仁木家 三田 蕎麦とフレンチ

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 仁木家 三田 蕎麦とフレンチ

住所 :

三田市下田中Shimotanaka, 〒669-1522 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : https://niki-ya.com/japanese
街 : Hyogo

三田市下田中Shimotanaka, 〒669-1522 Hyogo,Japan
kei yam on Google

お料理は最高です。 特に野菜と別料金でお願いできるお肉が美味しいです。 お店の方も皆さん親切でしたよ。 少し場所がわかりづらく176号線のトヨタさんから川沿いを入った所に看板があります 大阪市内からなので頻繁には行けないけど、何かの記念日なんかにはとてもいいお店だと思います。
The food is great. Especially the meat that you can ask for at an extra charge with vegetables is delicious. Everyone at the shop was kind. There is a signboard on the riverside from Toyota on Route 176, which is a little difficult to find. I can't go there often because it's from Osaka city, but I think it's a very good shop for some kind of anniversary.
kゆうき on Google

Since it is a private room, I was able to eat with confidence even in the corona vortex. The food was beautifully presented and it was delicious. The soba noodles are also excellent.
Ekko on Google

The road to the shop is quite narrow and it is very difficult to go by a big car ?… The parking lot is also quite difficult to park ? The atmosphere of the shop ゎ Nice in the mountains! I'm sorry I don't have slippers ...
yukari noguchi on Google

久しぶりに、 美味しいお食事と素敵な時間を過ごせました。
after a long time, I had a good meal and a wonderful time.
ハルミカワゴエ on Google

母の日。後れ馳せながらと息子夫婦に。 以前から、蕎麦か食べたく 連れて行ってくれました。 お店の建物も素晴らしく個室で、 ランチコース料理、フレンチと蕎麦。 一皿一皿が、観て楽しんで、お味も最高に、美味しく頂きました❗スタッフの方の料理の説明、接客も、素晴らしいです。
Mother's Day. To my son and his wife while lagging behind. I've always wanted to eat soba He took me. The building of the shop is also a wonderful private room, Lunch course meal, French and soba. Each dish was enjoyable to watch, the taste was the best, and it was delicious. ❗ The staff's explanation of the dishes and the customer service are also wonderful.
雷如檀 on Google

田舎の田んぼを通っていくと…… こんなところに、こんな素敵なお店があるなんて〜! ロケーション最高ですし、お料理、特に前菜のお野菜と味噌のディップ〜❤ そして十割蕎麦は絶品でした! (平日限定ランチ 3800円) 接客も丁寧にしていただきました。お客様の声を大切にしていることが、伺えましたよ。 ありがとうございました。
As you pass through the rice fields in the countryside ... There is such a wonderful shop in such a place! The location is great and the food, especially the appetizer vegetable and miso dip ~ ❤ And the 100% buckwheat noodles were excellent! (Weekday limited lunch 3800 yen) The customer service was also polite. I heard that we value the voice of our customers. Thank you very much.
大好きやねんBibi on Google

I went for lunch, but all the dishes were delicious and I had a relaxing time. I would like to go again.
幸浩西村 on Google

この地域でフレンチを楽しむならここのお店が一番です。田舎とフレンチのギャップ、さらに十割蕎麦を食べれるという贅沢な時間を過ごせます。 場所は本当に山の麓。車一台が通れる農道しか道が無いので大きな車だと困るかも。でも、トラックが入れるので通れるそうです。 隠れ家レストランでの時間はとても心休まる素敵な記念日を過ごせました。
If you want to enjoy French food in this area, this shop is the best. You can spend a luxurious time in the gap between the countryside and French, and eating 100% buckwheat noodles. The place is really at the foot of the mountain. There is only a farm road where one car can pass, so it may be a problem if it is a big car. However, it seems that you can pass because you can put a truck in it. The time at the hideaway restaurant was a wonderful and relaxing anniversary.

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