Omori Shrine - Tottori

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Omori Shrine

住所 :

4 Chome-404 Aioicho, Tottori, 680-0805, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 680-0805

4 Chome-404 Aioicho, Tottori, 680-0805, Japan
豊嶋よし子 on Google

お守りが色々あって 迷ってしまいました 停める場所がもう少しあったら 路上駐車する方がいなくて 良いかもしれません
There are various amulets I got lost If there is a little more place to stop There is no one to park on the street May be good
白影 on Google

Although it is not such a big shrine, there are quite a few people at the shrine, and they will also perform lion dances on the approach to the shrine.
ともぴろん on Google

毎年5月第2土曜日及び翌日日曜日に例祭が行われます。 近隣の氏子により麒麟獅子舞・榊神輿・稚児舞・子供神輿等があり、祭りを賑やかにします。
The annual festival is held on the second Saturday of May and the following Sunday every year. There are Kirin Lion Dance, Sakaki Mikoshi, Saiko Mai, and Children's Mikoshi, etc., depending on the nearby pupils, and the festival is lively.
今津義広 on Google

There was a very large "Hokushiya" between the office and the entrance, not to mention the shrine ❗
masanori maeta on Google

Omori Daimyojin, the origin of the town name
今田克史 on Google

We put our bills on January 14 each year and buy new bills on the shrine for a year. In this area, everyone gathers and visits for bills. Then there is the festival of Omori Shrine, where you will wander around the neighborhood in white kimono. And nearby people will raise their donations and ask for disease prevention.
すぎ花粉症じゃないよワイルドだろぉ on Google

Mr. Miyaji is a very good person, and I am grateful for the politeness of the red stamp book ?
田中正典 on Google

古くより氏神は大森大明神で以前の大森町は鳥取城下四十八町の一町でした。 昭和41年に近隣の町名と合併し、大森神社所在地の相生町(あいおいちょう)が誕生(相共に生い育ち栄えること)を願う命名です。 (大森神社)は太い幹がねじれる程に上に伸び上がる数本の古樹に拝殿・本殿がしっかりと覆われた神聖な鎮守の森です。 年代を感じる手水石には今から232年前(寛政元酉己九月吉日)と銘があります。 また明治、昭和、平成とそれぞれの時期に一対の獅子が合わせて三対六頭が拝殿・本殿を護ります。 拝殿に一番近い位置に(明治九年丙子九月吉日)と銘入りの、バス停側の通路から入る位置に(昭和六年辛未二月吉日)と銘入りの獅子が奉納です。 そして拝殿・本殿への正面鳥居の左右の位置に(平成十九年五月吉日)と銘入りが奉納です。 向かって右側の獅子は口を大きく開き威嚇する表情で、左側は口を引き締め感情を内に秘めた表情で座り姿勢です。 両獣は(あ・うんの呼吸)です。 しばらく境内で休んでいると小学生男子が一人でバス停側の通路から境内に入って来ましたので(お帰りなさい、今帰ってきたの?)と尋ねると、(お婆ちゃんの所に寄っていて、今帰るところ)と応えてくれました。 境内に社務所と家屋があるのでお家に帰ってきたものと思い、そのように声を掛けたのですが、小学生はそのまま境内を横切り立ち去りです。 会話は噛み合っていたのかどうかは分かりませんが、素直な小学生に気持ちがぽっこりしました。 しばらくして正面の鳥居を潜った辺りでご婦人が手を合わせて祈りを捧げて帰宅です。 (大森神社)は日々の暮らしをずっと                  護り続けています。
Since ancient times, Ujigami has been Omori Daimeijin, and former Omori Town was a town of Tottori Castle 48 Town. It is a name that wishes for the birth of Aioicho, where Omori Shrine is located, by merging with the name of a neighboring town in 1966. (Omori Shrine) is a sacred guardian forest where the hall of worship and the main hall are firmly covered with several old trees that grow upward as the thick trunk twists. The age-sensitive Chozubachi is inscribed 232 years ago (Kansei Gen Rooster, September Yoshiday). In addition, a pair of lions will protect the front shrine and main shrine in the Meiji, Showa, and Heisei eras. A lion with the name (Yang Fire Rat, September Yoshiday, Meiji 9) is dedicated to the place closest to the worship hall, and a lion with the name (Yin Metal Goat, February Yoshiday, Showa 6) is dedicated to the position where you can enter from the passage on the bus stop side. And the inscription (May Yoshiday, 1997) is dedicated to the left and right positions of the front torii gate to the front shrine and main shrine. The lion on the right side has a threatening expression with his mouth wide open, and the lion on the left side has a sitting posture with his mouth tightened and emotions hidden inside. Both beasts are (Ah, yeah breathing). When I was resting in the precincts for a while, an elementary school boy came into the precincts alone from the aisle on the bus stop side (Welcome back, have you come back now?) , I'm going home now). Since there is a company office and a house in the precincts, I thought that I had returned home, so I called out, but the elementary school students just crossed the precincts and left. I don't know if the conversation was intertwined, but I was struck by the honest elementary school students. After a while, the lady came home with her hands together and praying around the torii gate in front of her. (Omori Shrine) continues to protect everyday life.

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