
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 藤枝市陶芸センター

住所 :

Setonoya, Fujieda, 〒426-0131 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://www.f-tougei.com/
街 : Shizuoka

Setonoya, Fujieda, 〒426-0131 Shizuoka,Japan
Hideki Tazuke on Google

I went to the store without making a reservation, but it was also possible to say that it was a weekday, and I was able to do an experience pottery. I was kind enough to teach even amateurs, and I was able to make it fun. There is also a day trip hot spring nearby and it is a fun spot hidden amid. I am also looking forward to summer shaved ice.
Kumini Tyler on Google

静岡の旅行できました。 じゃらんで予約して30分前くらいに着いてしまったら、受付のおば様に嫌な顔されました(笑) 忙しそうだけど段取りが悪く言い方もきつかったので 行かなきゃ良かったかな?と思ったけど。陶芸は先生も穏やかで気持ちも落ち着き、もしかしてわざとイラッとさせるアトラクションだったのかも?と家族で無理やり納得しました 出来上がったものはご実家届く予定ですが。また場合によっては更新します
I was able to travel in Shizuoka. When I made a reservation and arrived about 30 minutes ago, I was disgusted by the receptionist (laugh) It looks busy but the setup is bad and the language is hard Was it okay to go? I thought. Perhaps pottery was an attraction that calms and calms the teachers, and may be annoying on purpose. I was compelled by my family The finished product will be delivered to the parents' home. Also update in some cases
kt05. a on Google

お皿作り楽しかったです。 スタッフの方も丁寧に優しく教えてくれます。 ただ、作った物の形を勝手に変えられました。 めちゃくちゃこだわった形だったのでかなりショックでした。 理由を聞いても使いやすくしたかったのかもしれないと言われました。 は???って感じです。 自分で作るから意味があるんじゃないんですか? 作ってる段階で教えてほしいです
It was fun to make plates. The staff will also teach you politely and kindly. However, I was able to change the shape of the product I made. It was quite a shock because it was a very particular shape. I was told that I might have wanted to make it easier to use even if I asked why. teeth? ?? ?? I feel like. Doesn't it make sense because you make it yourself? I want you to tell me at the stage of making
co k-nyan on Google

谷稲葉ICを降り山側へ真っ直ぐ!! スタッフさんも丁寧で何より土いじりが楽しい。体験料も安い。仕上がりまで1ヶ月半かかるが自宅への配送と引取を選べます。
Go down the Yaniaba IC and go straight to the mountain side !! The staff is also polite, and above all, it is fun to play with the soil. Experience fee is also cheap. It takes a month and a half to finish it, but you can choose delivery to your home and pick up.
高柳美佐 on Google

初陶芸体験させていただきました? ん〜難しいが、慣れたら楽しいのかな? とりあえず出来上がりが楽しみです?
I experienced the first ceramic art ? Hmm, it's difficult, but is it fun once you get used to it? I'm looking forward to the completion ?
kong king on Google

予約無しで行ったのですが、体験を受け付けて頂けました♪ 2ヵ月後にマグカップが出来上がります。楽しみです。 マグカップの取っ手を付けることも、別途料金500円で可能でした。
I went without a reservation, but the experience was accepted ♪ The mug will be ready in 2 months. I'm looking forward to it. It was also possible to attach a mug handle for an additional charge of 500 yen.
あさ on Google

コロナ禍、団体で二度目の参加断念したので、回収に、、、道中遠いね 回収連絡で、外に展示がしてありました。みなさんの作品もツヤツヤで、どれもかっこいい〜 そして、自分のも、、、ツヤツヤ、ドッシリ、ご飯茶碗希望どうり、一皿は仕上がりました(♡ω♡ ) ~♪感激 裏に日付と氏名が彫ってありましたよ あー楽しかった(人*´∀`)。*゚+ じゃらんで予約、ろくろ体験プランにしたよ ¥1900〜オプションで、2枚とも焼き付けて買い取りにしたため+¥1000 焼き上がり郵送は+¥500〜 生徒4人に先生一人。まぁまぁ、マンツーマン指導をしていただきました(*´ω`*)感謝します
Corona, I gave up participating in the group for the second time, so it's far from the way to collect it. There was an exhibition outside at the collection contact. Everyone's works are also glossy, and they are all cool ~ And, my own, glossy, dossiri, rice bowl hope, one plate is finished (♡ ω ♡) ~ ♪ Impressed The date and name were engraved on the back. Ah, it was fun (people * ´∀ `). * ゚ + I made a reservation and made a rokuro experience plan. From ¥ 1900, as an option, both of them were baked and purchased, so + ¥ 1000 Baked mail is + ¥ 500 ~ One teacher for every four students. Well, thank you for the one-on-one guidance (* ´ω ` *)
曽根ともき on Google

様々な陶芸にチャレンジできます♪ つるつるしたもの,ざらざらしたもの,作品に合わせて作り分けられます! 女性の職員さん,ご丁寧に対応してくださいました^^
You can challenge various ceramic arts ♪ It can be made according to the slippery, rough, or work! Female staff, kindly responded ^^

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