Shibuyaseikeigeka Naika Dermatology - Shibuya City

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shibuyaseikeigeka Naika Dermatology

住所 :

ドクターズビル 6F 1 Chome-24-5 Shibuya, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89777
Postal code : 150-0002
Webサイト :

ドクターズビル 6F 1 Chome-24-5 Shibuya, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0002, Japan
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受付の女性の対応が酷く、待ち時間に口コミを見て非常に不安になりました。パーテーションがあるせいなのか何を言ってるのか聞こえないし、何回書き直しても聞き取りやすいように話す様子はありませんでした。 ですが先生の対応はとても良く、私自信あまり頻繁に通えないため多めに薬を処方してくださいました。話が早くて助かりました! 仕事終わりに好立地で通える病院があることはとても助かります。ありがとうございました!
The lady at the reception was terrible, and I was very anxious to see the word of mouth while waiting. I couldn't hear what I was saying because of the partition, and I didn't seem to speak in a way that was easy to hear no matter how many times I rewrote it. However, the teacher's response was very good, and I was confident that I couldn't go there very often, so he prescribed more medicine. The story was quick and saved! It is very helpful to have a hospital in a good location at the end of work. thank you!
abc TK on Google

・月曜担当の石田先生、タメ語、質問に対して半笑いでの回答、高圧的 ・受付の人、不親切、愛想なし 受付の時点でヤバいクリニックに来たかと思いましたが、案の定、医者があれなら受付もあれは納得。不快になるクリニックです。 治療方法についても、どうせ○○だから、まず薬出しとくね、以上。患者の話を聞こうとする姿勢は感じられません。 夜遅くにしか通院できない人以外には絶対にオススメしない病院です。
・ Mr. Ishida, who is in charge of Monday, answers questions with a half laugh, tame language, high pressure ・ Receptionist, unfriendly, unfriendly At the time of reception, I thought I had come to a dangerous clinic, but as expected, if there was a doctor, I was satisfied with the reception. It's a clinic that makes you uncomfortable. As for the treatment method, it's ○○ anyway, so I'll start with taking medicine. I don't feel the attitude of listening to the patient. This hospital is definitely not recommended except for those who can only go to the hospital late at night.
erin price on Google

近くの皮膚科で見てもらっていましたが、一向に治る気配がなく、こちらにきたところ、短い期間で驚くほど良くなり、それ以来こちらに通っています。 知人も肩こりで通っていた病院が合わなかったのかよくならず、こちらにきたらすぐに治ったと聞きました。 同時に内科的なことも見てもらえて便利ですよ。 受付の悪口がありましたが、 態度悪そうな患者さんで困っている時を何回か見たこともあるので、受付の人も大変なのだと思いますが、、。 私でもゲッと思うような患者さんでしたよ、、。、 どこも大変ですね、変なお客さんは。。 いずれにしても、一度行ってみてもいいかも。 おススメです 受付の方の
I had a look at it at a nearby dermatologist, but it didn't seem to heal at all, and when I came here, it improved surprisingly in a short period of time, and I've been here ever since. I heard that my acquaintance didn't like the hospital I was attending because of stiff shoulders, and when I came here, I was cured immediately. At the same time, it is convenient for you to see the medical aspects. There was a bad word at the reception, but I've seen patients with bad attitudes in trouble several times, so I think the receptionist is having a hard time. It was a patient that made me sick. , Everywhere is hard, weird customers. .. In any case, you may try it once. I recommend it Of the receptionist
K T on Google

このクリニックは患者に無理矢理PCR検査を他の検査と抱き合わせで受けさせて、患者は無料だから強制的に受けろと医者は言います。そして国にPCRの医療費請求を過剰にする手法で荒稼ぎをしている医院です。 また、22時迄やっていますが実際には20時を超えたら行かない方が良いです。理由は他の方々も書き込まれていますが1時間以上待たされます。私は2時間を超えました。途中で飲み物を買いに行きたいと言いましたがもうすぐ呼ばれると言われ、それから1時間過ぎました。遅くまでやっていても具合が悪い中そんなに待たされたらもっと具合が悪くなりますし、診療を受けた後は調剤薬局はその時間にはやっていないから結局次の日になります。 遅くまでやっていても行かない方が良いですよ。
Doctors say that this clinic forces patients to undergo PCR tests in combination with other tests, and because patients are free, they should be forced to do so. And it is a clinic that makes a lot of money by over-billing PCR medical expenses to the country. Also, I do it until 22:00, but in reality it is better not to go after 20:00. Others have written the reason, but I have to wait for more than an hour. I have exceeded 2 hours. I said that I wanted to go buy a drink on the way, but I was told that I would be called soon, and it's been an hour since then. Even if I do it late, I feel sick, but if I wait so long, I feel sick, and after receiving medical treatment, the dispensing pharmacy does not do it at that time, so it will be the next day after all. It is better not to go even if you do it late.
masa on Google

