たるみ食堂 - Kobe

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact たるみ食堂

住所 :

Shimohatacho, Tarumi Ward, Kobe, 〒655-0861 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 655-0861
Webサイト : https://www.w-holdings.co.jp/sapa/2143.html
街 : Hyogo

Shimohatacho, Tarumi Ward, Kobe, 〒655-0861 Hyogo,Japan
あおちゃん on Google

元々、第二神明道路下り線に食堂が有りましたが今回たるみ食堂という食べ物屋さんに変わりました。 入口はセブン-イレブンと同じ入口。 店内は30人くらい座れます。 入口でチケット購入して注文します。 友達が食べたのですが、ボリュームが有り美味しかったようです。 ご飯大盛り無料。 追記→2018.8.4初めて食べました。友人はカツ丼、うちは唐揚げ定食。カツ丼は美味しかったようで肉厚に卵たっぷり。唐揚げ定食はアツアツの唐揚げでなかなか美味しい。いただけないのがキャベツがみずみずしく無くてパサパサ。使い古し? 味噌汁も付いてきますがだしをとって無いのかな? あまり美味しくない。
Originally, there was a cafeteria on the Daini Shinmei Road down line, but this time it has changed to a food restaurant called Sagging Cafeteria. The entrance is the same as Seven-Eleven. About 30 people can sit in the store. Buy a ticket at the entrance and place an order. My friend ate it, but it seemed to be voluminous and delicious. A large serving of rice is free. Postscript → 2018.8.4 I ate for the first time. My friend is Katsudon, and we have a fried chicken set meal. The katsudon seemed to be delicious and had plenty of thick eggs. The fried chicken set meal is hot fried chicken and is quite delicious. What I can't get is that the cabbage is not fresh and dry. Worn out? Miso soup is also included, but isn't it soup stock? Not very tasty.
鶴城 on Google

えっ、ウソ!って言うぐらい美味しかったwww 店内の雰囲気もー良く? 狭いです。
Eh, lie! It was delicious enough to say www The atmosphere inside the store is also good ? It's narrow.
ninja_de go on Google

前回、立ち寄り時にとても気になっていた食堂です。 意外と空いてる食堂でしたが、味は相当美味しいです。 今回は醤油ラーメン・唐揚げ定食です。 醤油ラーメンは、本格的なラーメン屋さんに匹敵する、醤油ベースのあっさりスープに少し背脂が浮いてると言う、抜群なラーメンでした。 麺のツルツル感もバッチリ。 唐揚げもとてもジューシーで、よく味付けされており、レベルは高いです。 漬物と生姜をつけて頂けます。 ご飯も白く輝く美味しいお米です。 PS、カウンターの上から水がポタポタ、雨漏り?のような事がありましたが、味は間違いないです。
Last time, it was a cafeteria that I was very interested in when I stopped by. It was an unexpectedly empty cafeteria, but the taste is quite delicious. This time it is a soy sauce ramen and fried chicken set meal. Soy sauce ramen was an excellent ramen that had soy sauce-based soup with a little back fat, comparable to a full-scale ramen shop. The smoothness of the noodles is also perfect. The fried chicken is very juicy, well seasoned, and the level is high. You can add pickles and ginger. Rice is also delicious rice that shines white. PS, water drips from the counter, rain leaks? There was something like that, but the taste is definitely.
山本悟 on Google

I've had time, so I'll definitely stop by. I'm glad you came after returning the tableware ?
ぴえーるおやじ on Google

どのメニューも外れは無く、味は美味しく良いのですが… 無料の御飯の大盛りを付けても、量的に少なく感じるのは私だけ?? 御飯をしっかり食べる方にはもの足らないかな… 可能なら御代わりが有ったり、もう少し御飯の増量をして貰えると嬉しいのですが… 淡河PAと比べてしまうと…ねぇ…
All the menus are perfect and the taste is delicious ... Is it only me who feels that the amount is small even with a large serving of free rice? ?? Isn't it enough for those who eat a lot of rice? If possible, I would be grateful if you could have a substitute or increase the amount of rice a little more ... Compared to Awakawa PA ... Hey ...
G m on Google

定番のカツカレーを食す。 可もなく不可もなく。然程驚きはない。 私はカツカレーと珈琲か美味しければOK。
Eat the classic cutlet curry. It's neither good nor bad. Not so surprising. I'm OK if it's delicious with cutlet curry and coffee.
たちつてん on Google

たるみ食堂を利用させていただきました。 うどんとそばのおダシがとっても美味しく、麺もツルッツルと喉越しが良くてあっという間に完食しました。 他にも特に美味しかったのが、そばめし! 目玉焼きが乗っててテンション上がります(笑) どろソースを使ってるらしく、コクのある味付けでした。 また機会があれば立ち寄りたい。
I used the slack dining room. The udon and soba soup stock was very delicious, and the noodles were smooth and smooth, and I ate it in no time. Another thing that was especially delicious was sobameshi! The fried egg rides and the tension rises (laughs) It seemed to use mud sauce, and it was a rich seasoning. I would like to stop by if I have the opportunity.
ゲロッパZ on Google

I came to the store because I wanted to eat ramen. I thought it was supermarket pork ribs, but the soup and noodles were usually delicious. If the price is already 100 yen cheaper, I wonder if it's a reasonable price.

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