Arasu Shrine - Maizuru

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Arasu Shrine

住所 :

13 Ogura, Maizuru, Kyoto 625-0020, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 625-0020

13 Ogura, Maizuru, Kyoto 625-0020, Japan
m o m o r i on Google

大森大明神 地域主要機関
Omori Daimyojin Regional Main Organization
前田和夫 on Google

阿良須神社 あらすじんじゃ 京都府舞鶴市小倉13 祭神 豊受大神 配祀 迩迩芸命 天児屋根命 天太玉命 丹波道主命が 勧請したとの 伝承あり 京都府舞鶴に入ると 豊受大神関係の 社が増える
Arasu Shrine Synopsis 13 Ogura, Maizuru City, Kyoto Prefecture Deity Toyoke Ogami Disposition 迩迩 迩 迩 Amako roof life Futodama Tanba no Michinushi I was solicited There is folklore When you enter Maizuru, Kyoto Prefecture Toyoukebime relationship More companies
YumI on Google

It is local Mr. God.
大野誠 on Google

丹波青葉山の土蜘蛛(陸耳御笠)討伐の際、豊受大神をお祀りしたことが始まりと伝えられています。 御祭神 豊受大神一座 相殿、多岐都姫命、市杵島姫命、多紀理姫命、木花咲夜姫命(殿内秘密二宮座) 境内社、神明神社、二柱神社、桜王神社
It is said that it was the beginning of the dedication of Toyouke Okami when the Tsuba spider (Rikumi Ogasa) was defeated at Tamba Aobayama. Deity Toyouke Okami Ichiza Aiden, Miyagi Takihime, Princess Ichikishima, Princess Takiri, Princess Sakiya Kimei (secret secret Ninomiya seat) Precincts Shrine, Shinmei Shrine, Two Pillar Shrine, Sakurao Shrine
イッチーイッチー on Google

2020.11.15撮影 祭神は豊受大神 丹波道主命が青葉山に棲む土蜘蛛・陸耳御笠という賊を征伐した時に豊受大神を神奈備の浅香の森お祀りされたのを創起とする 境内にある大銀杏がとても綺麗です
2020.11.15 shooting The deity is Toyouke Omikami It was founded that when Tanba no Michinoushi conquered a thief named Tsuchigumo and Rikumimi Mikasa who lived in Mt. Aoba, Toyoke Omikami was enshrined in the Asaka Forest in Kanabi. The big ginkgo in the precincts is very beautiful
w u-a on Google

A vivid ginkgo caught my eye and was taken. There were parishioners. Is it a festival?
h 03hide on Google

The autumn leaves were beautiful, but the leaves of the ginkgo dyed the precincts ^^ It was a wonderful space with natural colors.
yasutaka taniguchi on Google