この病院に行くのはやめるべき、これから初診の方は特に。 受付女性の対応が最悪。 骨折で来院したが、私自身の身体と患部に気遣いが全くない。 最初の指示に従った結果、酷い痛みを感じた。その旨を伝え改善を要求したが聞く耳なし。 知らなかった、悪いと思ってない、コロナなんで、と口走る始末。 他の方へ被害がでる前にその女性は医療現場から転職をお願いしたい。 医師の方は清潔感に欠けたスーツスタイル、シワシワのシャツが印象的。 受付女性への不満を知っていたのか自分の表情を伺うような態度と発言だった。しかし、まず院を代表して女性の態度や発言、痛い思いをした件についてしっかり謝罪するべきだ。 他のレビューも一読したがこの病院は態度が悪いと言う意見が多い。 病は気からとよく聞くが、この病院は病が促進する気持ちにしてくる。 二度と来院することはない。
You should stop going to this hospital, especially if you are new to the hospital. The correspondence of the receptionist woman is the worst. I came to the hospital because of a broken bone, but I have no concern for my own body and the affected area. As a result of following the first instructions, I felt terrible pain. I told him that and requested improvement, but I didn't hear. I didn't know it, I didn't think it was bad, I said it was Corona. The woman wants to change jobs from the medical field before the damage to other people occurs. For doctors, the suit style that lacks cleanliness and the wrinkled shirt are impressive. It was an attitude and remark asking her facial expression whether she knew the dissatisfaction with the receptionist woman. However, on behalf of the institute, we should first apologize for the attitude, remarks, and painful feelings of the woman. I have read other reviews, but there are many opinions that this hospital has a bad attitude. I often hear about illness, but this hospital makes me feel that the illness is getting worse. I will never come to the hospital again.
ふうか on Google

先日こちらのクリニックを来訪しました。渋谷駅からすぐ近くにある好立地ゆえに最初は騒がしいのではないかと少し気後れしていましたが、ビルの6階にあり騒がしさわまったく感じず、ゆっくりと診て頂くことが出来ました。 診療時間が他院とは異なり長いため、午後の時間に焦らずゆったりと行くことができます。 急ぎで診て頂きたいときに時間の融通が効かないクリニックが多いので、それだけでも私としては大助かりです。診療自体も丁寧な印象で特に問題も感じません。
I visited this clinic the other day. At first I was a little disappointed that it might be noisy because of the good location near Shibuya station, but it was on the 6th floor of the building and I didn't feel any noise at all, so I was able to see it slowly. Unlike other hospitals, the consultation hours are long, so you can relax without being impatient in the afternoon. There are many clinics where time is not flexible when you want to see a doctor in a hurry, so that alone is a great help for me. The medical treatment itself has a polite impression and I do not feel any particular problems.
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体調があまり良くなく、頭痛も気になるので急ぎ通院しました。エレベーターを降りるときれいな院内が目の前にあり、手前で消毒をして受付に。待合室からしっかりと感染症対策が施されていて安心できました。 看護師さんの対応もよく、しかもきれいな方が多くて清潔感もあります。 いわゆる地域の診療所だと子供から高齢者の方までいて、待合室がどうしても不安なときがありますが、こちらはそういう心配はなく安心して通えそうだったので満足です。
I wasn't feeling well and I was worried about headaches, so I went to the hospital in a hurry. When you get off the elevator, you will see a beautiful hospital in front of you. I was relieved that the waiting room was well protected against infectious diseases. The nurses are very responsive, and many of them are clean, which gives them a sense of cleanliness. At so-called local clinics, there are people from children to the elderly, and there are times when the waiting room is uneasy, but I'm satisfied because I didn't have to worry about that and could go there with peace of mind.
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After treatment, My leg hurt more instead

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