Shigekin - Katsushika City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shigekin

住所 :

1 Chome-30-8 Shinkoiwa, Katsushika City, Tokyo 124-0024, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 124-0024
Opening hours :
Saturday 3–9PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 3–9PM
Tuesday 3–9PM
Wednesday 3–9PM
Thursday 3–9PM
Friday 3–9PM

1 Chome-30-8 Shinkoiwa, Katsushika City, Tokyo 124-0024, Japan
かーすけ。 on Google

立ち飲み屋さんです。安かろう不味かろうの店とは違います。 この店の良さを分かる方達の集うお店です。
It is a standing bar. It's not a cheap or tasty restaurant. It is a shop where people who understand the goodness of this shop gather.
浅海信博 on Google

Almost one price, assorted tempura was delicious. ✌
あいだともかず on Google

Mainly sashimi and fish dishes, but simmered dishes and okara are also available. The fried chicken, kakiage, and croquette are large and are just right for two people to eat. I don't see it now, but I feel that there are many hot ball salads alone.
itagaki yuuki on Google

新小岩駅をブラブラする。 商店街を少し逸れた路地裏に、 こんないい店があったんだな。 さぁ、 今回、新小岩で飲むのは初めてですね。 前から目星をつけていたしげきんさんへ。 いざ入店。 中は、立ち飲みです。 席は、カウンターや壁側を向いた席、それと中央には丸席がいくつかがある。 奥には小上がりもあるのかな。 壁側の席へと案内される。 すぐに注文を聞かれたので、パッと壁のメニュー札を見て 生ビール、だし巻き玉子、冷やしトマトを注文する。 あと、料理全品360円税込。 写真撮り忘れちゃった笑 失礼。 ひとり乾杯。 生ビールを流し込む。 ぷはぁー最高だ。 季節も夏っぽくなってきて、 外を眺めると買い物をした主婦や帰りのサラリーマンなど人通りが多いな。 夕方だもんな。 そんなことを考えながらつまむ。 次は~、日本酒冷と〆さばを注文。 魚が新鮮とのことなので。 これがめちゃくちゃ 旨かったんだ。 脂ものっていて〆加減が絶妙で日本酒にあうあう。 あと店の雰囲気もすごく良かったな。 新小岩駅と言うとベッドタウンのイメージがあるが、メインの商店街から少し離れると味のある居酒屋がいっぱいある。 隣の席には、近所のお母さんが一杯やっていたな。お店の方に「こんにちは!」って挨拶していたのもなんか良かったな。 無くてはならないみんなの憩いの場みたいな感じもしたな。 ごちそうさまでした。
I wander around Shin-Koiwa station. In the back alley, a little off the shopping street, There was such a good store. Now, This is the first time I've had a drink at Shinkoiwa. To Mr. Shigekin, who has been staring from the front. Enter the store. Inside is a standing drink. There are counter seats, wall-facing seats, and some round seats in the center. I wonder if there is a small rise in the back. You will be guided to the seat on the wall side. I was asked to order immediately, so I took a quick look at the menu tag on the wall. Order draft beer, omelet rolls, and chilled tomatoes. Also, all dishes are 360 ​​yen including tax. I forgot to take a photo lol Excuse me. Toast alone. Pour draft beer. Puhaa is the best. The season is getting summery, Looking out, there are many people such as housewives who shop and office workers on their way home. It's evening. Pinch while thinking about that. Next, I ordered sake cold and mackerel. Because the fish is fresh. This is messed up It was delicious. It's greasy and the amount is exquisite, so it goes well with sake. Also, the atmosphere of the store was very good. Shin-Koiwa Station has the image of a commuter town, but if you are a little far from the main shopping street, there are many tasty izakaya. There was a lot of moms in the neighborhood sitting next to me. It was nice to say hello to the shop staff. It felt like an indispensable place for everyone to relax. Thank you for the meal.
二代目こうめ on Google

