博多とんこつらーめん ひゅうが

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 博多とんこつらーめん ひゅうが

住所 :

Shimoishiwara, Chofu, 〒182-0034 Tokyo,Japan

街 : Tokyo

Shimoishiwara, Chofu, 〒182-0034 Tokyo,Japan
かど松 on Google

アクセス2味4雰囲気4接客4価格5 たまたま立ち寄った店だが、この地域で食べる博多豚骨ならここが一番満足感がある。ワンオペなので提供まで時間が掛かってしまうのは致し方ない。でも店主がちゃんと1杯1杯確認して出してくれるのには非常に好感がもてる。豚骨食べたくなったら間違いなく来ます。ご馳走様でした(*`・ω・)ゞ
Access 2 Taste 4 Atmosphere 4 Customer service 4 Price 5 It happens to be a shop that I stopped by, but if you want to eat Hakata pork bones in this area, this is the most satisfying place. Since it is a one-operation operation, it is unavoidable that it will take time to provide it. However, I like the fact that the owner confirms each cup and serves it. If you want to eat pork bones, you will definitely come. It was a treat (* `・ ω ・) ゞ
庄本一彌(メダカ) on Google

There is no odor than I thought, salty but strong. There were so many sides other than ramen, and a craftsman, Nii, picked it with sake. A shop where the owner is a parent and the atmosphere is very silvery.
坂下俊夫 on Google

美味しい豚骨ラーメンの頂けるお店です。店主さんの人柄も良く、価格もリーズナブル!お酒やおつまみもあって屋台感覚で楽しめます❗ただ八百屋さんの一角に店舗があるので最初入るときは勇気がいるかも(笑) オススメのお店です。
It is a shop where you can get delicious pork bone ramen. The store owner's personality is good and the price is reasonable! You can enjoy sake and snacks as if you are in a stall. There is a store in one corner of the greengrocer, so you may be brave when you first enter (laughs) Recommended shop.
西尾有司 on Google

無類のラーメン好きです 2019年頃から西調布辺りをイロイロ回ってます 以前は品川通りに面した細長い路面店 こんなところにラーメン屋があるんだあ 程度にしか思ってなかったのです 暫くしたら、急になくなったので あらー、行っておけばヨカタ と思っていたら、移転とのこと 移転後は お酒メインのお店かな、と思っていたので 少し縁遠くなってた所もあるかも… このところ、ラーメン巡りしてるのもあり 今日、意を決して行ってみました 以前あったところと旧品川通りの間に 要は京王線の線路側ですね 品川通り沿いに看板とサインがあるので とてもわかりやすいです 店内は移転したばかりなので とっても綺麗 なんか、他の方のお家にお邪魔したみたい テーブル3席、カウンター5席かな 15人は座れる感じです 店内、タバコ吸ってる人居ないので 禁煙かな、外に灰皿あるので 店内禁煙かもしれません 食事するところで分煙はうれしい気遣い お店の方は元気、丁寧、という印象の店主さん それにもう一人ホール担当でお二人 これは大変そうだ、忙しそう お客さん達は、近所の常連さん達 という感じで、皆楽しそう 一人で来てる人は私だけかな 他の方はお酒飲んで居られましたが お酒が余り得意でないのと ラーメンが目的なのでとんこつラーメンを注文 ネギ、味玉とっぴんぐで 基本は写真の通り、チャーシュー ネギ、キクラゲの組み合わせ ここにトッピングで 味玉、ネギまし、チャーシューまし、キクラゲましが選べます その外、いりゴマ、すりにんにく、紅ショウガ等は薬味扱いです スープは豚骨なんだけど、これ、豚骨だけじゃない気がするな…ナンだろう、魚介系も入ってるのかな… でも、とにかく、旨いのは間違いない 替え玉して、ご馳走様 珍しく、スープまで飲んじゃったよ… 本格的な九州とんこつラーメンですね 近いところだと 向ヶ丘遊園の九州一番 溝の口の博多っ子あたり いや、思ってたよりもガチノヤツでした ガチンコのとんこつラーメン食べたいならここ 今のところ、調布エリアでとんこつラーメンならナンバーワンですな おすすめです 緊急事態宣言で土日しかやってないのが 物悲しい 店主さんによれば、解除されれば 元に戻します、とのこと 期待
I like unrivaled ramen I've been around Iloilo around Nishichofu since around 2019 Formerly a long and narrow roadside store facing Shinagawa Dori There is a ramen shop in such a place I was only thinking about it After a while, it suddenly disappeared Oh, if you go If you think, it's a move After relocation I thought it was a main liquor shop There may be places that are a little far from each other ... Recently, I've been touring ramen I never tried to do it today Between the place where it used to be and the old Shinagawa street In short, it ’s on the Keio Line side. There are signs and autographs along Shinagawa-dori Very easy to understand The store has just moved Very beautiful Somehow, it seems that I visited another person's house 3 seats at the table and 5 seats at the counter 15 people feel like they can sit down There are no people in the store smoking cigarettes I wonder if it's non-smoking, because there is an ashtray outside It may be non-smoking in the store I'm glad that the smoke is separated when I eat The owner has the impression that the shop is energetic and polite. And one more person in charge of the hall This looks hard, it looks busy Customers are regulars in the neighborhood With that feeling, everyone seems to have fun I'm the only one who comes alone Others were drinking alcohol I'm not very good at drinking I ordered tonkotsu ramen because the purpose is ramen Green onion, taste ball topping Basically, as you can see in the picture, char siu Combination of green onion and wood ear With toppings here You can choose taste balls, green onions, char siu, and wood ear mushrooms. Besides, sesame seeds, ground garlic, pickled ginger, etc. are treated as condiments. The soup is pork bones, but I don't think it's just pork bones ... Nan, maybe it also contains seafood ... But anyway, it's definitely delicious Change the ball and treat Unusually, I even drank soup ... It ’s a full-fledged Kyushu tonkotsu ramen. When it's near Mukogaoka Amusement Park in Kyushu Per Hakata kid in Mizonokuchi No, it was more than I expected If you want to eat Gachinko's tonkotsu ramen, here So far, Tonkotsu ramen is number one in the Chofu area. it's recommended The only thing I do on Saturdays and Sundays in the state of emergency Sad According to the shopkeeper, if it is released I will return it to the original Expectations
レベル名院 on Google

