごとにちび丸クッキー?とミニハンカチをいただきました。 パンはそこそこ美味しい。ちょっと種類が少ないかも。無料のコーヒーも飲めちゃいますがやや薄め。無料なのでそんな事言ったらダメかな。 焼きたてのピザ?が売りかな。今日はシーフードピザにしました。 外のテラス席でも食べられるのでコロナ対策はバッチリです。
At the event, I received a Chibimaru cookie ? and a mini handkerchief for each checkout. The bread is reasonably delicious. There may be a few types. You can drink free coffee, but it's a little thin. It's free, so I wonder if I should say such a thing. I wonder if freshly baked pizza ? is for sale. I made seafood pizza today. Corona measures are perfect because you can eat it even on the terrace outside.

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