Ezu Shrine - Tottori

4.3/5 に基づく 4 レビュー

Contact Ezu Shrine

住所 :

Tottori, 680-0901, Japan

Postal code : 680-0901

Tottori, 680-0901, Japan
かわのさん on Google

田中正典 on Google

「江津神社」は江津集落入口に鎮座です。千代川の改修で神社場所が遷座したとのことです。江津は因幡の水上交通の要所として栄えたので元の神社の位置は千代川に近い場所に鎮座していたのでしょう。 神社前の公園に秋祭の幟が風に靡いています。その日は今日から四日後の十月二十二日、この日は麒麟獅子舞が神社に奉納され、村中を門舞して廻るそうです。 拝殿が開放されています。 境内は閑静ですが、武王大明神が秋祭に降臨されていて霊験新たな雰囲気が境内に満ち溢れています。 ですからいつもとは少し違うハレの賑やかな気分が拝殿と本殿とに漂よっています。
"Gotsu Shrine" is located at the entrance of the village of Gotsu. It is said that the shrine location was relocated due to the renovation of the Chiyo River. Gotsu prospered as a key point of water transportation in Inaba, so the original shrine was probably located near the Sendai River. In the park in front of the shrine, the autumn festival nobori is in the wind. The day is October 22nd, four days after today, and on this day, the Kirin Lion Dance is dedicated to the shrine, and it is said that it will go around the village. The hall of worship is open. The precincts are quiet, but the precincts are full of a new atmosphere with the advent of King Wu of Zhou Daimyojin at the autumn festival. Therefore, there is a lively mood in the hall of worship and the main hall, which is a little different from usual.
Oan Ayahazak on Google

よく手入れが行き届いている神社。 地元の人がなにかと手を入れているのだろう。真新しい狛犬がひときわ目立つが、山陰独特の出雲型のものではないのが惜しい。
A well-kept shrine. The locals are probably getting something. A brand-new samurai dog stands out conspicuously, but it is regrettable that it is not unique to Sanin.
masanori maeta on Google

武王大明神と称して武家の崇敬厚いとある。千代川の中洲に位置していたというから、秋里の三嶋神社と同様に水運の要衝だったことが推測される。 氏子戸数六十戸(鳥取県神社誌)
It is said that the samurai are revered as the Great Myojin of the Samurai. Since it was located in the sandbar of the Sendai River, it is presumed that it was a key point of water transportation like Mishima Shrine in Akisato. 60 households (Tottori shrine magazine)

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