移転前のレビューだが移転後も味は変わっていないとのことなので。 とにかくしょっぱい。せっかくの美味しい豚骨が台無しになるくらい塩味が強い。 確か麺の固さは選べてもスープの濃さは選べなかった気が。行かれる方は味薄めをコールした方が宜しいかと。
It's a review before the move, but the taste hasn't changed after the move. Anyway, it's salty. The saltiness is so strong that it spoils the delicious pork bones. I think I could choose the hardness of the noodles but not the strength of the soup. I think it would be better for those who go to call for a lighter taste.
Takashi on Google

22/01 Infection due to Corona's illness Visited at a calm timing. It seems that it was operating until midnight, but the manners of the customer base are not good, maybe they are content with it. I'm proudly drinking without a mask. As mentioned in other comments, the reason why the saltiness is strong may be that it is peculiar to a bar. But fried rice was good.
Kou K on Google

調布市、品川通り沿いの豚骨ラーメンのお店。 移転して綺麗な店舗です。 日曜の夕方開店後に訪問。 愚直で不器用そうな店主さんと女性アシスタントさんでもやりくり。 店内はテーブル3卓とカウンター5席ほど。 アルコール類やおつまみ類もあり軽く 「飲み」にもいい。 「ハイボール」と「ねぎチャーシュー」を口頭で。 その後ハイボールお代わりして「明太ごはん」セット+煮玉子。 店主さん厨房で丁寧に作業。 個人的感想だがラーメンとしては、豚骨がよく炊き出されている、が少し塩味がキツイかな。 もう少しマイルド?って感じられると最高の豚骨ラーメンだと思う。 お店の雰囲気はいいので、また訪れたい。 最寄駅としては京王本線西調布駅だが少し歩く。
A pork bone ramen shop along Shinagawa Dori in Chofu City. It is a beautiful store that has moved. Visited after opening on Sunday evening. Even a shopkeeper and a female assistant who seem to be foolish and clumsy can make ends meet. There are 3 tables and 5 counter seats in the store. Alcohol and snacks are also available, so it is light and good for "drinking". Orally "highball" and "green onion char siu". After that, instead of highball, "Menta rice" set + boiled egg. Work carefully in the shop owner's kitchen. Personally, as for ramen, pork bones are well cooked, but the saltiness is a little tough. Is it a little milder? I think it's the best tonkotsu ramen. The atmosphere of the shop is nice, so I would like to visit again. The nearest station is Nishichofu Station on the Keio Main Line, but I walk a little.
Federico Crocsx Giacomini on Google

Good ramen.

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