Senmanin - Shiki District

4.2/5 に基づく 5 レビュー

Contact Senmanin

住所 :

504 Hokiji, Tawaramoto, Shiki District, Nara 636-0222, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 636-0222

504 Hokiji, Tawaramoto, Shiki District, Nara 636-0222, Japan
サカモトトシオ on Google

Tom Mat on Google

小野安貴子 on Google

Sakae Fuchikami on Google

It is the only remaining Yakushido in Hokiji Temple. It was founded earlier than that Horyuji Temple.
雲外蒼天123 on Google

池坐朝霧黄幡比賣神社天満宮を見守るように南を向いて仏堂が建っている。仏堂前から神社まで一直線に石畳みが続いていて、関係の深さが分かる。小さな仏堂のみだが、よく手入れされていて気持ちがいい。堂の右手に地蔵堂、その後ろに五輪塔か墓のようなものがある。堂の正面の格子戸にいくつかの小窓が開いていて、中を伺うことができる。中央に釈迦如来像、左に不動明王像、十一面観音菩薩像、右に弘法大師らしきものが見えた。 この千万院の南側に車が数台停められる。川の方から入ってすぐの法貴寺公園の角を曲がって天満宮の前をぐるっと回って到着。そこから天満宮も参拝できる。
A Buddhist temple is built facing south so as to watch over Tenmangu Shrine, Ikeza Asagiri Huanghata Shrine. The stone pavement continues in a straight line from the front of the Buddhist temple to the shrine, and you can see the depth of the relationship. It's only a small Buddhist temple, but it's well maintained and feels good. To the right of the hall is the Jizo-do, and behind it is something like a five-wheeled tower or a tomb. There are several small windows open in the lattice door in front of the hall, and you can see inside. The statue of Shaka Nyorai was seen in the center, the statue of Fudo Myo on the left, the statue of the Eleven-faced Kannon Bosatsu, and the statue of Kobo Daishi on the right. Several cars are parked on the south side of Senmanin. Around the corner of Hokiji Park just after entering from the river, we arrived around in front of Tenmangu. You can also visit Tenmangu from there.

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