
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社アクアライフサービス

住所 :

Shibaharacho, Toyonaka, 〒565-0055 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.aqua-life-service.com/
街 : Osaka

Shibaharacho, Toyonaka, 〒565-0055 Osaka,Japan
井手博史 on Google

大阪市在中です! トイレ詰まりで、初めて業者を依頼させて頂きましたが、対応の早さに感動しました! また何かあれば宜しくお願いします!
I'm in Osaka! I was asked for a contractor for the first time because the toilet was clogged, but I was impressed with the speed of response! If you have anything again, thank you!
manabu imanaka on Google

真夜中にトイレの水漏れに気付きどうしようか悩んでいたところ、友人からアクアライフサービス様の事を伺い連絡させて頂いたところ、真夜中にも関わらずすぐに対応して下さいました。 本当にありがとうございました。
At midnight I was worried about noticing a leak in the toilet and I was worried about what to do. A friend asked me about Aqua Life Service and contacted me. I'm really thankful to you.
きしひろ on Google

テラスの排水不良で急遽依頼させて頂きました。 雨の日にも関わらず迅速かつ丁寧な対応をして頂き、お陰様でその後は排水が溢れることなくスムーズになりました。 本当に助かりました。 有り難う御座います。
Due to poor drainage on the terrace, we hurriedly requested. Despite the rainy day, we were able to respond promptly and politely, and thanks to you, after that the drainage became smooth without overflowing. That was a really big help. Thank you.
Toshihiko Mishima on Google

水回りのトラブル解決で評判の良い会社ですが、今回はもう一つの事業である「HOLCONE」で、店舗用のハンガーラックとオープンシェルフを作っていただきました! すごくセンスがよく、かっこ良くて大変気に入っています!
It is a company that has a good reputation for solving problems around water, but this time another company, “HOLCONE”, made a hanger rack and open shelf for stores! Very good taste, cool and I really like it!
山田匠 on Google

大阪市在住。 以前に、キッチン下から水漏れがあり、水浸しになった際にお電話させて頂きました。 急いでいる旨を伝えると、本当にスグに来てくださり、作業も迅速に対応して頂けました。 本当にありがとうございました!!
Lives in Osaka City. Earlier, I had a phone call when there was a leak from under the kitchen and it was flooded. When he told him he was in a hurry, he really came to Sugu and was able to respond quickly. I'm really thankful to you! !
yosuke hishikawa on Google

I live in Higashiyodogawa Ward! The other day, I had my kitchen faucet replaced! It was very polite and really helpful. Even after contacting us, we are satisfied very quickly. Also please (^^)
GF R on Google

以前実家のトイレが詰まった時、夜でしたがすぐに対処していただき大変助かりました! 老朽化していたのでバリアフリーも視野にいれてリフォームを考えていたので、ついでに相談したら細やかに対応してくださいました。 広くて清潔感あるトイレになり、両親はとても快適に過ごしています。 ありがとうございました‼︎
When the toilet in my parents' house was clogged before, it was at night, but I was able to take immediate action and it was very helpful! I was thinking of remodeling with a view to barrier-free as it was aging. The toilets are spacious and clean, and parents are very comfortable. Thank you very much! ︎
hi take on Google

Water was no longer flowing from the toilet tank, so I immediately requested it for repair. I was able to come in on the day immediately after contacting me, so the response was quick. He had a look inside the tank, and the floating ball of the ball tap seemed to be out of order and the water stopped flowing. It was quick to get a quote and get repairs done soon. He gave me a solid explanation of the areas that needed repair, and the response was polite, so I'd like to ask here if I have something again.

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