
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 杉山内科クリニック

住所 :

Shimakita, 〒990-0885 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Webサイト : https://clinic-sugiyama.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : Yamagata

Shimakita, 〒990-0885 Yamagata,Japan
荒澤幸代 on Google

The doctor's response is the worst. I don't want to go, but I have no choice but to go to the hospital.
阿部浩明 on Google

定期的に通っていて、助かってます。 建物がきれいで清潔感があり、通いやすいです。
I go there regularly and it helps. The building is clean and tidy, and it is easy to go to.
Kazuhiko Sugiyama on Google

私は総合内科専門医並びに糖尿病専門医として、糖尿病や生活習慣病を 中心に診療を行っております。 特に糖尿病は 三大合併症や心血管疾患の予防が 重要で、現状の病態の治療のみならず、患者様の数十年先のお身体を見据えた診療を目指しています。 糖尿病は 血糖を下げれば治癒をみる単純な病ではありません。安易な血糖降下は むしろ危険なこともあり、上手く血糖をコントロールすることが糖尿病専門医の腕の見せ所です。継続的に合併症を予防していくことで、健康な方と何ら変わらない人生を全うすることができます。しかし、医療スタッフに全て委ねれば良いという病では ありません。患者さん自身の意識が、治療効果を大きく左右します。糖尿病の主治医は患者自身と言われる所以です。ご自身の身体の状態への疑問や不安は、遠慮なくお尋ねください 杉山内科クリニックは、医師とスタッフによるチーム医療で患者さんをサポートしており、患者さんもチームの一員と捉えております。 今後も 皆様の健康増進のお役に立てますように、スタッフと共に真摯に努めて参ります。 追って申し上げます。 不適切な処方や指摘の間違いに相当する症例は 全くございませんので、ご安心ください。 総合内科専門医、糖尿病専門医としての自信と責任を以って申し上げます。
As a general medicine specialist and diabetes specialist, I have diabetes and lifestyle-related diseases. We provide medical care at the center. Especially for diabetes, prevention of the three major complications and cardiovascular diseases is important, and we aim not only for the treatment of the current pathological conditions but also for the medical care that looks at the patient's body several decades ahead. Diabetes is not a simple disease that cures if you lower your blood sugar. Easy hypoglycemia can be rather dangerous, and controlling your blood sugar is the best place for your diabetes specialist. By continuously preventing complications, you can live a life that is no different from a healthy person. However, it is not a disease that all should be entrusted to medical staff. The patient's own consciousness greatly affects the therapeutic effect. This is why the attending physician for diabetes is called the patient himself. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions or concerns about your physical condition. Sugiyama Internal Medicine Clinic supports patients with team medical treatment by doctors and staff, and patients are also considered members of the team. We will continue to work hard with the staff to help you improve your health. I will tell you later. Please be assured that there are no cases of inappropriate prescriptions or incorrect indications. I would like to express my confidence and responsibility as a general medicine specialist and diabetes specialist.
t t on Google

先生や看護師さん、スタッフの皆さんが私の体のために一丸となって頑張っているのが伝わり、私も真面目に糖尿病と向き合おうと思えるようになりました。 栄養士の方の話も聞けて食生活を見直し、毎日の運動も習慣となりました。時々挫けそうになりますが、先生やスタッフに励まされながら頑張っています。先生もスタッフも優しいです。
I learned that the teachers, nurses, and staff are working together for my body, and I feel like I'm serious about dealing with diabetes. After listening to the dietitian's story, I reviewed my eating habits and became a habit of exercising every day. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to be frustrated, but I'm doing my best while being encouraged by the teachers and staff. The teachers and staff are kind.
元気一郎 on Google

The teacher is calm and easy to talk to. It's very kind, but he points out the points that need to be changed due to lifestyle and other factors. Sometimes my ears hurt, but I'm grateful because it conveys the teacher's desire to improve my condition. Thanks to that, the inspection values ​​have improved and have become stable.
keqe (keqe) on Google

