下市温泉秋津荘 明水館

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 下市温泉秋津荘 明水館

住所 :

Shimoichi, Yoshino District, 〒638-0011 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Webサイト : http://www.town.shimoichi.lg.jp/category/4-9-0-0-0.html
街 : Nara

Shimoichi, Yoshino District, 〒638-0011 Nara,Japan
あかん虎 on Google

近鉄下市口駅から南へ約4.5Kmこ所にある温泉。 奈良交通バスが約2時間に1便の割合で運行。 泉質:カルシウム・ナトリウム-炭酸水素塩泉 低張性・中性・冷鉱泉、循環式 泉温:17.3℃ 浴室:内湯(バブル)×1,水風呂×1,内湯×1, 露天風呂×1,サウナ×1 シャンプー,リンス,ポディーソープ有り 脱衣所にコインロッカー(100円返却式)有り 休憩室無料,マッサージ機4〜5台有り。分煙喫煙所有り。土産物コーナー有り。 定休日:月曜日(但し祝日挟む場合は翌日) 入浴料金:¥500円(但し大淀町民は割引価格で入浴可能)
A hot spring located approximately 4.5km south from Kintetsu Shimoichiguchi Station. Nara Kotsu Bus operates once every two hours. Spring quality: Calcium/sodium-bicarbonate spring Hypotonic/neutral/cold spring, circulation type Spring temperature: 17.3℃ Bathroom: indoor bath (bubble) x 1, water bath x 1, indoor bath x 1, Open-air bath x 1, sauna x 1 Shampoo, conditioner, pode soap available There is a coin locker (100 yen return type) at a dressing room Free break room, 4-5 massage machines available. Smoke smoking owned. There is a souvenir corner. Regular holiday: Monday (However, the next day if there are holidays) Bathing fee: ¥500 (However, Oyodo townspeople can bathe at a discounted price)
夕加里yukari on Google

お風呂は泡風呂、水風呂、温泉風呂、外湯、サウナがあります。 館内にマッサージ部屋には、機会が6台あります。 食堂が一つあります。 エビのメニューは、すぐ売り切れになります。 昔懐かしの揚げパンも人気なようです。
Baths include bubble bath, water bath, hot spring bath, outdoor hot water, and sauna. There are 6 opportunities in the massage room. There is one dining room. The shrimp menu will be sold out soon. Old-fashioned fried bread seems to be popular.
k kiriise on Google

泉質には特に特徴はありません。お湯は比較的あつめでした。 ごんた食堂のトンカツ定食はヤマトポークで美味しかったです。
There is no particular feature on the spring quality. The hot water was relatively hot. The tonkatsu set meal at the Gonta dining room was delicious with Yamato pork.
プリンチョコ on Google

There are 9000 hot springs in it, but the surrounding area is expensive and I am doing my best. It's a simple spring, but I think it's wonderful to have some ideas such as getting out of the bath.
中村晶子 on Google

I went to Gonta Shokudo and Gonta no Yu. The bath fee is 500 yen. The cafeteria is self-service, but the pork cutlet was delicious. The bath has a smooth spring quality, and there are an open-air bath and an indoor bath, and the indoor bath also has a cold spring and a sauna. After getting out of the hot spring, it stayed warm for a long time. Only rinse-in shampoo and body soap dryer are installed in the hot spring facility. Other than that, bring it with you.
Kazuyoshi Yamanaka on Google

入浴料500円、タオル220円です。 時間帯もあるかもですが、ゆっくり入れました。 お湯は無色透明の普通な感じで、 加水加温ありです。 施設内に食堂もあります。 ホームページには閉館20時と書いてましたけど、実際は19時みたいなので注意してください。
Bathing fee 500 yen, towel 220 yen. There may be a time zone, but I put it in slowly. The hot water is colorless and transparent, With water heating. There is also a cafeteria on site. Although the homepage says that it closes at 20:00, it is actually like 19:00, so be careful.
和田吉弘 on Google

***2021.11月中頃再来 他府県から行っても大丈夫?か電話してOKでしたので訪れました。 道中の紅葉をのんびりと眺めながら、平日の木曜日14:00過ぎ単車で到着しました。 広い駐車場は20台は置けると思います。 中に入ると、真ん中に検温の機械があり、左側に靴を入れる下駄箱(鍵付)、右側が券売機と受け付けがあります。 券売機で券を買って受け付けすると、スタンプガードを作ってくれました。 期限は無く、一杯になると一回無料でお風呂に入れるようです。 風呂前のロビーではテレビがおいてあり、座る椅子もあります。 男湯の中は、脱衣場も広くロッカーは定番の100円を入れて鍵を戻すと返却されるタイプです。 体を洗う場所が9つあり、サウナ、水風呂、気泡風呂、大きめの風呂、露天風呂があります。 ボディーソープ、シャンプーは完備されています。 人はそれほど多くなく、私を含めて5人ぐらいでした。 気泡風呂と水風呂を数回入ると、体の緊張もスッキリ楽になりました。久しぶりにのんびりとお風呂に入れました。 今度は桜の時期にもう一度来たいと思います。 参考まで。
*** 2021.1 Return in mid-January Is it okay to go from another prefecture? I called and it was OK so I visited. I arrived by motorcycle after 14:00 on Thursday on weekdays while taking a leisurely look at the autumn leaves along the way. I think a large parking lot can accommodate 20 cars. Once inside, there is a temperature measuring machine in the middle, a shoe box (with a key) for putting shoes on the left side, and a ticket vending machine on the right side. When I bought a ticket at the ticket machine and accepted it, he made a stamp guard. There is no deadline, and it seems that you can take a bath once for free when it is full. There is a TV in the lobby in front of the bath, and there are chairs to sit on. In the men's bath, the dressing area is wide and the locker is a type that is returned when you put in the standard 100 yen and return the key. There are 9 places to wash your body, including a sauna, a cold bath, a bubble bath, a large bath, and an open-air bath. Body soap and shampoo are provided. There weren't many people, about five including me. After taking a bubble bath and a cold bath several times, my body tension became easier. I took a relaxing bath for the first time in a long time. This time I would like to come again during the cherry blossom season. for your information.
やっちゃん on Google

日曜日の昼間に行きました? 駐車場はわりと広く停めやすかったです。 下市町が運営されているのか、入湯料は500円とかなり良心的です。地元の方の情報交換場所のようなところです。 お風呂は泡風呂、水風呂、露天、サウナと有りますが、それほど広くはないです。 お客さんは十人くらい居て、場所を譲り合ったりするなど気を使う場面がありましたが、ユックリ癒されました♨️ また、施設内ではごんた食堂や休憩場所、地元の野菜や工芸品などが販売されています。 次回はごんた食堂で食事をしてみたいです?
I went in the daytime on Sunday ? The parking lot was relatively large and easy to park. The bathing fee is 500 yen, which is quite conscientious, probably because Shimoichi is operated. It's like a place for exchanging information with locals. There are bubble baths, cold baths, open-air baths, and saunas, but they are not so large. There were about 10 customers, and there were scenes where I was careful about giving up places, but I was healed ♨️ In addition, the facility sells Gonta cafeterias, rest areas, local vegetables and crafts. Next time I would like to have a meal at Gonta Shokudo ?

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