Shiitani Shrine - Tottori

3.5/5 に基づく 4 レビュー

Contact Shiitani Shrine

住所 :

Tottori, 680-0003, Japan

Postal code : 680-0003

Tottori, 680-0003, Japan
山西洋子 on Google

よねだしをじ on Google

A common shrine!
田中正典 on Google

「椎谷神社」は覚寺集落の一番奥、山裾に摩尼寺道の途上に鎮座しています。往時から地元氏子はもとより他国の摩尼寺参拝者も参詣したことでしょうか、想像力が高まる気品と静謐極まる神社です。 県道から人の背丈以上の大きな奉燈が見え(幸燈)と記され、鳥居の側には小さな奉燈こちらには(御奉燈)、次に大きな石碑(天満宮)があります。 境内は叢社で杉や椎の樹木が御神木で清浄な空気が漂い、深呼吸をすると身も心も清められました。 「椎谷神社」は掃き清められており普段からの手入れが行き届いた神社です。
"Shiiya Shrine" is located at the bottom of the Kakuji village, at the foot of the mountain, on the way to the Mantenji road. It is a shrine where the imagination and elegance can be enhanced, not to mention the fact that not only the local Ujiko but also the worshipers of other temples in the world have visited since ancient times. From the prefectural road, it is written that you can see a big lantern that is more than the height of a person (Kokoto). The shrine grounds are a shrine and the trees of cedar and shii are sacred trees, and clean air drifts, and deep breathing cleanses the body and soul. ”Shiiya Shrine” is a shrine that has been swept clean and well maintained.
masanori maeta on Google

菅原道真がご祭神 創建当初は珍しい瓦葺きの社殿だったらしく、瓦葺大明神ともいわれるらしい。往時は湯山から覚寺に抜ける鯖街道があったそうで、数多くの人の往来を見続けたのでしょう。
Michizane Sugawara is a god festival god. It seems to have been a rare tiled shrine at the beginning, and it is said to be a tiled god Myojin. In the past, there seemed to be a Saba Kaido that passed from Yuyama to Kakuji, so it would have been to watch the traffic of many people.

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