この日は歴史研究家の沼田先生と一緒に、コスパの良い大衆酒場「かど鈴」に行き、いつものごとく1軒で終わる訳もなく、もう1軒、魚料理が美味しい立ち飲み屋「しげきん」に寄ることにしましたよ。 お店の場所はJR総武線の新小岩駅南口から4分程のところですね。 この日は午後4時18分に到着。。。 冒頭でも少しご紹介しましたが、ここは魚料理が自慢の立ち飲み屋さん。 無茶苦茶美味しいのに安いんですよ。 それにしても朝からの雪がやみませんねぇ。 もう、3月の半ばだというのに・・・。 店内は綺麗で清潔感もあり、意外と広々。。。 また、立ち飲み用のカウンターやテーブルの配置もゆったりめですよ。 ルールは特になく、支払いは後払いになります。 ◆今回いただいた物 ・『チュウハイ(260円)』 ここ、残念ながらホッピーはありません。(ホッピーミーナ、ちょっとガッカリ。。。) それにしてもチュウハイが260円というのは嬉しいですな。 しかも、ちゃんとした酎ハイグラスですしね。 ・『かれい薄造り(360円)』 私。。。白身魚の薄造りが大好きなんですよ。 たぶん、前世は白身魚だったんだと思います(笑) で、早速、ポン酢に付けていただいてみると、身が締まっていて実に美味しい。 カレイってどちらかというと、身が柔らかいんですけどね。 ・『いわし刺し(360円)』 皮はピカピカ!! 身は脂がノリノリ♪ もう、一目で鮮度の良さが分かります。 これは生姜をたっぷり乗せて食べるといいですよぉ~♪ ・『ふき煮びたし(360円)』 だしは優しい味わい。薄味に仕上がっていますね。 年を取ってくると、こういうツマミでお酒を呑みたくなるから不思議でつ。 さて、せっかく新小岩まで来たのですから、もう1軒行っちゃいましょう!! ヾ( ´ー`)/
On this day, I went to the popular bar "Kadosuzu" with a good cospa with historian Numata, and there was no reason to end up with one as usual, and another one, "Shigekin", a standing bar with delicious fish dishes. I decided to stop by. The location of the shop is about 4 minutes from the south exit of Shin-Koiwa Station on the JR Sobu Line. This day arrived at 4:18 pm. .. .. As I introduced a little at the beginning, this is a standing bar that boasts fish dishes. It's unreasonably delicious, but it's cheap. Even so, the snow from the morning doesn't stop. It's already mid-March ... The inside of the store is beautiful and clean, and it is surprisingly spacious. .. .. In addition, the counters and tables for standing drinks are also loosely arranged. There are no particular rules and payments will be deferred. ◆ What I received this time ・ "Chuhai (260 yen)" Unfortunately there is no hoppy here. (Hoppy Mina, a little disappointed ...) Even so, I'm glad that Chuhai is 260 yen. Moreover, it is a decent soup high glass. ・ "Flounder thin structure (360 yen)" I. .. .. I love thin white fish. I think the previous life was probably a white fish (laughs) So, when I immediately put it in ponzu, it was tight and really delicious. Flatfish is rather soft, though. ・ "Sardine sashimi (360 yen)" The skin is shiny! !! The body is greasy ♪ You can see how fresh it is at a glance. It's good to eat this with plenty of ginger ~ ♪ ・ "Boiled butterbur (360 yen)" Dashi has a gentle taste. It's finished in a light taste. It's strange that as I get older, I want to drink alcohol with these knobs. Now that we've come to Shin-Koiwa, let's go to another one! !!ヾ (´ ー `) /
のぶ on Google

コロナ禍の現在は、テイクアウトにて営業中。 刺身を中心に、惣菜各種が格安で購入できます。 自宅で皿に盛り直せば、豪華な刺し盛りに。 なんとか再開まで踏ん張って欲しいものです。
Corona is currently open for takeout. You can buy various side dishes at a bargain price, mainly sashimi. If you refill it on a plate at home, it will be a gorgeous sashimi. I want you to keep up until it resumes.
こんこん on Google

とにかく魚が美味い立ち飲み店。新小岩では老舗です。大将は元寿司職人です。女将さんより昔お伺いしました。ですから刺身の盛り付けが美しいです 鰯、鯵があるときは必ずオーダーします。鰯巻きは有ればマストです
Anyway, a standing bar where fish are delicious. It is a long-established store in Shinkoiwa. The general is a former sushi chef. I visited you a long time ago from the landlady. So the serving of sashimi is beautiful If you have sardines or horse mackerel, be sure to order it. If you have sardines, it's a must
魚介濃厚つけ麺が好き on Google

I was able to get up early today, so I thought it was vacant and took a peek. It was finally vacant, and I think the quality of the knobs is very good. The tuna was delicious ? The horse sashimi was a little disappointing.

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