御旅山山頂東屋 - Himeji

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 御旅山山頂東屋

住所 :

Shikamaku, Himeji, 〒672-8031 Hyogo,Japan

Postal code : 672-8031
街 : Hyogo

Shikamaku, Himeji, 〒672-8031 Hyogo,Japan
T&K on Google

From here you can see Himeji Castle, Akashi Kaikyo Bridge and Ieshima.
naoki kobayashi on Google

姫路市内が見渡せます。特に南側ですかね。 山頂までは神社から歩きで約20分くらいかな?山道はキレイで歩きやすく、途中に休憩場所があります。 そこも整備されているので、そこで一息着かれるのもよろしいかと思います。
Overlooking the city of Himeji. Especially on the south side. Is it about 20 minutes walk from the shrine to the summit? The mountain path is beautiful and easy to walk, and there is a rest area along the way. It's also maintained, so I think it's a good idea to take a break there.
세가와芳隆 on Google

一時間ほどで登れるいい山です。 한 시간 정도 오를 좋은 산입니다.
It is a nice mountain that you can climb in about an hour. 한 시간 정도 오를 좋은 산입 니다.
ナガカッチン on Google

御旅所まで車で登れば、30分もかからずに山頂まで登れます。山頂からは瀬戸内、姫路城そして氷ノ山方面の山も見えます。山頂で出会った近所の方曰く晴れれば鳴門大橋も見えるとのこと。帰って地図で確認すると見えそうでした。 2月28日追加 再チャレンジ 見えました 昨日、かなり霞んでいて肉眼では見えなかったのですが東屋の入り口付近から双眼鏡で見ると大阪ガスの薄緑色のタンクの一番左側の遠方にうっすらと鳴門大橋を見ることができました。 山頂にいた他の方々も大喜びでした。
If you drive to Otabisho, you can reach the summit in less than 30 minutes. From the top of the mountain, you can see the mountains in the direction of Setouchi, Himeji Castle and Mt. Hyono. According to the neighbors I met at the top of the mountain, I can see Naruto Ohashi if it is sunny. When I returned and checked it on the map, it seemed to be visible. Added on February 28, I saw a re-challenge Yesterday, it was so hazy that I couldn't see it with the naked eye, but when I looked through the binoculars from the entrance of the eastern store, I could see the Naruto Ohashi bridge on the far left side of the light green tank of Osaka Gas. The other people at the top of the mountain were also overjoyed.
あおちゃん on Google

小富士山を登ったあと物足りなければ御旅山に登るのも良いですよ。結構、薄暗くて急な階段が続きますが30分くらいで登れます。 ここから南へ下ると松原八幡宮に着きます。
If you are unsatisfied after climbing Mt. Kofuji, it is good to climb Mt. It is quite dark and steep stairs continue, but you can climb in about 30 minutes. From there, go south to Matsubara Hachimangu.
高橋宣幸 on Google

There is only an eastern store at the top, but the view is the best, and a nice view overlooking Ieshima and Boze.
Onaga Neko on Google

Google先生に教えられたルートが急勾配でしんどい。 低山だけど山頂の東屋からの景色は素晴らしい。 夕方に登り3時間程滞在して姫路市の夕景〜夜景、月の出を楽しみました。 次回は別ルートで登ってみたい。
The route taught by Mr. Google is steep and steep. Although it is low mountain, the view from the arbor at the summit is wonderful. I climbed in the evening and stayed for about 3 hours, and enjoyed the evening and night views of Himeji City and the moonrise. Next time I want to climb another route.
ShuG Ito on Google

松原八幡宮前に車を止めて徒歩30分弱。402号線からのアプローチは標識も出ておらずちょっと分かりにくいので、グーグルマップで事前に地形イメージを予習していくことをお勧めします。山頂まではハイキングにはいい意味で整っているが分岐があっても、標識などはないのでご注意を。 鉄塔(個人的には見上げた姿は無機質な詰まり具合などかなりお勧め)を抜けると、岩山に近い上り坂が山深くに来たような錯覚と振り返れば姫路のパノラマが広がりかなりの絶景。初めて訪れたが、春先や秋はもっと楽しめると思う。
Stop the car in front of Matsubara Hachimangu and walk for less than 30 minutes. The approach from Route 402 is a little difficult to understand because there are no signs, so it is recommended to prepare the terrain image in advance with Google Maps. The mountaintop is well-equipped for hiking, but please note that there are no signs even if there are branches. After passing through the iron tower (I personally recommend looking up at the inorganic clogging condition, etc.), the panorama of Himeji spreads out and the view is quite spectacular when you look back on the illusion that the uphill near the rocky mountain came deep into the mountain. I visited for the first time, but I think I can enjoy it more in early spring and autumn.

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