MEDIAGE - Shibuya City

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

ラ・ポルト青山 7F 5 Chome-51-8 Jingumae, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 150-0001
Webサイト :

ラ・ポルト青山 7F 5 Chome-51-8 Jingumae, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0001, Japan
Erina on Google

I have a friend introduce me and go through medical hair removal. Side hair removal is unlimited 5000 yen. The hospital is in a relaxed atmosphere and herbal tea and cookies are provided after each treatment. Reservations can be made by phone, LINE, or online.
Moe on Google

新規ユーザー限定の両脇完了コースが5000円+初診料2000円だけで受けれて神サロン。 医療脱毛やから1回目だけでまじで全然生えてこんくなって感動しました。 他の部位も強く営業されたりもないし、どの店員さんも接しやすくて丁寧でほんまにおすすめ。 友達の紹介で来たけど大正解でした!!
A god salon where you can receive a complete course on both sides for new users only for 5000 yen + initial consultation fee of 2000 yen. I was impressed by the fact that I grew up at all just the first time after medical hair removal. Other parts are not strongly open, and it is easy for any clerk to come in contact with, polite and really recommended. I came with a friend's introduction, but it was a great answer! !!
ちっひ on Google

The staff, doctors, and everyone were very friendly! The treatment is polite and satisfying without having to wait.
sachiko kawashima on Google

みなさん愛想が良くてとても気持ちよかったです。 駅からのアクセスも良く、医師がすごく話しやすく親身な男性医師でした。 ホクロを除去しましたが、痛みもあんまりなかったので満足です。 おすすめの美容皮膚科です。
Everyone was very friendly and very comfortable. The access from the station was good, and the doctor was a friendly male doctor who was very easy to talk to. I removed the mole, but I'm satisfied because I didn't have much pain. Recommended cosmetology dermatology.
스우 on Google

ほくろ除去でお伺いしました! 落ち着いた雰囲気のスタッフさんに、お話しやすい先生ですごく印象が良かったです! 痛みが少し心配だったので、「痛いですか?」と聞いたところ丁寧に説明してくださって安心しました! 経過が楽しみです(^_^)!
I visited you to remove moles! I was very impressed by the calm atmosphere of the staff, who was an easy-to-speak teacher! I was a little worried about the pain, so when I asked "Does it hurt?", I was relieved to explain it carefully! I'm looking forward to the progress (^ _ ^)!
juuunkooo on Google

顔のシミや赤みが気になり、口コミが良かったのでこちらのクリニックに決めました。 美容クリニックは初めてで緊張しましたが、口コミ通りスタッフの方々も先生もとても感じが良く、優しくて丁寧で安心しました! 待ち時間も全くなく、最初から最後までスムーズに案内していただけました。 勧誘等も心配しておりましたが、お得なプランを教えていただいたぐらいで良かったです。 施術後に基礎化粧品も使わせていただき、お茶やお菓子まで出してくださり、細やかな気遣いがとても嬉しかったです。 また伺います! ありがとうございました。
I was worried about the stains and redness on my face, and the word of mouth was good, so I decided to go to this clinic. It was my first time at the beauty clinic and I was nervous, but as the word of mouth, the staff and teachers were very pleasant, kind, polite and relieved! There was no waiting time, and we were able to guide you smoothly from the beginning to the end. I was worried about solicitations, but I'm glad that I was told about a great plan. After the treatment, I also used basic cosmetics and served tea and sweets, which made me very happy with the delicate care. I will visit you again! Thank you very much.
Yuko Toku on Google

フォトBBLで通っています。 毎回シミ、毛穴、くすみが解消されて、肌の調子がとてもいいです。 エステや美容皮膚科にありがちな押し売りはそんなになく、こちらが望めば今の症状やなりたい状態によってどんな施術が合うか丁寧に説明してくれるので安心です。 施術後のドレスルームでは、スキンケア用品一式が使い放題、ハーブティーとビスケットを出していただけるのも嬉しいです。 メニューがとにかく豊富で、中には血液クレンジングはじめ、怪しいものもちらほら混ざっているのだけがちょっと気になるので−1ですが、自身の施術効果に関しては大満足です。
I go by photo BBL. The spots, pores and dullness are eliminated every time, and the skin is in very good condition. There aren't many pushes that are common in beauty salons and cosmetology dermatologists, and if you wish, you can rest assured that they will carefully explain what kind of treatment is suitable for your current symptoms and the condition you want to be. In the dress room after the treatment, you can use all-you-can-use skin care products, and we are happy that you can serve herbal tea and biscuits. The menu is abundant anyway, and I'm a little worried about the fact that there are some suspicious things such as blood cleansing inside, so it's -1, but I'm very satisfied with my treatment effect.
ななしのなっちゃん on Google

フォトフェイシャル1回目を受けてきました! 既にとても満足です!! 回数券も購入したのでしばらく通わせてもらいます(*´-`) ・3日ほどで10年来の薄めのシミが少し薄くなった。 →大本命なので効果があり嬉しい ・1年以上前の酷いニキビ跡も少し薄くなった。 ・ホクロがあまり目立たないくらいに薄くなった。 →地味に嫌だったので嬉しい追加効果 ・鼻頬の毛穴や産毛にはまだ効果実感なし。 →こちらも本命だったので…数回通えば改善することに期待 ・スポット照射10回でシミを重点的に狙い撃ちしてもらえる。 ・痛みはそこそこ強い、フラクショナルレーザーほどではないが、強い光と共にバチっとするので結構痛いしビックリする。 ・1週間経過〜肌は確実に調子が良くなった。 ・心なしか青クマも少し薄くなった。 →とても気になっていたが期待はしていなかったのでやはり嬉しい。 ・院長先生のカウンセリングがとても丁寧で、デメリットもしっかり教えてもらった上で満足のいく結果に近づいた。 ・スタッフさんの対応も丁寧。 ・洗顔や施術後のスキンケアは自分で行う必要あり。 ・初回のみ購入可能の回数券が安くとても有難い。 ・夜遅めの対応もしている。 他院からの乗り換え的な感じでの来院ですが、全体的に満足です。ありがとうございます。
I received the first photo facial! Already very satisfied! !! I also bought a coupon ticket so I will let you go for a while (* ´-`) ・ In about 3 days, the light spots that have been used for 10 years have become a little lighter. → I am glad that it is effective because it is a big favorite ・ The scars of severe acne over a year ago have also become a little thinner. ・ The mole has become so thin that it is not very noticeable. → I didn't like it soberly, so I'm happy with the additional effect ・ I haven't realized the effect on the pores on the nose and cheeks and the hair growth. → This was also my favorite, so I expect it to improve after a few passes. ・ You can focus on spots with 10 spot irradiations. ・ The pain is moderately strong, not as much as a fractional laser, but it is quite painful and surprised because it snaps with strong light. ・ One week has passed-the skin has definitely improved. ・ The blue bear has become a little thinner. → I was very worried, but I wasn't expecting it, so I'm still happy. ・ The counseling by the director was very polite, and I was able to get close to a satisfactory result after being taught the disadvantages. ・ The staff are also polite. ・ You need to do your own face washing and skin care after treatment. ・ Thank you very much for the cheap coupons that can be purchased only for the first time. ・ We also respond late at night. It's a transfer from another hospital, but I'm totally satisfied. thank you.

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