阿良須神社(あらすじんじゃ)は京都府舞鶴市の東部。 京都府舞鶴市小倉の国道27号沿いに鎮座する神社で、富留山神社と隣接しています。 ご祭神 豊受大神 相殿神 多岐都姫命 市杵島姫命 多紀理姫命 木花咲夜姬命(殿内秘産二宮神) 地域住民から大切にされているようで、綺麗に整理されてます。 広い境内には石標、鳥居、灯篭、案内板、拝殿、狛犬、本殿、摂末社などがあります。 社号石標には「郷社阿良須神社」ときざまれており、明神鳥居には「正一位一宮大明神」と記された扁額がかかっています。 「丹後風土記残欠」にある・土蜘蛛、陸耳御笠(くがみみのみかさ)の伝説の地のひとつです。 山中へ続く参道を登ると愛宕神社が鎮座しています。 「案内板」 阿良須神社由緒 (鎮座地) 舞鶴市大字小倉小宇儿宫十三番地 (旧社格) 鄉社 延喜制式内社 (旧社名及别称) 柳原宫、大森宫、一宫、豊受阿良須神社 (御祭神) 豊受大神一座、相殿神、多岐都姫命、市杵島姫命、多紀理姫命、三座、木花咲夜姬命(殿内秘産二宮神) 由緒 当社は崇神天皇十年丹波将軍道主王が青葉山に住む土蜘蛛陸耳御笠と云う兇賊を征伐し給う時、豊受大神を神奈備の浅香の森にお祀りされたのを創祀とする。降りて天武天皇白鳳十年九月三日柳原の地に社殿を建て春日部村の氏神阿良須神社と奉称す、遡りて元年大友皇子の御謀叛の時越前阿須波の里へ忍び給う高市皇子は当社当社に幸し天下鎮静を大神に祈り御歌を詠じ給う。 曇る世に柳ケ原をながむれば 神の恵みや晴るる朝霧 風来ぬる青葉の山の煙りたへ 行先遠き雲の上かな 御染筆奉納にありたり爾来朝家の御崇敬厚く殊に延暦二十四年正一位を賜わる。堀川院御子無きをうれいて当社に祈願を寄せ給いしに感応ありて宗仁親王誕生あらせられければ、寛治元年正一位一宮大明神の御額奉らる御筆は羽林飛鳥井卿の御真蹟なり。かくて当社は古来より子宝を授け安産に奇霊なる神徳を現わし給うと云う。貞元年中当国に叛賊起り国内乱れし時、藤原保昌賊徒平定を祈願し当社に拝す。観応元年三月十五日神田五反政所尭基寛正三年神田一反代官河嶋主計充秀寄進す。而して慶長五年九月七日兵燹に罹りて本社、二の宮、拝殿、御饌殿、神楽殿、中門回廊、宝物等悉く焼失した。翌年細川忠興社を布留山の地へ遷す、即ち今の社地なり。その後、明暦四年三月二十四日、文政十二年六月三日 両度本殿を改築す。 (例祭) 九月三日が古例なれど現在は十月末の日曜日 (式年行事) 御屋根洗式十ケ年 近年行われず (所有文書) 南北朝室町時代文書十三通(一巻)一宮大明神縁起(一巻)同造立願文(一巻)大般若経(一巻)を蔵し大般若経を除き京都府登録文化財並びに舞鶴市指定文化財である。 (2021/6/20撮影)
Arasu Shrine is located in the eastern part of Maizuru City, Kyoto Prefecture. This shrine is located along National Highway No. 27 in Ogura, Maizuru City, Kyoto Prefecture, and is adjacent to Tomitomeyama Shrine. Deity Toyoukebime Aiden God Tagitsuhime Ichikishimahime Takiribime Sakuya Kibana (Ninomiya God, a secret product of the palace) It seems to be valued by the local residents and is neatly organized. There are stone markers, torii gates, lanterns, information boards, halls of worship, guardian dogs, main halls, and Setsumatsusha in the large precincts. The company name stone mark is marked with "Gosha Arasu Shrine", and the Myojin torii is covered with a flat frame that says "Senior First Rank Ichinomiya Daimeijin". It is one of the legendary places of Tsuchigumo and Kugami no Mikasa in "Tango Fudoki Remains". Atago Shrine is enshrined when you climb the approach leading to the mountains. "Guide plate" Arasu Shrine History (Zodiac) Maizuru City Oaza Kokura Kokura Yola 13 (Old shrine) Engi-style internal company (Old company name and alias) Yanagihara, Omori, Ichi, Toyoke Arasu Shrine (God of God) Toyouke Ogami Ichiza, Aiden God, Takito Himemei, Ichikishima Himemei, Takiri Himemei, Sanza, Kibana Sakuya Mamei (Ninomiya God, a secret product of the palace) honorable history Our company enshrined Toyoukebime in the forest of Asaka in Kanabi when Emperor Sujin, the tenth year of the Emperor Sujin, conquered a bandit called Tsuchigumo Rikumi Mikasa who lived in Aobayama. do. Emperor Tenmu Hakuho September 3, 2010 A shrine was built on the ground of Yanagihara, and it is called the Ujigami Arasu Shrine of Kasukabe Village. The Prince Takechi is fortunate to be our company and prays to the great god for the calm of the world and sings a song. If you look at Yanagigahara in a cloudy world, the grace of God and the clear morning mist To the smoke of the mountain of green leaves that winds up, is it on the clouds far away from the destination? He is dedicated to the writing brush and is revered by the late morning family, and is especially awarded the first rank in the 24th year of the Enryaku calendar. Horikawa-in If you are happy to have no children and are responsive to praying to us and letting the birth of King Munehito, the holographic will of Sir Habayashi Asukai will be the holographic will of Ichinomiya Daimeijin, the first rank in the first year of Kanji. .. In this way, it is said that our company has been giving birth to children since ancient times and revealing a mysterious godliness to safe delivery. During the first year of Sada, when a rebel broke out in the country and the country was disturbed, Yasumasa Fujiwara prayed for the peace of the bandits and worshiped at our company. March 15th, 1st year of observance Kanda Gotanseisho Kansho 3rd year Kanda Ichitan Daikan Kawashima Mitsuhide donated. Then, on September 7th, 5th year of Keicho, the head office, Ninomiya, Haiden, Gyoden, Kaguraden, Nakamon corridor, treasures, etc. were burnt down. The following year, Hosokawa Tadaoki moved to the land of Mt. After that, the main shrine will be rebuilt on March 24th, 4th year of Meireki and June 3rd, 12th year of Bunsei. (Regular festival) September 3rd is an old tradition, but now it's Sunday at the end of October (Annual event) Ten years of roof washing ceremony, not done in recent years (Owned document) Nanbokucho Muromachi period documents 13 copies (1 volume) Ichinomiya Daimeijin Engi (1 volume) The same construction application (1 volume) Daihanwakkei (1st volume) is stored. It is a fortune. (Photo taken on 6/20/2021)

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