
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact やまたに自転車店

住所 :

Seta, Setagaya City, 〒158-0095 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
街 : Tokyo

Seta, Setagaya City, 〒158-0095 Tokyo,Japan
s t on Google

Even if the appointment time is too long, it will not come and there will be no contact. When you contact us, you will be told that it will take almost an hour. What do you think is your time?
yuco i on Google

自転車がパンクしてしまい、駅前の自転車屋さんに持って行ったら5千円以上かかると言われ買い換えようか迷っていた所に、パンク修理1500円で出張までしてくれるこちらを発見。街のおじちゃんとおばちゃんがやっている感じで、おばちゃんが取りに来てくれました。とっても親切で空気もパンパンに入れてくれたり他の緩んでた所?も調整してくれました。もちろん1500円のみでした。 駅前の愛想の悪い所にぼったくられずに済みました。
I found a bike that went out on a business trip with a puncture repair of 1500 yen, where it was said that it would cost more than 5,000 yen if I took it to a bicycle shop in front of the station and I was wondering if I could replace it. The uncle and aunt of the city were doing what they were doing, and the aunt came to pick them up. Was it very kind and let air into the pan or other loose places? Also adjusted. Of course it was only 1500 yen. I didn't get hit by bad places in front of the station.
丸吉はずみ on Google

We have been using it for 20 years ? Come to one's home or designated place with one phone call and it is fast and cheap and repair is perfect ❣️ It is an electric car of a car close to 10 years that I was impressed About several damage + breakdown In the shop, it was recommended to buy a replacement, but the uncle of the repair professional completely repaired it saying "If it's repaired, it's OK if you can get on at all". Check → It is a lot of things that I was glad I was glad to repair only the necessary parts ? Anyway, it is a handy mobile bicycle repair shop so please use it once by all means. I recommend it with confidence. I think that new cars are also sold in limited quantities and I can expect after follow-up.
中川貴司 on Google

親切で説明も わかりやすくまた、何かあったら 頼りたいです!タイヤの修理だったのに 料金追加なしでオイルからブレーキまで点検してもらいました。感謝!
Kind and easy to understand, and if anything happens, I would like to rely on it! Even though it was a tire repair I had them inspect everything from oil to brakes at no additional charge. Thanks!
竹中仁 on Google

面倒臭い 電動自転車 の修理なので 4軒 断わられ ましたが やまたに自転車の社長は 親切に対応してくれました。昭和の時代を感じる店です。
It was a hassle to repair an electric bicycle, so I was refused four houses, but once again the president of the bicycle kindly responded. It is a shop that feels the Showa era.
east middle on Google

家が近いので自分からお店に持っていきました。とても親切にしてくださいました! 必要な箇所色々いじってくれ、 やはりプロだなって思いました! おじさんありがとう! また次回もお願いします。 追伸 先程もタイヤのパンクを直して貰いました。 やはり職人さんだと感じました。 今は買い換が主流かもしれませんが、 自転車って基本何もなければ消耗品取り替えるだけでずっと乗られます。 ぜひここの職人さんのような方を利用して欲しいなって思います!
Since my house is near, I brought it to the store. Thank you very much for your kindness! Play around with the necessary parts, I thought I was a professional! Thank you uncle! Also please next time. PS I had you fix the flat tire on the tire earlier. After all I felt that he was a craftsman. Replacement by purchase may be the mainstream now, If you don't have anything to do with a bicycle, you can ride it all the time just by replacing the consumables. I definitely want you to use someone like a craftsman here!
Itoko Kurosawa on Google

Thank you for coming early !! I have been indebted to you twice so far, but they were very kind, very polite, and inspected other than the repaired parts. And it's a conscientious price. A reliable and reliable bicycle repair shop. I really recommend it!
Gabriel Fahm on Google

Unhelpful and standoffish. Told them I had a puncture and they didn’t want to help me. They didn’t even recommend a local shop who could help me.

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