Sezaki Sengen-jinja Shrine - Sōka

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sezaki Sengen-jinja Shrine

住所 :

3 Chome-3-24 Sezaki, Sōka, Saitama 340-0022, Japan

Postal code : 340-0022
Webサイト :

3 Chome-3-24 Sezaki, Sōka, Saitama 340-0022, Japan
Jun-ichi homma (ダメおやぢ) on Google

草加神社が兼務する神職不在の神社。 通年、本務社でも御朱印を頂けるが、 7月初旬の例大祭と正月は現地でも記帳対応。 本務社とは別書体で、書き人は神社関係者。 朱印所は拝殿右脇の特設テント。 10時から18時までと告知されているが、 状況によっては17時頃で早仕舞いも有る。
Soka priest absence of shrine shrines serve concurrently. Year-round, but enjoy the Goshuin in-lead, Inc., The example festival and the new year in early July are also available locally. The-lead the company in a different typeface, write people Shrine officials. Red seal plant hall of worship right side of the special tent. It has been notified from 10 am to 18 pm, Early put away even there at about 17 o'clock in some circumstances.
shiromin on Google

素敵な御朱印があるのですが、頂けるのは正月と大祭の時との事。 残念。 拝殿裏手はとても広く、庭園や富士塚、公衆トイレや駐車場もあります。
There is a nice red stamp, but you can get it during the New Year and the festival. Too bad. The back of the hall of worship is very large, with a garden, Fujizuka, public toilets and parking lot.
v1 まっくす (まっくす) on Google

It was my second visit, but it seemed that I was away again, so I couldn't get the red stamp. There is no figure in the shrine office, but is it usually there? The photo is Fujizuka in the back of the park.
柏木龍雄 on Google

草加市谷塚町にある神社。 いつも正面から眺める機会が多いので気付きませんでしたが 神社の裏手に広場や庭園のほか、立派な富士塚があります。 御朱印は草加神社で頂けます。
A shrine in Yatsukacho, Soka City. I didn't notice because there were always many opportunities to see from the front Behind the shrine is a plaza and a garden, as well as a magnificent Fujizuka. The red stamp is available at Soka Shrine.
細田道人 on Google

埼玉県草加市瀬崎の浅間神社に初詣。 子どもの頃に縁日や豆まきの時期によく行った神社⛩️さんです。 本殿と神楽殿は昔のまま?な感じで趣があり、冨士塚は綺麗に整備されていましたね✨ 御朱印は境内横のテントで書いて頂けました。
First visit to Asama Shrine in Sezaki, Soka City, Saitama Prefecture. This is a shrine ⛩️ that I used to go to during fairs and sowing beans when I was a kid. The main shrine and the Kagura shrine are the same as they used to be, and the Fujizuka was in good condition. The red stamp was written in the tent next to the precincts.
Ganesh Chettanaa on Google

Perhaps because there is no priest who lives in, the large land is not utilized and it feels like a murderous landscape. The main shrine is as soon as you enter from the old national highway, but there are Fujinomiya and a small shrine in the back all the way, so let's visit there as well.
Jun Luke on Google

Immediately from Tobu Line Yatsuka Station. Behind the shrine is the Asama Garden, which is beautifully maintained. Of course there is Fujizuka, but it is surrounded by chains and cannot be climbed. Shimo-Asama Shrine, Asama Inari Shrine, and Pox Shrine are combined. Ten shrines are also enshrined on the precincts. You can get your seal at Soka Shrine.
高子修一 on Google

約半月ぶりの外出、行ってみたかった谷塚駅すぐの浅間神社。駅側の入口から入ってお参りをして、ぐるっと一周、裏側の階段は段差がちょっと高くて年配の方や足に自信がない方、おきをつけて。裏は広い公園のように開放的な空間があり、力石などもみれます。 奥へ進むと富士もありますが登る事は出来なくなっています。富士山は本当に「不尽讃」てくらいでまぁいつ見てもいいですよね。こちらでもてを合わせていつか登れるくらい元気に、って。他にも稲荷さんや色々あり、ぐるっとまわっても開けた公園部分には石のベンチがたくさんなのでひと息つけます。一歩外に出たら西側北側は大通りで車がたくさんですがしずかな時間を過ごす事ができました。
Asama Shrine near Yatsuka Station, which I wanted to visit after going out for the first time in about half a month. Enter from the entrance on the station side and go around, and the stairs on the back side have a slightly high step, so elderly people and those who are not confident in their legs, please be careful. The back has an open space like a large park, and you can see power stones. If you go to the back, you will find Mt. Fuji, but you cannot climb it. Mt. Fuji is really "unreasonable" and you can always see it. He said he was fine enough to climb together with him. There are many other people such as Inari, and even if you go around, there are many stone benches in the open park, so you can take a break. When I stepped outside, the north side of the west side was a main street and there were many cars, but I was able to spend a quiet time.

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