まぐろ人 立川店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact まぐろ人 立川店

住所 :

Shibasakicho, Tachikawa, 〒190-0023 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1329/A132901/13128199/
街 : Tokyo

Shibasakicho, Tachikawa, 〒190-0023 Tokyo,Japan
S O on Google

I used to go there a lot. I think it was due to the corona, but when I went there for the first time in a while, the price went up. I feel that the price and quality are not right. I think it's difficult, but I want you to do your best.
斎藤教江 on Google

平日限定スペシャルちらし寿司 ネタも大きく、お味噌汁もとても美味しかった…が最後の会計にテーブルに来た男が最低!4人で割りたいので、税込みおいくら?に頑として税別の金額しかいわないので、まっいいわ 計算できないんだね(笑)と レジで計算して貰うと、合計の金額も何円だけど、違ってた あきれたけど、ランチは美味しいかったです。
Weekday limited special chirashizushi The material was big and the miso soup was very delicious ... but the man who came to the table at the last checkout was the worst! I want to divide by 4 people, so how much is tax included? I'm stubbornly only the amount excluding tax, so I can't calculate it (laughs). When I asked the cashier to calculate it, the total amount was different, but it was different, but the lunch was delicious. is.
gj pjttw on Google

意外にお寿司はとても美味しかった。 カウンターの中で握ってくださる職人さんも丁寧な接客で、感じが良い方ばかり。 ただ、BGMがやたら大きな音でアイドルの曲を流していて不快でした。 お店の雰囲気に合ったものか、無しにした方がいい。
Surprisingly, the sushi was very delicious. The craftsmen who hold it at the counter are also polite, and all of them feel good. However, it was unpleasant because the BGM was playing an idol song with a loud noise. It's better to match the atmosphere of the shop or not.
こたつ on Google

美味しいかったが気づいたら7000円も食べていた。 すごい高いと感じた。
It was delicious, but when I noticed it, I ate 7,000 yen. I felt it was really expensive.
南澤嘉栄 on Google

ネギトロ好きにはたまりません! 映画の前にこのネギトロをたらふく、そして日本酒まで飲んでしまったので、映画館では爆睡しちゃいました…笑 また、必ず食べに行きたいですねぇ〜
I do not collect for lovers of Negitro! I drunk this negi-toro before the movie and drank even sake, so I fell asleep at the cinema ... lol Also, I definitely want to go eat!
d channel on Google

サメの心臓刺しと純米吟醸の日本刀を頂きました 天日塩をかるくふって一口 臭み一切ないサメの心臓はクリーミーで程よい食感 そして 胡麻油とすりおろしニンニクが見事にマッチしてとても美味しい キレのある日本刀がそれを引き立てます
I received a shark heart stab and a Junmai Ginjo Japanese sword Shake the sun salt and bite Shark's heart without any smell is creamy and has a moderate texture And Sesame oil and grated garlic match perfectly and are very delicious A sharp Japanese sword enhances it
gak_k09 on Google

(2018/05/25)【お昼真っ只中に待ちなし】 金曜日、お給料日にお昼真っ只中でも待ちなしで、それが不安になりました。すぐ脇の陳建一麻婆豆腐は並んでます。む、もしかして味落ちたり、なにかあってのことなのかな?と思いつつも、待ってまでランチする気にもなれず、ついこないだのスシローがイマサンくらいだったから、少しはマトモな回転寿司をと。。結果、記憶にあるこのお店の水準は保たれていて安心しました。普通に美味しいですね。なんていうか、安定感というか。とびきりコスパがいいとか凄く美味しい!ってわけじゃないけど、安心して入れる『廻るお寿司』かなとは思います。国分寺店も復活希望、、、また、たまには来よう。
(2018/05/25) [No waiting in the middle of lunch] I was worried about it on Friday on payday, even in the middle of lunch, without waiting. There is a line of Chen Jian-Ichiba tofu next to you. Mm, maybe it's a taste loss or something? Though I thought, I didn't feel like having to wait until I had a lunch, and the only sushi roll I came with was Imasan, so I had a bit of matomo sushi. .. As a result, I was relieved that the level of this store I remember was maintained. It's usually delicious. It's kind of a sense of stability. Very good cospa is very good! That's not to say, but I think it's a sushi that goes around with peace of mind. Hope the Kokubunji store will come back again.
橋本雅紀 on Google

久しぶりに店内で頂きました。 丼のセットなども数種類あり、今回はこちらをいただきました。 平日の夜はとても空いてます。 お持ち帰りは、20%引きです。 コロナの時は、毎回お持ち帰りでした。
I had it in the store for the first time in a long time. There are several types of bowl sets, and I received this one this time. It's very vacant on weekday nights. Takeaway is a 20% discount. When I was in Corona, I took it home every time.

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