初めて病院を訪れたとき、午前10時で受付終了とのこと。 ホームページには受付時間に関して、例えば早めに切り上げることもある…などの記載は一切なかったので、電話で問い合わせることもなく行ってしまいました。 到着したのは午前10時5分くらいでしたが、もちろん受付はしてもらえず、ちょっと酷いなと感じました。 その後、再度行ってみましたが、他の方のクチコミにもあったとおり、医師の声が小さくて聞き取りにくかったのと、説明の内容がわかりにくく、何度か聞き直してしまいました。 クチコミがよかったので期待して行ってみたものの、がっかりしました。
When I visited the hospital for the first time, the reception was closed at 10am. There was no mention of the reception time on the homepage, for example, it might be rounded up early, so I went without inquiring over the phone. I arrived at about 10: 5am, but of course I couldn't get the reception, and I felt it was a little terrible. After that, I tried again, but as I heard from other people's reviews, it was difficult to hear the doctor's voice and it was difficult to understand. I was disappointed to see the reviews, but I was disappointed.
なな on Google

I was surprised that the telephone response was unpleasant. A little before 9 o'clock, when I called to make a reservation today, I was told that the reservation started at 9 o'clock, and if I call back at 9 o'clock (I think it's already 9 o'clock), can I make a reservation for today? When I heard that, I was told that it was full today (say from the beginning), and when I said that I understood, I was told that I would be rude and was cut off immediately. Nothing to ask for a name, symptoms, or another day. The receptionist of the internal medicine that I called next was too good, so I feel more uncomfortable. I won't go anymore
mai cat on Google

大分前に通院していましたが、先生が小声すぎてモゴモゴ喋るので何を言ってるのかいつも聞き取れませんでした。 なので簡単な検査をしても結果が解らず…。 手帳に書いてある数値で判断です。 看護師さんや受付の方は対応良く、設備も良かったですが医者がイマイチなので通院辞めました。 検査もよくせずに薬を処方、他院へ紹介されそちらにも通院だったので疲れただけです。 結局、今のクリニックで、指摘を受けた病気は間違いであることが解りました。 悪くないのにむやみに薬を処方され、他院へも通院させられ、話も聞き取れず、時間を無駄にしました。 追記 当方は難聴ではありません。 診察後、すぐに会計なので聞く暇などありません。 他院へ通院しましたが、こちらは結果から申しますと、糖尿病性腎症を疑われたのかと思いますが、腎臓は幼少期から数値が悪く糖尿病の影響ではありませんでした。 家族が既に他界している為、それを知るのに時間がかかりました。 患者はそれぞれ環境が違います。 医師としっかりお話することで思い出すこともありますので、話が出来る環境というのは大切だと思います。 クリニック自体はとても良いと思います。 もう少し大きな声で話し、患者目線で説明をするなどの配慮をするとより良いクリニックになると思います。 感じたことを投稿するのが口コミですので先の口コミは消しませんが、難聴扱いともとれる返答は心外でした。 追記の追記 難聴の部分だけ消されたようですが、そのような対応とても残念に思います。 何を言っても仕方ないようです。
I went to Oita before, but I couldn't always hear what I was saying because the teacher was too quiet. So even if a simple test is performed, the results are not understood. Judgment is based on the numbers written in the notebook. The nurse and the receptionist were very responsive and the facilities were good, but the doctor was not good enough so I left the hospital. I prescribing medicines without checking well, I was introduced to another hospital and I was tired because I was there again. After all, at the current clinic, I understood that the disease pointed out was wrong. Although it wasn't bad, I was prescribed medicines, was sent to another hospital, was unable to hear the story, and wasted time. Postscript We are not deaf. There is no time to listen because it is an accounting immediately after the examination. I went to another hospital, but I think that diabetic nephropathy was suspected from the results here, but the kidneys were not affected by diabetes because the numbers were low since childhood. Because my family had already passed away, it took me a while to know it. Each patient has a different environment. I think that it is important to have an environment where you can talk, as you may remember when you talk to your doctor. I think the clinic itself is very good. Speaking a little louder and explaining from the patient's perspective will make the clinic a better place. Posting what I felt was a word of mouth, so I didn't erase the previous word of mouth, but the response that could be treated as deaf was surprising. Addendum It seems that only the deafness has been erased, but such a response is very unfortunate. It seems like no matter what you say.

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