Kofu Sogo Civic Hall - Kofu

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kofu Sogo Civic Hall

住所 :

Kofu City General Civic Auditorium, 2F 3 Chome-5-44 Aonuma, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-0867, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 400-0867
Webサイト : http://www.aluty.com/

Kofu City General Civic Auditorium, 2F 3 Chome-5-44 Aonuma, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-0867, Japan
ゴメ山ゴメ男 on Google

NHKの?️「のど自慢」観覧に当たったので行って来ました‼️ 中継の後、ゲストがもう2曲ずつ歌ってくれ、美川憲一の?「さそり座の女」と「柳ケ瀬ブルース」が良かったです ‼️? 市川由紀乃も一番有名な曲を2曲歌ってくれた‼️
I went to see it because I hit the NHK ?️ "throat pride" viewing !! Moth After the broadcast, the guests sang two more songs each, and Mikawa Kenichi's niece 'Scorpio's Woman' and 'Yanagase Blues' were good !! Moth Yukino Ichikawa also sang two of the most famous songs !! Moth
小林初子 on Google

This is where the high school I graduated from was. Sometimes I feel nostalgic. Now it's a civic center and I use it from time to time,
あいうえお on Google

駐車場も広く、住民票などの交付窓口もあり便利。 大きなイベントの時は近隣の小学校が臨時駐車場になったりします。 入り口に甲州弁の音声が聞ける自販機が設置されています。
The parking lot is large, and there is also a window for issuing resident cards, which is convenient. At the time of a big event, a nearby elementary school may become a temporary parking lot. There is a vending machine at the entrance where you can hear the voice of the Koshu dialect.
中込牧子 on Google

2月25日に確定申告の相談で来所しました。 1階で受付していた男性に私が主人の扶養に入れるかどうかを知りたいと言うと、相談の会場では無くその場所で1分待ってください、僕が教えます、そしてすぐにその場所にある椅子に座って待つ私に解りやすく説明をしてくれました。 素早い対応、他の来所者を待たせない、相談会場でひとつだけの項目を聞こうとしている私に機転を効かし、とても好感が持てました。 有難いと感じて帰宅しました。 自分にも30代の息子2人おりますが彼のような仕事に機転を効かせる仕事が出来ていたら良いなぁと思いました。
I came to the office on February 25 for consultation on final tax return. If you ask the man on the ground floor if I want to know if I'm going to be dependent on my husband, wait a minute at that place, not at the counseling venue, I'll tell you, and soon to that place He explained to me sitting in a chair and waiting in an easy-to-understand manner. I was very impressed with the quick response, the fact that I couldn't wait for other visitors, and the fact that I was trying to listen to only one item at the consultation site. I felt grateful and went home. I also have two sons in their thirties, but I wish I could have a job that would allow me to work like him.
Nazneen Begum on Google

Ray on Google

Good service and staff
Namya D on Google

6 courts of badminton; very good
Laurence Green on Google

Local community hub with ample parking. Spacious and equipped with many facilities - large stage catering to arts demonstrations

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