
3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact セカンドストリートフレスポ山形北店

住所 :

Shimakita, 〒990-0885 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://www.2ndstreet.jp/shop/details%3FshopsId%3D31263
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : Yamagata

Shimakita, 〒990-0885 Yamagata,Japan
平昭五郎 on Google

The shop was quiet and I could see it slowly. The items on display are clean and clean, and there are many beauty items that do not seem to be recycled.
H kikubo on Google

ノースフェースのパーカー(輸入品新品)専門ショップで購入したものですが、買い取りを断られました。~~~~~(m--)m 何故でしょうか?⤵
I bought it at a shop specializing in North Face hoodies (new imported goods), but the purchase was refused. ~~~~~ (m--) m Why? ⤵
アビケン on Google

リサイクルショップです。 釣りコーナーに新品で竿リール込みで3000円程のビギナーセットがあり買って使ってみましたが、問題なく使えアジを釣ってきました。
It is a thrift shop. I bought a new set in the fishing corner with a kite reel and it was about 3000 yen.
T K on Google

広い店内を見て歩くのは気持ちいい。 近くにある同業他社と比べて、本が無い点と査定に時間がかかる点、10年以上経過した家電は状態に関わらず査定対象外の件がマイナス。 代わりに家具や大型の家電が置いてあるのはプラス。 ここは使い分けるべきか。
It is pleasant to walk around the large store. Compared to nearby competitors, there are no books and it takes time to assess, and home appliances that have passed 10 years or more are not subject to assessment regardless of their condition. It is a plus to have furniture and large home appliances instead. Should I use this properly?
chobi neko on Google

Unlike other thrift shops, I think that all products such as clothes and shoes are lined up neatly.
y t on Google

I love You. I like it the most in second-hand clothing stores as much as Mercari. It's really good and it's cheap because you can stay infinitely. e! I bought this and it fits in 5,000 yen! ??
ネコマル(ネコマル) on Google

何処のセカンドストリートも同じことが言えますが、今のリサイクルショップは品揃えが最悪!! 良い物は当たり前の様に高くて、掘り出し物に巡り会えない。フリマアプリで売れなかった様な物が並んでるような・・・。
The same can be said for every second street, but today's thrift shops have the worst selection! Good things are so expensive that you can't find bargains. It seems that items that did not sell on the flea market apps are lined up.
G助 on Google

査定をお願いすると、わざと低めの買い取り金額を提示してくる。 持ち帰る旨伝えると、 「いくらが希望でしたか?」 と聞いてきて、希望金額を伝えると、 「そちらに変更しておきます。」 との事。 南舘店でも同様の事があったので、セカンドストリートのやり方なんでしょうね。 まぁ私はゴミみたいな物しか持って行かないのであまり気にしませんが、高額な物を持って行く方は気をつけた方がいいでしょうね。
When you ask for an assessment, you will be offered a lower purchase price on purpose. When I tell you to take it home, "How much did you want?" And tell the desired amount, "I'll change that." That thing. The same thing happened at the Nankan store, so I think it's the second street method. Well, I don't really care because I only bring things like garbage, but if you bring expensive things, you should be careful.

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