Shimamitsurujinja Shrine - Maizuru

4.5/5 に基づく 2 レビュー

Contact Shimamitsurujinja Shrine

住所 :

Maizuru, Kyoto 625-0035, Japan

Postal code : 625-0035
Webサイト :

Maizuru, Kyoto 625-0035, Japan
yasutaka taniguchi on Google

嶋満神社(しまみつるじんじゃ)は京都府舞鶴市の東部。 京都府舞鶴市泉源寺の京都府舞鶴市泉源寺の浮島(渕島)の頂上に鎮座する神社です。 昔の人なら記憶に残っているかもしれませんが「浮島洋画劇場」や「舞鶴市民病院」の裏側の小山です。 さらに昔は、志楽川と祖母谷川の河口近くの海中に浮かんでいた浮島で一名を「淵島」と呼び、古くから神が宿る島として崇められていたようです。 過去には、嶋満八幡社や渕島八幡社とも呼ばれれいたようです。 ご祭神 磐田別尊 市杵嶋姫命 旧社格 「室尾山観音寺神名帳」では正二位とあり、当時は神階は高かったようです。 境内入口に狛犬、鳥居、社号石標、案内板があります。 浮島すべてが聖域で立派な巨木が沢山あり、階段を上がると山頂に、本殿、摂末社などがあります。 一の鳥居は明神鳥居で「嶋満神社」の扁額がかかっています。 社号石標には「嶋満神社」と刻まれています。 覆屋の中に流れ造りの本殿があります。 摂末社は稲荷神社です。 ケヤキやシイノキなどの巨木が沢山あります。 枯木浦伝説 舞鶴東港のことを昔は「枯木浦(かれきがうら)」と言ったそうです。 昔、少彦名(すくなひこな)と大巳貫(おおなむち)の2人の神様が、この地で国を造り海に清らかな島が欲しいと笠松山に登り、彼彼(かれか)、来来(かれこ・おいでおいで)と呼ぶと戸島、蛇島、烏島、そして渕嶋(現在の浮島)の4つの島が、枯木浦に集まってきたという、言い伝えが残っています。(丹後風土記) また、羽衣伝説の言い伝えもあるようです。 案内板 正二位 八幡嶋満神社 祭神 磐田別尊 市杵嶋姫命 (別社に稲荷神社を祀る) 創立年代 不詳 往古当社のある小山は長谷山の岬なれど潮の干満によって浮沈することから「浮島」と称す。 この辺りは北海より渡船の要港にして度々妖族が侵入することあり。之を纏い除くため山上に宇佐大神鎮座し賜い諸人之を八幡嶋満大神と尊称す。 其の神威赫々たるが故、貞観年中(九世紀)正二位を賜る。 弘安四年(一二八一) 元寇に際し敵国降伏御加護の示現あり。 応仁の乱世に衰微するも慶長五年(一六〇〇) 細川越中守忠典社殿を再立し公祭を行なわせられたり。 以来諸人信仰し海鎮の神と尊称す。昭和十四年(一九三九) 浮島一帯は軍用地として接収され、同年十二月当社は泉源寺へ一時移転遷宮す。 昭和三十六年五月(一九六一)当地へ再達宮、現在に至る。 平成二十四年十月吉日 浮島会・嶋満神社奉賛会 (2021/5/8撮影)
Shimamitsurujinja is located in the eastern part of Maizuru City, Kyoto Prefecture. It is a shrine that sits on the top of the floating island (Fuchijima) of Sengenji, Maizuru City, Kyoto Prefecture. It may be remembered by old people, but it is a small mountain behind the "Ukishima Western Painting Theater" and "Maizuru Municipal Hospital". In the olden days, one of the floating islands floating in the sea near the mouths of the Shiraku and Sobotani rivers was called "Fuchijima," and it seems that it has been worshiped as an island where gods dwell from ancient times. In the past, it seems that it was also called Shimaman Hachiman Shrine or Fuchishima Hachiman Shrine. Deity Iwata Betsuson Ichikishimahime Old shrine In the "Murooyama Kannonji Shinmeicho", it is ranked second, and it seems that the shinkai was high at that time. There are guardian dogs, torii gates, company name stone markers, and information boards at the entrance to the precincts. All of the floating islands are sanctuaries and there are many magnificent giant trees. When you go up the stairs, you will find the main shrine and Setsumatsusha at the top of the mountain. The first torii is the Myojin torii, which has a flat frame of "Shimaman Shrine". "Shimaman Shrine" is engraved on the company name stone mark. There is a flowing main shrine inside the shrine. Setsumatsusha is Inari Shrine. There are many giant trees such as zelkova and castanopsis. Dead Kiura Legend It is said that Maizuru East Port used to be called "Karikigaura". A long time ago, two gods, Sukunahikona and Onamuchi, climbed Mt. Kasamatsu to build a country here and want a clean island in the sea. There is a legend that four islands, Toshima, Jashima, Karasushima, and Fuchishima (currently Ukishima), have gathered in Dead Kiura. (Tango Fudoki) Also, there seems to be a legend of the Hagoromo legend. Guide plate Second rank Hachimanjima Mitsuru Shrine Deity Iwata Betsuson Ichikishimahime (Inari Shrine is enshrined in a separate company) Founding age unknown The small mountain where our company is located is a cape of Mt. Hase, but it is called a "floating island" because it rises and falls due to the ebb and flow of the tide. This area is a key port for ferryboats from the North Sea, and youkai often invade. In order to get rid of them, the people who were given the seat of Usa Okami on the mountain are honored as Hachimanjima Mitsunokami. Because of its divine prestige, he was awarded the second rank during the Jōgan year (9th century). In the 4th year of Koan (1281), there is a manifestation of the surrender of the enemy country at the time of the Mongol invasion. Even though it was weakened by the turbulent world of Onin, in the 5th year of Keicho (1600), the Hosokawa Etchu Mori Tadanori shrine was rebuilt and a public festival was held. Since then, he has worshiped various people and honored him as the god of the sea town. Showa 14 (1939) The Ukishima area was requisitioned as military land, and in December of the same year, the Company temporarily relocated to Sengenji Temple. In May 1961 (1961), he returned to the area and continues to the present day. October Yoshiday, 2012 Floating island society, Shimaman shrine support party (Photo taken on 5/8/2021)
莫妄想 on Google

古代からのこの地方の豪族の重要な祭祀の場所であったことは、ここにリンクが貼ってあるHPの奉賛会の方の文章でよくわかる。 小山の頂上には八幡宮の社殿と境内社の稲荷社。 山全体がいきいきとした樹々によって覆われていて、山裾の鳥居をくぐった時点でもう空気が違う。 この近辺に住む寺社仏閣巡りが好きな人ならば、必ず外せないパワースポット。
The fact that it has been an important ritual site for the region's great tribes since ancient times can be clearly seen in the text of the HP advocacy group linked here. At the top of Oyama is the main shrine of Hachimangu and the precincts of Inari. The whole mountain is covered with lively trees, and the air is different when you pass through the torii gate at the foot of the mountain. If you like visiting temples and shrines living in this area, this is a must-see power spot.

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