Sengawa Pasta - Chofu

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sengawa Pasta

住所 :

1 Chome-50-2 Sengawacho, Chofu, Tokyo 182-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 182-0002
Webサイト :

1 Chome-50-2 Sengawacho, Chofu, Tokyo 182-0002, Japan
Rina Yamawaki on Google

一人でも入りやすいお店。 なんといってもリーズナブル!そして美味しい! 種類豊富なトッピングで自分好みのパスタが頂けます。迷う方にも安心な、おすすめ組み合わせもメニューに載っていますよ。
A shop that is easy to enter even by yourself. Reasonable after all! And delicious! You can have your favorite pasta with a wide variety of toppings. Recommended combinations are also on the menu, which is safe for those who are at a loss.
823 nappanatssu on Google

コスパ最強のモチモチ生パスタ。 細麺と平麺が選べたり、色々トッピングして自分好みにカスタマイズ出来たりと楽しいお店です。 お気に入りはペペロンチーノツナトマトトッピング! まんぼうが終わっても営業時間が21時のままなのが残念。残業後のご褒美に食べたいので以前の23時までに戻してほしいです。
Cospa's strongest chewy fresh pasta. You can choose between thin noodles and flat noodles, and you can customize it to your liking with various toppings. My favorite is Peperoncino Tuna Tomato Topping! It's a pity that the business hours are still 21:00 even after the sunfish is over. I want to eat it as a reward after working overtime, so I want you to return it by 23:00.
横川和樹 on Google

美味しい&楽しいカスタマイズパスタが楽しめます。麺はモッチモチの自家製麺。トッピング色々選べて、辛さ増しで激辛にアレンジ可、男性にはニンニク増しもおすすめです。 迷ったらおすすめメニューから選んでも間違いないです。 サラダの自家製ドレッシングもとっても美味しかったです。
Enjoy delicious & fun customized pasta. The noodles are homemade noodles with mochi mochi. You can choose various toppings, and you can arrange it with spiciness and spiciness, and for men, we also recommend adding garlic. If you get lost, you can definitely choose from the recommended menu. The homemade salad dressing was very delicious.
輝夜 on Google

自家製麺パスタ550円(税抜)から。 平日の夜に来店。並ばずスムーズに入れました。 麺は細麺のスパゲティか、太麺のナポリイネの2種類から選択できます。 今回注文したのはボロネーゼ大盛のナポリイネ(太麺)。 麺がモチモチで食べ応えがありました。 ソースも豚肉がふんだんに使われており、肉の旨味がギュッと詰まったソースでした。 1000円持ってれば十分お腹いっぱいになれるお店でした。 2022年2月6日追記: 今回はたらこバターのスパゲティ(大盛)を注文。 あとサラダセット。 サラダは3種類の自家製生ドレッシングをかけていただきます。 サラダドレッシングはマスタードベースです。 どのドレッシングもかなり濃いので、家でドバドバとドレッシングかけてる方は要注意。 しょっぱくなります。 主役のたらこバターは、海苔と大葉の香りがとてもよく、たらこバターソースも麺によく絡んでおり、とても美味しかったです。 2022年3月5日追記: 18時半頃に来店。 土曜日の夕食どきということもあってか店内はそこそこ混雑していました。 今回は今日から始まったジェノベーゼを注文。 出てきたパスタがめちゃくちゃ緑色で「オォ…」と。 食べてみると口の中に広がるバジルでまた「オォ…」と。 バジルがとても濃いパスタでした。(おいしかったです)
Homemade noodle pasta from 550 yen (excluding tax). Visited on weekday nights. I put it in smoothly without lining up. You can choose from two types of noodles: spaghetti with thin noodles and Naples rice with thick noodles. This time I ordered a large bowl of Bolognese Napoli rice (thick noodles). The noodles were chewy and chewy. Pork was used abundantly in the sauce, and the sauce was packed with the flavor of the meat. It was a shop where you could get full if you had 1000 yen. Added on February 6, 2022: This time I ordered spaghetti with tarako butter. Also a salad set. Salad will be dressed with 3 kinds of homemade raw dressing. Salad dressing is mustard-based. All dressings are quite dark, so be careful if you are dressing at home. It will be salty. The protagonist, cod roe butter, had a very good aroma of seaweed and perilla, and the cod roe butter sauce was often entwined with the noodles, which was very delicious. Added on March 5, 2022: I came to the store around 6:30 pm. The store was rather crowded, probably because it was Saturday dinner. This time I ordered Genovese, which started today. The pasta that came out was insanely green and said "Oh ...". When I tried it, the basil spread in my mouth and I said "Oh ..." again. Basil was a very thick pasta. (It was delicious)
いそべもち on Google

とても美味しく、イートインでもテイクアウトでもよく利用しています。 自家製のパスタがとにかくおいしい。 細麺か太麺を選べたり、辛さ&にんにくレベルを無料で調整できたり、トッピングの組み合わせを気分で変えてみたりと、メニューの自由度が高いところが好きです。 素朴でありながらも、家で作るパスタとやっぱり一味違うよなぁと思わせてくれるプロの味です。 そして何より良心的な価格! 気軽に行こうと思えるのでありがたいです。 店員さんも皆さん接客が丁寧で礼儀正しく、毎回気分良く過ごさせてもらっています。 お店のオープン時間からすぐにお客さんでいっぱいになり、土日のランチ時は入れないなんてこともよくありますが、その人気の理由も頷けます。 個人的おすすめは ペペロンチーノと、 アルポモドーロの辛さ2倍増しです。
It's very delicious and I often use it for both eat-in and take-out. Homemade pasta is delicious anyway. I like the high degree of freedom in the menu, such as choosing thin noodles or thick noodles, adjusting the spiciness & garlic level for free, and changing the combination of toppings according to your mood. Although it is simple, it is a professional taste that makes me think that it is a bit different from the pasta made at home. And above all, a reasonable price! I am grateful that I feel free to go. The staff are all polite and polite, and I feel good every time. It's often the case that the shop is full of customers right after the shop opens and you can't enter at lunch on Saturdays and Sundays, but the reason for its popularity can be nodded. My personal recommendation is With Peperoncino, The spiciness of Alpomodoro is doubled.
Yass U on Google

I always order the Kurozu meat. It's a Japanese style of pasta, which is one of the Bests.
Takashi Iida on Google

Love the chewiness of the pasta here - recommend thicker one.
Ema Alatini on Google

Food is great at Sengawa Pasta! The pasta and sauces are always fresh and the pasta is homemade and cooked perfectly al dente. The French fries were also really good. I had the pasta, salad, and drink set and it was fantastic! Ordered the eggplant bolognese with mozzarella. So yummy!

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